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Using Distributions

Since all of the variables in mcerp are statistical distributions, they are created internally using the scipy.stats distributions. There are also some convenience constructors that should make defining a distribution easier, though it’s not necessary to use them. See the source code of the UncertainVariable class for info that describes how to construct many of the most common statistical continuous and discrete distributions using the scipy.stats distributions (and some others not currently part of scipy.stats).


To track variables that may share the same distribution, each of the constructors below accepts an optional tag=... kwarg that can be accessed at anytime using x.tag.


Now, if you are like me, the easier the syntax–the better, thus, here are a set of equivalent constructors that I’ve found to be easier to use for the most common kinds of distributions (the location, scale, and shape parameters are described in their respective web pages and the source code):

Continuous Distributions
Beta(alpha, beta, [low, high]) Beta distribution
Bradford(q, [low, high]) Bradford distribution
Burr(c, k) Burr distribution
ChiSquared(k) or Chi2(k) Chi-squared distribution
Erf(h) Error Function distribution
Erlang(m, b) Erlang distribution
Exponential(lamda) or Exp(lamda) Exponential distribution
ExtValueMax(mu, sigma) or EVMax(mu, sigma) Extreme Value Maximum distribution
ExtValueMin(mu, sigma) or EVMin(mu, sigma) Extreme Value Minimum distribution
Fisher(d1, d2) or F(d1, d2) F-distribution
Gamma(k, theta) Gamma distribution
LogNormal(mu, sigma) or LogN(mu, sigma) Log-normal distribution
Normal(mu, sigma) or N(mu, sigma) Normal distribution
Pareto(q, a) (first kind) Pareto distribution
Pareto2(q, b) (second kind) Pareto2 distribution
PERT(low, peak, high) PERT distribution
StudentT(v) or T(v) T-distribution
Triangular(low, peak, high) or Tri(low, peak, high) Triangular distribution
Uniform(low, high) or U(low, high) Uniform distribution
Weibull(lamda, k) or Weib(lamda, k) Weibull distribution
Discrete Distributions
Bernoulli(p) or Bern(p) Bernoulli distribution
Binomial(n, p) or B(n, p) Binomial distribution
Geometric(p) or G(p) Geometric distribution
Hypergeometric(N, n, K) or H(N, n, K) Hypergeometric distribution
Poisson(lamda) or Pois(lamda) Poisson distribution

For example, the following constructions are equivalent:

# explicitly calling out the scipy.stats distribution
>>> import scipy.stats as ss
>>> x = uv(ss.norm(loc=10, scale=1))

# using a built-in constructor
>>> x = Normal(10, 1)

# and if there's a short-name alias available
>>> x = N(10, 1)

From my experience, the first option can be tedious and difficult to work with, but it does allow you to input any distribution defined in the scipy.stats sub-module, both continuous and discrete, if you know how. For the most common distributions, the MCERP constructors are hard to beat. If you feel like another distribution should be included in the “common” list, let me know!