Building on Linux


For PySide to be built successfully, additional dependencies must be installed first: its make-dependencies. Those are not Python packages and, thus, can not be installed by using pip. Building PySide on Linux states a complete list of needed make-dependencies; a successful build was accomplished with the following software installed:


Qt5 is not yet compatible with PySide; use Qt4 instead (also check that your qmake binary is pointing to the Qt4 version).

Install SeriesMarker

With PySide’s make-dependencies installed, SeriesMarker can now be built. To fetch the source files, build, and install it on your machine, the usage of pip is recommended:

#pip install SeriesMarker

This will also fetch, build, and install SeriesMarker’s dependencies from source. Afterwards, SeriesMarker can be executed from a shell:


You may now continue with the User Guide or explore the software on your own.