Building on Microsoft Windows


Install Python on your system and let the installer add it to your Path for convenience. You may have to reboot before those changes are applied.

Install SeriesMarker

With the prerequisites fulfilled, SeriesMarker can now be built. Open the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and issue the following command:

pip install --only-binary PySide SeriesMarker

This will fetch, build, and install SeriesMarker together with its remaining dependencies.

It will also try to install a binary package of PySide if it is not already installed on your system. This is the recommended way, since Building PySide on Windows is complex.


You may find additional binary packages of PySide at the Qt site.

pip install --find-links --only-binary PySide SeriesMarker

Afterwards, the SeriesMarker executable can be found within your Python’s Scripts directory. It is recommended to create a shortcut for it, having, e.g.,

C:\Python34\python.exe C:\Python34\Scripts\seriesmarker

as the shortcut’s Target. SeriesMarker can then be executed conveniently via the shortcut.

You may now continue with the User Guide or explore the software on your own.