Stream: Append Sources, Clean, Store and Audit ============================================== **Situation**: We have two directories containing YAML files with donations of same structure (or at least same subset of fields that we are interested in):: donations/source1/ record_0.yml record_1.yml record_2.yml ... donations/source2/ record_0.yml record_1.yml record_2.yml ... Some numeric fields are represented as strings, contain leading or trailing spaces, spaces between numbers. **Objective**: We want to create a CSV file ``donations.csv`` that will contain records from both directories. Moreover we want to clean the fields: strip spaces from strings and convert mumbers stored as strings into numbers. Also we want to know, how many of fields are filled in. Solution -------- Problem can be solved using following data stream: .. figure:: pipes_append_clean_audit.png Data stream. The stream consists of following nodes (from left to right): * two YAML directory sources (:ref:`YamlDirectorySourceNode`) * :ref:`AppendNode` - sequentially concatenate streams * :ref:`CoalesceValueToTypeNode` - fix field values according to specified type, for example convert strings into integers for fields of type `integer` * :ref:`CSVTargetNode` * :ref:`AuditNode` * :ref:`FormattedPrinterNode` Code ---- Import brewery streams and nodes: .. code-block:: python from brewery.streams import * from brewery.nodes import * Create a dictionary containing nodes. We will refer to the nodes by name later. .. code-block:: python nodes = { "source1": YamlDirectorySourceNode(path = "donations/source1"), "source2": YamlDirectorySourceNode(path = "donations/source2"), "append": AppendNode(), "clean": CoalesceValueToTypeNode(), "output": CSVTargetNode(resource = "donations.csv"), "audit": AuditNode(distinct_threshold = None), "print": FormattedPrinterNode() } Connect the nodes: .. code-block:: python connections = [ ("source1", "append"), ("source2", "append"), ("append", "clean"), ("clean", "output"), ("clean", "audit"), ("audit", "print") ] Specify fields that we are going to process from sources. Also specify their types for automated cleansing. For more information about fields see :class:`brewery.ds.Field` and :class:`brewery.ds.FieldList`. If you are not creating `FieldList` object directly, then make sure that you convert an array using :func:`brewery.ds.fieldlist`. .. code-block:: python fields = [ "file", ("source_code", "string"), ("id", "string"), ("receiver_name", "string"), ("project", "string"), ("requested_amount", "float"), ("received_amount", "float"), ("source_comment", "string") ] nodes["source1"].fields = ds.fieldlist(fields) nodes["source2"].fields = ds.fieldlist(fields) Configure printer node (:ref:`FormattedPrinterNode`) to create nicely aligned text output: .. code-block:: python nodes["print"].header = u"field nulls empty distinct\n" \ "------------------------------------------------------------" nodes["print"].format = u"{field_name:<30.30} {null_record_ratio: >7.2%} "\ "{empty_string_count:>10} {distinct_count:>10}" Create :class:`brewery.streams.Stream` and run it: .. code-block:: python stream = Stream(nodes, connections) Stream will create the ``donations.csv`` and will produce a report on standard output that will look something like this:: field nulls empty distinct ------------------------------------------------------------ file 0.00% 0 32 source_code 0.00% 0 2 id 9.96% 0 907 receiver_name 9.10% 0 1950 project 0.05% 0 3628 requested_amount 22.90% 0 924 received_amount 4.98% 0 728 source_comment 99.98% 0 2 Improvement ----------- We know how complete (non-null) our fields are. However, are they complete enough? Say we want at least 95% completeness. We can learn from our report which fields are complete enough or not, based on the ``nulls`` report coulmn. We still have to read the number and decide. To aid our decision, in addition to percentage of nulls we add a flag whether the field is ok or not based on threshold. If the field null percent is greater than 5% the field quality fails and we mark it as ``fail``, otherwise the field test passes and we mark it as ``ok``. To derive the flag we insert a :ref:`ValueThresholdNode` node. .. figure:: pipes_append_clean_audit2.png Updated data stream with value threshold node. .. code-block:: python nodes = { "source1": YamlDirectorySourceNode(path = "donations/source1"), "source2": YamlDirectorySourceNode(path = "donations/source2"), "append": AppendNode(), "clean": CoalesceValueToTypeNode(), "output": CSVTargetNode(resource = "donations.csv"), "audit": AuditNode(distinct_threshold = None), "threshold": ValueThresholdNode(), # <-- this was is added "print": FormattedPrinterNode() } Rewire nodes: .. code-block:: python connections = [ ("source1", "append"), ("source2", "append"), ("append", "clean"), ("clean", "output"), ("clean", "audit"), # \ ("audit", "threshold"), # |-- rewired ("threshold", "print") # / ] We consider field to be `ok` when null count is less than 5%, otherwise test fails. Therefore we configure threshold node like this: .. code-block:: python nodes["threshold"].thresholds = [ ["null_record_ratio", 0.05] ] nodes["threshold"].bin_names = ("ok", "fail") Update report template to include new derived field: .. code-block:: python nodes["print"].header = u"field nulls status distinct\n" \ "------------------------------------------------------------" nodes["print"].format = u"{field_name:<30.30} {null_record_ratio: >7.2%} "\ "{null_record_ratio_bin:>10} {distinct_count:>10}" The output should look like this:: field nulls status distinct ------------------------------------------------------------ file 0.00% ok 32 source_code 0.00% ok 2 id 9.96% fail 907 receiver_name 9.10% fail 1950 project 0.05% ok 3628 requested_amount 22.90% fail 924 received_amount 4.98% ok 728 source_comment 99.98% fail 2 .. seealso:: * :ref:`YamlDirectorySourceNode` * :ref:`AppendNode` * :ref:`CoalesceValueToTypeNode` * :ref:`CSVTargetNode` * :ref:`AuditNode` * :ref:`FormattedPrinterNode` * :ref:`ValueThresholdNode`