Getting Started with PyModelFit =============================== Requirements ------------ Before you do anything with PyModelFit, you'll need: * `Python `_ 2.5 or higher (2.6 highly recommended), although 3.x is not yet supported. * `numpy `_ * `scipy `_ Follow the instructions on those sites, or, far easier, install them as packages from your operating system (e.g. apt-get or the synaptic GUI on Ubuntu, `Macports `_ on OS X, etc.). Install ------- Once you have the requirements satisfied, you have a few options for installing pymodelfit. .. note:: On most unix-like systems, you will need to either execute these commands as the root user, or preface them with ``sudo``. If you have `pip `_ (the new, better easy installer) or `easy_install/setuptools `_ (you should probably install pip...), just run either:: pip install pymodelfit or:: easy_install pymodelfit If you are installing from source code, instead, just do:: python install Additional Recommended Packages ------------------------------- A few other outside packages add useful functionality to PyModelFit. These are not required, but are highly recommended for the full PyModelFit experience. For general publication-quality plotting of data and models, the following package is suggested: * `Matplotlib `_ Can be installed with ``pip install matplotlib`` To use the useful :class:`~pymodelfit.fitgui.FitGui` interactive model-fitting tool, the following three packages are necessary (with the suggested install command, if you don't have the package already available on your system): * `Traits `_ ``pip install traits`` * `TraitsGUI `_ ``pip install traitsGUI`` * `Chaco `_ ``pip install chaco`` For the :class:`~pymodelfit.fitgui.MultiFitGui` model-fitting tool, another package is needed for 3D rendering: * `Mayavi2 `_ ``pip install mayavi`` Finally, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) fitting is available for models via the :func:`pymodelfit.FunctionModel.getMCMC` method. To work, this requires an additional package: * `pymc `_ ``pip install pymc`` Developing PyModelFit --------------------- PyModelFit is an open source project, and contributions are welcome. The `github project page `_ has the development version of the source code, as well as the bug tracker. Code guidelines are the same as for the :mod:`astropysics` project, and are detailed `at that project's documentation page. `_ You can get the latest version by installing `git `_ and running the command: git clone git:// then install it via: python install or: python develop Use the second option if you want to easily edit the source code and immediately see your changes in the installed version.