Synopsis: Read data from a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Identifier: csv_source (class: brewery.nodes.CSVSourceNode)
Source node that reads comma separated file from a filesystem or a remote URL.
It is recommended to configure node fields before running. If you do not do so, fields are read from the file header if specified by read_header flag. Field storage types are set to string and analytical type is set to typeless.
attribute | description |
resource | File name or URL containing comma separated values |
fields | fields contained in the file |
read_header | flag determining whether first line contains header or not |
skip_rows | number of rows to be skipped |
encoding | resource data encoding, by default no conversion is performed |
delimiter | record delimiter character, default is comma ‘,’ |
quotechar | character used for quoting string values, default is double quote |
Synopsis: Read data from ElasticSearch engine
Identifier: es_source (class: brewery.nodes.ESSourceNode)
Source node that reads from an ElasticSearch index.
See ElasticSearch home page for more information:
attribute | description |
document_type | ElasticSearch document type name |
expand | expand dictionary values and treat children as top-level keys with dot ‘.’ separated key path to the child |
database | database name |
host | database server host, default is localhost |
port | database server port, default is 27017 |
Synopsis: Uses a callable as record generator
Identifier: generator_function_source (class: brewery.nodes.GeneratorFunctionSourceNode)
Source node uses a callable to generate records.
attribute | description |
function | Function (or any callable) |
fields | Fields the function generates |
args | Function arguments |
kwargs | Function key-value arguments |
Synopsis: Read data from a Google Spreadsheet.
Identifier: google_spreadsheet_source (class: brewery.nodes.GoogleSpreadsheetSourceNode)
Source node that reads Google Spreadsheet.
You should provide either spreadsheet_key or spreadsheet_name, if more than one spreadsheet with given name are found, then the first in list returned by Google is used.
For worksheet selection you should provide either worksheet_id or worksheet_name. If more than one worksheet with given name are found, then the first in list returned by Google is used. If no worksheet_id nor worksheet_name are provided, then first worksheet in the workbook is used.
For details on query string syntax see the section on sq under
attribute | description |
spreadsheet_key | The unique key for the spreadsheet |
spreadsheet_name | The title of the spreadsheets |
worksheet_id | ID of a worksheet |
worksheet_name | name of a worksheet |
query_string | optional query string for row selection |
username | Google account user name |
password | Google account password |
Synopsis: Provide list of dict objects as data source.
Identifier: record_list_source (class: brewery.nodes.RecordListSourceNode)
Source node that feeds records (dictionary objects) from a list (or any other iterable) object.
attribute | description |
a_list | List of records represented as dictionaries. |
fields | Fields in the list. |
Synopsis: Provide list of lists or tuples as data source.
Identifier: row_list_source (class: brewery.nodes.RowListSourceNode)
Source node that feeds rows (list/tuple of values) from a list (or any other iterable) object.
attribute | description |
list | List of rows represented as lists or tuples. |
fields | Fields in the list. |
Synopsis: Read data from a sql table.
Identifier: sql_source (class: brewery.nodes.SQLSourceNode)
Source node that reads from a sql table.
attribute | description |
uri | SQLAlchemy URL |
table | table name |
Synopsis: Generic data stream data source node.
Identifier: stream_source (class: brewery.nodes.StreamSourceNode)
Generic data stream source. Wraps a brewery.ds data source and feeds data to the output.
The source data stream should configure fields on initialize().
Note that this node is only for programatically created processing streams. Not useable in visual, web or other stream modelling tools.
attribute | description |
stream | Data stream object. |
Synopsis: Read data from an Excel (XLS) spreadsheet file.
Identifier: xls_source (class: brewery.nodes.XLSSourceNode)
Source node that reads Excel XLS files.
It is recommended to configure node fields before running. If you do not do so, fields are read from the file header if specified by read_header flag. Field storage types are set to string and analytical type is set to typeless.
attribute | description |
resource | File name or URL containing comma separated values |
fields | fields contained in the file |
sheet | Sheet index number (as int) or sheet name (as string) |
read_header | flag determining whether first line contains header or not |
skip_rows | number of rows to be skipped |
encoding | resource data encoding, by default no conversion is performed |
Synopsis: Read data from a directory containing YAML files
Identifier: yaml_directory_source (class: brewery.nodes.YamlDirectorySourceNode)
Source node that reads data from a directory containing YAML files.
The data source reads files from a directory and treats each file as single record. For example, following directory will contain 3 records:
Optionally one can specify a field where file name will be stored.
attribute | description |
path | Path to a directory |
extension | file extension to look for, default is yml. If none is given, then all regular files in the directory are read. |
filename_field | name of a new field that will contain file name |
Synopsis: Aggregate values grouping by key fields.
Identifier: aggregate (class: brewery.nodes.AggregateNode)
attribute | description |
keys | List of fields according to which records are grouped |
record_count_field | Name of a field where record count will be stored. Default is record_count |
measures | List of fields to be aggregated. |
Synopsis: Concatenate input streams.
Identifier: append (class: brewery.nodes.AppendNode)
Sequentialy append input streams. Concatenation order reflects input stream order. The input streams should have same set of fields.
Synopsis: Perform basic data audit.
Identifier: audit (class: brewery.nodes.AuditNode)
Node chcecks stream for empty strings, not filled values, number distinct values.
Audit note passes following fields to the output:
- field_name - name of a field from input
- record_count - number of records
- null_count - number of records with null value for the field
- null_record_ratio - ratio of null count to number of records
- empty_string_count - number of strings that are empty (for fields of type string)
- distinct_count - number of distinct values (if less than distinct threshold). Set to None if there are more distinct values than distinct_threshold.
attribute | description |
distinct_threshold | number of distinct values to be tested. If there are more than the threshold, then values are not included any more and result distinct_values is set to None |
Synopsis: Derive a new field using an expression.
Identifier: derive (class: brewery.nodes.DeriveNode)
Dreive a new field from other fields using an expression or callable function.
The parameter names of the callable function should reflect names of the fields:
def get_half(i, **args):
return i / 2
node.formula = get_half
You can use **record to catch all or rest of the fields as dictionary:
def get_half(**record):
return record["i"] / 2
node.formula = get_half
The formula can be also a string with python expression where local variables are record field values:
node.formula = "i / 2"
attribute | description |
field_name | Derived field name |
formula | Callable or a string with python expression that will evaluate to new field value |
analytical_type | Analytical type of the new field |
storage_type | Storage type of the new field |
Synopsis: Pass only distinct records (discard duplicates) or pass only duplicates
Identifier: distinct (class: brewery.nodes.DistinctNode)
Node will pass distinct records with given distinct fields.
If discard is False then first record with distinct keys is passed to the output. This is used to find all distinct key values.
If discard is True then first record with distinct keys is discarded and all duplicate records with same key values are passed to the output. This mode is used to find duplicate records. For example: there should be only one invoice per organisation per month. Set distinct_fields to organisaion and month, sed discard to True. Running this node should give no records on output if there are no duplicates.
attribute | description |
distinct_fields | List of key fields that will be considered when comparing records |
discard | Field where substition result will be stored. If not set, then original field will be replaced with new value. |
Synopsis: Select records by a predicate function (python callable).
Identifier: function_select (class: brewery.nodes.FunctionSelectNode)
Select records that will be selected by a predicate function.
Example: configure a node that will select records where amount field is greater than 100
def select_greater_than(value, threshold):
return value > threshold
node.function = select_greater_than
node.fields = ["amount"]
node.kwargs = {"threshold": 100}
The discard flag controls behaviour of the node: if set to True, then selection is inversed and fields that function evaluates as True are discarded. Default is False - selected records are passed to the output.
attribute | description |
function | Predicate function. Should be a callable object. |
fields | List of field names to be passed to the function. |
discard | flag whether the selection is discarded or included |
kwargs | Keyword arguments passed to the predicate function |
Synopsis: Merge two or more streams
Identifier: merge (class: brewery.nodes.MergeNode)
Merge two or more streams (join).
Inputs are joined in a star-like fashion: one input is considered master and others are details adding information to the master. By default master is the first input. Joins are specified as list of tuples: (input_tag, master_input_key, other_input_key).
Following configuration code shows how to add region and category details:
node.keys = [ [1, "region_code", "code"],
[2, "category_code", "code"] ]
Master input should have fields region_code and category_code, other inputs should have code field with respective values equal to master keys.
node.keys = [ [1, "region_code", "code"],
[2, ("category_code", "year"), ("code", "year")] ]
As a key you might use either name of a sigle field or list of fields for compound keys. If you use compound key, both keys should have same number of fields. For example, if there is categorisation based on year:
The detail key might be omitted if it the same as in master input:
node.keys = [ [1, "region_code"],
[2, "category_code"] ]
Master input should have fields region_code and category_code, input #1 should have region_code field and input #2 should have category_code field.
To filter-out fields you do not want in your output or to rename fields you can use maps. It should be a dictionary where keys are input tags and values are either FieldMap objects or dictionaries with keys rename and drop.
Following example renames source_region_name field in input 0 and drops field id in input 1:
node.maps = {
0: FieldMap(rename = {"source_region_name":"region_name"}),
1: FieldMap(drop = ["id"])
It is the same as:
node.maps = {
0: { "rename" = {"source_region_name":"region_name"} },
1: { "drop" = ["id"] }
The first option is preferred, the dicitonary based option is provided for convenience in cases nodes are being constructed from external description (such as JSON dictionary).
Limitations of current implementation (might be improved in the future):
How does it work: all records from detail inputs are read first. Then records from master input are read and joined with cached input records. It is recommended that the master dataset set is the largest from all inputs.
attribute | description |
joins | Join specification (see node documentation) |
master | Tag (index) of input dataset which will be considered as master |
maps | Specification of which fields are passed from input and how they are going to be (re)named |
join_types | Dictionary where keys are stream tags (indexes) and values are types of join for the stream. Default is ‘inner’. – Not implemented |
Synopsis: Pass data sample from input to output.
Identifier: sample (class: brewery.nodes.SampleNode)
Create a data sample from input stream. There are more sampling possibilities:
Node can work in two modes: pass sample to the output or discard sample and pass the rest. The mode is controlled through the discard flag. When it is false, then sample is passed and rest is discarded. When it is true, then sample is discarded and rest is passed.
There are currently three sampling methods: method = “first” takes the first size records, method = “random” selects size records at random from the entire pipe, whereas method = “percent” selects, in expectation, size percent of the stream. Note that percent selects each element with probability p=size/100, so the actual size of the sample will vary. If you need an exact number of elements in your sample, use the random method.
Random sampling is important if you want to get an overview of the entire dataset. The random and percent methods ensure that the sample will be representative of the dataset. The same is not true for first, because the records may have been ordered in the input stream, and problematic records may be under- or overrepresented in the first batch.
attribute | description |
size | Size of the sample to be passed to the output |
discard | flag whether the sample is discarded or included |
method | “first” (default): take first size records, “random”: take size records at random, “percent”: take each record with size/100 probability |
Synopsis: Select or discard records from the stream according to a predicate.
Identifier: select (class: brewery.nodes.SelectNode)
Select or discard records from the stream according to a predicate.
The parameter names of the callable function should reflect names of the fields:
def is_big_enough(i, **args):
return i > 1000000
node.condition = is_big_enough
You can use **record to catch all or rest of the fields as dictionary:
def is_big_enough(**record):
return record["i"] > 1000000
node.condition = is_big_enough
The condition can be also a string with python expression where local variables are record field values:
node.condition = "i > 1000000"
attribute | description |
condition | Callable or a string with python expression that will evaluate to a boolean value |
discard | flag whether the records matching condition are discarded or included |
Synopsis: Select records by a predicate function.
Identifier: set_select (class: brewery.nodes.SetSelectNode)
Select records where field value is from predefined set of values.
Use case examples:
attribute | description |
field | Field to be tested. |
value_set | set of values that will be used for record selection |
discard | flag whether the selection is discarded or included |
Synopsis: Derive a field based on binned values (histogram)
Identifier: binning (class: brewery.nodes.BinningNode)
Derive a bin/category field from a value.
Not yet implemented
Binning modes:
Synopsis: Coalesce Value to Type
Identifier: coalesce_value_to_type (class: brewery.nodes.CoalesceValueToTypeNode)
Coalesce values of selected fields, or fields of given type to match the type.
attribute | description |
fields | List of fields to be cleansed. If none given then all fields of known storage type are cleansed |
types | List of field types to be coalesced (if no fields given) |
empty_values | dictionary of type -> value pairs to be set when field is considered empty (null) |
Synopsis: Rename or drop fields from the stream.
Identifier: field_map (class: brewery.nodes.FieldMapNode)
Node renames input fields or drops them from the stream.
attribute | description |
map_fields | Dictionary of input to output field name. |
drop_fields | List of fields to be dropped from the stream - incompatible with keep_fields. |
keep_fields | List of fields to keep from the stream - incompatible with drop_fields. |
Synopsis: Strip characters.
Identifier: string_strip (class: brewery.nodes.StringStripNode)
Strip spaces (orother specified characters) from string fields.
attribute | description |
fields | List of string fields to be stripped. If none specified, then all fields of storage type string are stripped |
chars | Characters to be stripped. By default all white-space characters are stripped. |
Synopsis: Substitute text in a field using regular expression.
Identifier: text_substitute (class: brewery.nodes.TextSubstituteNode)
Substitute text in a field using regular expression.
attribute | description |
field | Field containing a string or text value where substition will be applied |
derived_field | Field where substition result will be stored. If not set, then original field will be replaced with new value. |
substitutions | List of substitutions: each substition is a two-element tuple (pattern, replacement) where pattern is a regular expression that will be replaced using replacement |
Synopsis: Bin values based on a threshold.
Identifier: value_threshold (class: brewery.nodes.ValueThresholdNode)
Create a field that will refer to a value bin based on threshold(s). Values of range type can be compared against one or two thresholds to get low/high or low/medium/high value bins.
Note: this node is not yet implemented
The result is stored in a separate field that will be constructed from source field name and prefix/suffix.
Generated field will be amount_threshold and will contain one of three possible values: low, medium, hight
Another possible use case might be for binning after data audit: we want to measure null record count and we set thresholds:
- ratio < 5% is ok
- 5% <= ratio <= 15% is fair
- ratio > 15% is bad
We set thresholds as (0.05, 0.15) and values to ("ok", "fair", "bad")
attribute | description |
thresholds | List of fields of range type and threshold tuples (field, low, high) or (field, low) |
bin_names | Names of bins based on threshold. Default is low, medium, high |
prefix | field prefix to be used, default is none. |
suffix | field suffix to be used, default is ‘_bin’ |
Synopsis: Write rows as comma separated values into a file
Identifier: csv_target (class: brewery.nodes.CSVTargetNode)
Node that writes rows into a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Attributes: |
attribute | description |
resource | Target object - file name or IO object. |
write_headers | Flag determining whether to write field names as file headers. |
truncate | If set to True all data from file are removed. Default True |
Synopsis: Feed data rows into a relational database table
Identifier: sql_table_target (class: brewery.nodes.DatabaseTableTargetNode)
Feed data rows into a relational database table.
attribute | description |
url | Database URL in form: adapter://user:password@host/database |
connection | SQLAlchemy database connection - either this or url should be specified |
table | table name |
truncate | If set to True all data table are removed prior to node execution. Default is False - data are appended to the table |
create | create table if it does not exist or not |
replace | Set to True if creation should replace existing table or not, otherwise node will fail on attempt to create a table which already exists |
buffer_size | how many records are collected before they are inserted using multi-insert statement. Default is 1000 |
options | other SQLAlchemy connect() options |
Synopsis: Print input using a string formatter to an output IO stream
Identifier: formatted_printer (class: brewery.nodes.FormattedPrinterNode)
Target node that will print output based on format.
Refer to the python formatting guide:
Consider we have a data with information about donations. We want to pretty print two fields: project and requested_amount in the form:
Hlavicka - makovicka 27550.0
Obecna kniznica - symbol moderneho vzdelavania 132000.0
Vzdelavanie na europskej urovni 60000.0
Node for given format is created by:
node = FormattedPrinterNode(format = u"{project:<50.50} {requested_amount:>20}")
Following format can be used to print output from an audit node:
node.header = u"field nulls empty distinct\n" \
node.format = u"{field_name:<30.30} {null_record_ratio: >7.2%} "\
"{empty_string_count:>10} {distinct_count:>10}"
Output will look similar to this:
field nulls empty distinct
file 0.00% 0 32
source_code 0.00% 0 2
id 9.96% 0 907
receiver_name 9.10% 0 1950
project 0.05% 0 3628
requested_amount 22.90% 0 924
received_amount 4.98% 0 728
source_comment 99.98% 0 2
attribute | description |
format | Format string to be used. Default is to print all field values separated by tab character. |
target | IO object. If not set then sys.stdout will be used. If it is a string, then it is considered a filename. |
delimiter | Record delimiter. By default it is new line character. |
header | Header string - will be printed before printing first record |
footer | Footer string - will be printed after all records are printed |
Synopsis: Print input using a pretty formatter to an output IO stream
Identifier: pretty_printer (class: brewery.nodes.PrettyPrinterNode)
Target node that will pretty print output as a table.
attribute | description |
target | IO object. If not set then sys.stdout will be used. If it is a string, then it is considered a filename. |
max_column_width | Maximum column width. Default is unlimited. If set to None, then it is unlimited. |
min_column_width | Minimum column width. Default is 0 characters. |
Synopsis: Store data as list of dictionaries (records)
Identifier: record_list_target (class: brewery.nodes.RecordListTargetNode)
Target node that stores data from input in a list of records (dictionary objects) object.
To get list of fields, ask for output_fields.
attribute | description |
records | Created list of records represented as dictionaries. |
Synopsis: Store data as list of tuples
Identifier: row_list_target (class: brewery.nodes.RowListTargetNode)
Target node that stores data from input in a list of rows (as tuples).
To get list of fields, ask for output_fields.
attribute | description |
rows | Created list of tuples. |
Synopsis: Feed data rows into a relational database table
Identifier: sql_table_target (class: brewery.nodes.SQLTableTargetNode)
Feed data rows into a relational database table.
attribute | description |
url | Database URL in form: adapter://user:password@host/database |
connection | SQLAlchemy database connection - either this or url should be specified |
table | table name |
truncate | If set to True all data table are removed prior to node execution. Default is False - data are appended to the table |
create | create table if it does not exist or not |
replace | Set to True if creation should replace existing table or not, otherwise node will fail on attempt to create a table which already exists |
buffer_size | how many records are collected before they are inserted using multi-insert statement. Default is 1000 |
options | other SQLAlchemy connect() options |
Synopsis: Generic data stream data target node.
Identifier: stream_target (class: brewery.nodes.StreamTargetNode)
Generic data stream target. Wraps a brewery.ds data target and feeds data from the input to the target stream.
The data target should match stream fields.
Note that this node is only for programatically created processing streams. Not useable in visual, web or other stream modelling tools.
attribute | description |
stream | Data target object. |