Building on OS X

The recommended way to build SeriesMarker is by using MacPorts.


To build SeriesMarker, and its dependencies, MacPorts requires an installed copy of Xcode, which can be found in the Mac App Store on your system for free. It also requires the Command Line Tools. More information can be found at Installing MacPorts.


It is not sufficient to install the Command Line Tools only, leaving out Xcode.

Install Dependencies

With MacPorts installed, open a shell and enter the following command to update your ports database (see the MacPorts Guide for more information):

$sudo port selfupdate

The following commands will install those of SeriesMarker’s dependencies, which are available as ports:

$sudo port install python34
$sudo port install py34-pyside
$sudo port install py34-sqlalchemy


In the default configuration of MacPorts, pre-build packages are loaded where available, instead of building them from source.

The commands mentioned above will also install all necessary make-dependencies, including Qt.

By issuing the following command, the MacPorts version of pip can be installed and, with it, the remaining dependencies as well:

$sudo port install py34-pip
$sudo pip-3.4 install pytvdbapi
$sudo pip-3.4 install appdirs

Install SeriesMarker

The following command will fetch the latest source distribution from the SeriesMarker Package Site, build, and install the application.

$sudo pip-3.4 install --no-deps SeriesMarker


Due to the mix of installation methods, some packages are not being recognized correctly by pip. The parameter --no-deps prevents it from re-building SeriesMarker’s dependencies, which have been installed beforehand.

The location of the SeriesMarker executable is displayed at the end of the install process by pip, e.g.:


SeriesMarker can now be started from within a shell at this path. You may want to create a shortcut to the executable for your convenience, e.g., in your applications directory:

$ln -s /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin/seriesmarker /Applications/SeriesMarker

You may now continue with the User Guide or explore the software on your own.