A window that can be used for tools that handle the referene workflow.
- class jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.reftrackwin.ReftrackWin(refobjinter, root=None, parent=None, flags=0)[source]¶
Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_MainWindow, jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.reftrackwin_ui.Ui_reftrack_mwin
Display reftracks in a view that can be filtered, sorted etc.
You can either add your own reftrack.Reftrack objects to the root or call ReftrackWin.wrap_scene().
Initialize a new Reftrack window with the given refobjinter
Parameters: - root (jukeboxcore.reftrack.ReftrackRoot) – the reftrackroot, if None is given, a default one is created
- refobjinter (reftrack.RefobjInterface) – the refobjinterface to use
- parent (QWidget) – Optional - the parent of the window - default is None
- flags (QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags) – the window flags
Raises: None
- refobjinter = None¶
The reftrack.RefobjInterface this window uses.
- root = None¶
The reftrack.ReftrackRoot this window uses.
- typecbmap = None¶
Map a type to a checkboxes that indicates if the type should be shown
- create_root()[source]¶
Create a default reftrack root.
Returns: a reftrack root Return type: reftrack.ReftrackRoot Raises: None
- create_proxy_model(model)[source]¶
Create a sort filter proxy model for the given model
Parameters: model (QtGui.QAbstractItemModel) – the model to wrap in a proxy Returns: a new proxy model that can be used for sorting and filtering Return type: QtGui.QAbstractItemModel Raises: None
- setup_signals()[source]¶
Connect the signals with the slots to make the ui functional
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- setup_filter()[source]¶
Create a checkbox for every reftrack type so one can filter them
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- switch_showfilter_icon(toggled)[source]¶
Switch the icon on the showfilter_tb
Parameters: toggled (bool) – the state of the button Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- open_addnew_win(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Open a new window so the use can choose to add new reftracks
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: NotImplementedError
- addnewwin_destroyed(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Delete the internal reference to the reftrackadderwin
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- update_filter(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Update the filter
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: NotImplementedError
- wrap_scene()[source]¶
Wrap all reftracks in the scenen and get suggestions and display it in the view
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x000000000967EB08>¶
- class jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.reftrackwin.ReftrackAdderWin(refobjinter, root, parent=None, flags=0)[source]¶
Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_MainWindow, jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.reftrackadder_ui.Ui_reftrackadder_mwin
A window for adding new reftracks to reftrack treemodel.
Initialize a new ReftrackAdder window with the given refobjinter that will add new reftracks to the given root.
Parameters: - refobjinter –
- root –
- parent –
- flags –
Raises: None
- setup_signals()[source]¶
Connect the signals with the slots to make the ui functional
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- create_shot_model()[source]¶
Return a treemodel with the levels: project, sequence, shot and reftrack type
Returns: a treemodel Return type: jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel Raises: None
- staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x000000000967ECC8>¶
- create_asset_model()[source]¶
Return a treemodel with the levels: project, assettype, asset and reftrack type
Returns: a treemodel Return type: jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel Raises: None