Define constant values that matter for the whole pipeline here
The paths for data are relative paths from the package dir. To get the path to the actual data that is installed use:
pgk_resources.resource_filename('jukeboxcore', <data_path>)
jukeboxcore is the name of the package and datapath the relative path inside the package. Usually all data is inside a data directory of the package.
- jukeboxcore.constants.loglvl_mapping = {'INFO': 20, 'CRITCAL': 50, 'WARNING': 30, 'ERROR': 40, 'DEBUG': 10, 'NOTSET': 0}¶
Mapping of for the environment variable JUKEBOX_LOG_LEVEL
- jukeboxcore.constants.DEFAULT_LOGGING_LEVEL = 10¶
All loggers should use this level by default. When you obtain a logger with jukeboxcore.log.get_logger(), it will have this level. Can be overwritten by the environment variable "JUKEBOX_LOG_LEVEL". Possible values for the environment variable are:
- jukeboxcore.constants.BUILTIN_PLUGIN_PATH = 'h:\\projects\\jukebox-core\\src\\jukeboxcore\\addons'¶
Path to all builtin plugins. The pluginmanager will load these by default.
- jukeboxcore.constants.USERDIR = 'h:\\.jukebox'¶
The pipeline userdirectory. Here the pipeline can store or load userpreferences etc.
- jukeboxcore.constants.CONFIG_EXT = 'ini'¶
All config files should have this extension.
- jukeboxcore.constants.CONFIG_DIR = 'h:\\.jukebox\\config'¶
The directory where user configs are stored.
- jukeboxcore.constants.PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR = 'h:\\.jukebox\\config\\plugins'¶
The directory where plugins store their configs.
- jukeboxcore.constants.CORE_CONFIG_PATH = 'h:\\.jukebox\\config\\core.ini'¶
The filepath of the core config.
- jukeboxcore.constants.DATA_DIR = 'data'¶
Location of the data directory of this package relative to the package path.
- jukeboxcore.constants.CORE_CONFIG_SPEC_PATH = 'h:\\projects\\jukebox-core\\src\\jukeboxcore\\data\\corespec.ini'¶
The filepath to the configspec of core.ini
- jukeboxcore.constants.ICON_PATH = 'data\\icons'¶
Data path to the icons.
- jukeboxcore.constants.STYLESHEET_PATH = 'data\\stylesheets'¶
Data path to the stylesheet directory
- jukeboxcore.constants.MAIN_STYLESHEET = 'h:\\projects\\jukebox-core\\src\\jukeboxcore\\data\\stylesheets\\main.qss'¶
The default or main stylesheet that should be used by all our guis. Usually jukeboxcore.gui.main.set_main_style() will do that for standalone apps.
- jukeboxcore.constants.MAYA_VERSION = '2015'¶
The supported maya version for jukebox.
- jukeboxcore.constants.MAYA_REG_KEY = 'Software\\Autodesk\\Maya\\2015\\Setup\\InstallPath'¶
Registry key on windows to access maya install path