Getting Started with PyModelFit


Before you do anything with PyModelFit, you’ll need:

  • Python 2.5 or higher (2.6 highly recommended), although 3.x is not yet supported.
  • numpy
  • scipy

Follow the instructions on those sites, or, far easier, install them as packages from your operating system (e.g. apt-get or the synaptic GUI on Ubuntu, Macports on OS X, etc.).


Once you have the requirements satisfied, you have a few options for installing pymodelfit.


On most unix-like systems, you will need to either execute these commands as the root user, or preface them with sudo.

If you have pip (the new, better easy installer) or easy_install/setuptools (you should probably install pip...), just run either:

pip install pymodelfit


easy_install pymodelfit

If you are installing from source code, instead, just do:

python install

Developing PyModelFit

PyModelFit is an open source project, and contributions are welcome. The github project page has the development version of the source code, as well as the bug tracker. Code guidelines are the same as for the astropysics project, and are detailed at that project’s documentation page.

You can get the latest version by installing git and running the command:

git clone git://

then install it via:

python install


python develop

Use the second option if you want to easily edit the source code and immediately see your changes in the installed version.

Table Of Contents

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PyModelFit: model-fitting framework and GUI tool

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Overview and Tutorial

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