Briefly, the goal of metaseq is to tie together lots of existing software into a framework for exploring genomic data. It focuses on flexibility and interactive exploration and plotting of disparate genomic data sets.
The main documentation for metaseq can be found at
If you use metaseq in your work, please cite the following publication:
Dale, R. K., Matzat, L. H. & Lei, E. P. metaseq: a Python package for integrative genome-wide analysis reveals relationships between chromatin insulators and associated nuclear mRNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 42, 9158–9170 (2014).
Example 1 walks you through the creation of the following heatmap and line-plot figure:
Top: Heatmap of ATF3 ChIP-seq signal over transcription start sites (TSS) on chr17 in human K562 cells. Middle: average ChIP enrichment over all TSSs +/- 1kb, with 95% CI band. Bottom: Integration with ATF3 knockdown RNA-seq results, showing differential enrichment over transcripts that went up, down, or were unchanged upon ATF3 knockdown.
Example 2 walks you through the creation of the following scatterplot and marginal histogram figure:
Control vs knockdown expression (log2(FPKM + 1)) for an ATF3 knockdown experiment. Each point represents one transcript on chromosome 17. Marginal distributions are shown on top and side. 1:1 line shown as a dotted line. Up- and downregulated genes determined by a simple 2-fold cutoff.
In addition, metaseq offers:
Check out the full documentation for more.
Some use-cases for metaseq:
Where possible, the inputs are standard formats – BED, GFF, GTF, BAM, SAM, DESeq results as saved from R, or even arbitrary tab-delimited data files that have a header. If you take the time to convert to bigWig or bigBed, performance will be improved.