Builtins Module - Built-in Model Classes

This module contains builtin function models that use the framework of the core module.

Class Inheritance Diagram

builtins includes a number of classes that are subclasses of classes from the core module. The relationship between these classes is shown in the diagram below.

Inheritance diagram of pymodelfit.builtins

Module Reference


ConstantModel The simplest model imaginable - just a constant value.
LinearModel y = mx+b linear model.
QuadraticModel 2-degree polynomial f(x)=c_2 x^2 + c_1 x + c_0
PolynomialModel Arbitrary-degree polynomial
FourierModel A Fourier model composed of sines and cosines:
GaussianModel Normalized 1D gaussian function:
DoubleGaussianModel Sum of two normalized 1D gaussian functions. Note that fitting often can be
DoubleOpposedGaussianModel This model is a DoubleGaussianModel that forces one of the gaussians to
LognormalModel A normalized Lognormal model
LorentzianModel A standard Lorentzian function (also known as the Cauchy distribution):
VoigtModel A Voigt model constructed as the convolution of a GaussianModel and
ExponentialModel exponential function Ae^(kx)
PowerLawModel A single power law model Ax^p
SinModel A trigonometric model A \sin(kx+p)
TwoPowerModel A model that smoothly transitions between two power laws.
TwoSlopeModel This model smoothly transitions from linear with one slope to linear with a different slope.
TwoSlopeDiscontinuousModel This model discontinuously transitions between two slopes and is linear everywhere else.
TwoSlopeATanModel This model transitions between two asymptotic slopes with an additional parameter that allows for a variable transition region size.
LinearInterpolatedModel(**kwargs) A model that is the linear interpolation of the data, or if out of bounds, fixed to the edge value.
NearestInterpolatedModel(**kwargs) A model that is the interpolation of the data by taking the value of the
SmoothSplineModel(**kwargs) This model uses a B-spline as a model for the function. Note that by default
InterpolatedSplineModel() This uses a B-spline as a model for the function. Note that by default the
UniformKnotSplineModel() A spline model with a uniform seperation between the internal knots, with
UniformCDFKnotSplineModel() A spline model with a seperation between the internal knots set uniformly on
AlphaBetaGammaModel This model is a generic power-law-like model of the form ..
MaxwellBoltzmannModel A Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for 1D velocity:
MaxwellBoltzmannSpeedModel A Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for 3D average speed:
Gaussian2DModel Two dimensional Gaussian model (not normalized - peak value is 1).
Linear2DModel A simple model that is simply the linear combination of the two inputs.
Plane([varorder, vn, wn, origin]) Models a plane of the form ..

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