Situation: We have two directories containing YAML files with donations of same structure (or at least same subset of fields that we are interested in):
Some numeric fields are represented as strings, contain leading or trailing spaces, spaces between numbers.
Objective: We want to create a CSV file donations.csv that will contain records from both directories. Moreover we want to clean the fields: strip spaces from strings and convert mumbers stored as strings into numbers. Also we want to know, how many of fields are filled in.
Problem can be solved using following data stream:
The stream consists of following nodes (from left to right):
Import brewery streams and nodes:
from brewery.streams import *
from brewery.nodes import *
Create a dictionary containing nodes. We will refer to the nodes by name later.
nodes = {
"source1": YamlDirectorySourceNode(path = "donations/source1"),
"source2": YamlDirectorySourceNode(path = "donations/source2"),
"append": AppendNode(),
"clean": CoalesceValueToTypeNode(),
"output": CSVTargetNode(resource = "donations.csv"),
"audit": AuditNode(distinct_threshold = None),
"print": FormattedPrinterNode()
Connect the nodes:
connections = [ ("source1", "append"),
("source2", "append"),
("append", "clean"),
("clean", "output"),
("clean", "audit"),
("audit", "print")
Specify fields that we are going to process from sources. Also specify their types for automated cleansing. For more information about fields see brewery.ds.Field and brewery.ds.FieldList. If you are not creating FieldList object directly, then make sure that you convert an array using brewery.ds.fieldlist().
fields = [ "file",
("source_code", "string"),
("id", "string"),
("receiver_name", "string"),
("project", "string"),
("requested_amount", "float"),
("received_amount", "float"),
("source_comment", "string")
nodes["source1"].fields = ds.fieldlist(fields)
nodes["source2"].fields = ds.fieldlist(fields)
Configure printer node (Formatted Printer) to create nicely aligned text output:
nodes["print"].header = u"field nulls empty distinct\n" \
nodes["print"].format = u"{field_name:<30.30} {null_record_ratio: >7.2%} "\
"{empty_string_count:>10} {distinct_count:>10}"
Create brewery.streams.Stream and run it:
stream = Stream(nodes, connections)
Stream will create the donations.csv and will produce a report on standard output that will look something like this:
field nulls empty distinct
file 0.00% 0 32
source_code 0.00% 0 2
id 9.96% 0 907
receiver_name 9.10% 0 1950
project 0.05% 0 3628
requested_amount 22.90% 0 924
received_amount 4.98% 0 728
source_comment 99.98% 0 2
We know how complete (non-null) our fields are. However, are they complete enough? Say we want at least 95% completeness. We can learn from our report which fields are complete enough or not, based on the nulls report coulmn. We still have to read the number and decide.
To aid our decision, in addition to percentage of nulls we add a flag whether the field is ok or not based on threshold. If the field null percent is greater than 5% the field quality fails and we mark it as fail, otherwise the field test passes and we mark it as ok. To derive the flag we insert a Value Threshold node.
nodes = {
"source1": YamlDirectorySourceNode(path = "donations/source1"),
"source2": YamlDirectorySourceNode(path = "donations/source2"),
"append": AppendNode(),
"clean": CoalesceValueToTypeNode(),
"output": CSVTargetNode(resource = "donations.csv"),
"audit": AuditNode(distinct_threshold = None),
"threshold": ValueThresholdNode(), # <-- this was is added
"print": FormattedPrinterNode()
Rewire nodes:
connections = [ ("source1", "append"),
("source2", "append"),
("append", "clean"),
("clean", "output"),
("clean", "audit"), # \
("audit", "threshold"), # |-- rewired
("threshold", "print") # /
We consider field to be ok when null count is less than 5%, otherwise test fails. Therefore we configure threshold node like this:
nodes["threshold"].thresholds = [ ["null_record_ratio", 0.05] ]
nodes["threshold"].bin_names = ("ok", "fail")
Update report template to include new derived field:
nodes["print"].header = u"field nulls status distinct\n" \
nodes["print"].format = u"{field_name:<30.30} {null_record_ratio: >7.2%} "\
"{null_record_ratio_bin:>10} {distinct_count:>10}"
The output should look like this:
field nulls status distinct
file 0.00% ok 32
source_code 0.00% ok 2
id 9.96% fail 907
receiver_name 9.10% fail 1950
project 0.05% ok 3628
requested_amount 22.90% fail 924
received_amount 4.98% ok 728
source_comment 99.98% fail 2