Installer for Linux

Arch Linux

A SeriesMarker Package can be found in the Arch User Repository (AUR). A simple way to install the package is by using the AUR Helper Yaourt:

$yaourt -S seriesmarker

The above mentioned command will resolve all necessary dependencies and install them with SeriesMarker for you (Yaourt will guide you through the process). Afterwards, you can execute the application from a shell:


You may now continue with the User Guide or explore the software on your own.


The described method to install SeriesMarker will not fetch a binary of SeriesMarker, but compile it from source, along with any dependency not in the official Arch Linux repository, which may take some time. However, this method is more comfortable than the manual build process and comes with the advantage of using the distribution’s package management. It is therefore the recommended way to install SeriesMarker on Arch Linux.