Package mrv :: Package automation :: Module workflow :: Class Workflow
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Class Workflow

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                  object --+            
networkx.classes.graph.Graph --+        
networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph --+    
                  object --+       |    
                           |       |    
         interface.Interface --+   |    
                               |   |    
         interface.iDuplicatable --+    
                           dge.Graph --+
Known Subclasses:

Implements a workflow as connected processes

Note: if you have to access the processes directly, use the DiGraph methods

Nested Classes [hide private]
    Utility Classes
Allows to store additional information with each process called during the workflow
Simple wrapper storing a call graph, keeping the root at which the call started
Instance Methods [hide private]
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_populateFromGraph(self, graph)
Parse the networkx graph and populate ourselves with the respective process instances as described by the graph
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Inherited from networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph: add_edge, add_edges_from, add_node, add_nodes_from, clear, degree_iter, edges_iter, has_predecessor, has_successor, in_degree, in_degree_iter, in_edges, in_edges_iter, is_directed, is_multigraph, neighbors, neighbors_iter, out_degree, out_degree_iter, out_edges, out_edges_iter, predecessors, predecessors_iter, remove_edge, remove_edges_from, remove_node, remove_nodes_from, reverse, subgraph, successors, successors_iter, to_directed, to_undirected

Inherited from networkx.classes.graph.Graph: __contains__, __getitem__, __iter__, __len__, add_cycle, add_path, add_star, add_weighted_edges_from, adjacency_iter, adjacency_list, copy, degree, edges, get_edge_data, has_edge, has_node, nbunch_iter, nodes_iter, nodes_with_selfloops, number_of_edges, number_of_nodes, number_of_selfloops, order, selfloop_edges, size

Inherited from interface.iDuplicatable: copyTo, copyToOther, duplicate

Inherited from interface.Interface: supports

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

    Main Interface
makeTarget(self, target)
Returns: result when producing the target
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makeTargets(self, targetList, errstream=None, donestream=None)
batch module compatible method allowing to make mutliple targets at once
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_evaluateDirtyState(self, outputplug, processmode)
Evaluate the given plug in process mode and return a dirty report tuple as used by makeDirtyReport
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makeDirtyReport(self, target, mode='single')
Returns: list of tuple( shell, DirtyReport|None ) If a process ( shell.node ) is dirty, a dirty report will be given explaining why the process is dirty and needs an update
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_clearState(self, global_evaluation_mode)
Clear the previous state and re-initialize this instance getting ready for a new instance
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_setupProcess(self, target, globalmode)
Setup the workflow's dg such that the returned output shell can be queried to evaluate target
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_evaluate(self, target, processmode, globalmode)
Make or update the target using a process in our workflow
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createReportInstance(self, reportType)
Create a report instance that describes how the previous target was made
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Returns: list of all supported target type
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targetRating(self, target)
Returns: int range(0,255) indicating how well a target can be made 0 means not at all, 255 means perfect.
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Returns: current callgraph instance
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Inherited from dge.Graph: hasNode, iterConnectedNodes, iterNodes, nodeByID, nodes, numNodes

    Internal Process Interface
Returns: True if the current computation is a dry run
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_trackOutputQueryStart(self, process, plug, mode)
Called by process base to indicate the start of a call of curProcess to targetProcess This method tracks the actual call path taken through the graph ( which is dependent on the dirty state of the prcoesses, allowing to walk it depth first to resolve the calls.
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_trackOutputQueryEnd(self, result=None)
Track that the process just finished its computation - thus the previously active process should be on top of the stack again
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    Overridden Object Methods
__init__(self, **kwargs)
Initalized base class
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Inherited from dge.Graph: __del__, __getattr__


Inherited from dge.Graph: writeDot

    iDuplicatable Interface
copyFrom(self, other)
Only mode is required
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Inherited from dge.Graph: createInstance

    Node Handling

Inherited from dge.Graph: addNode, clearCache, removeNode


Inherited from dge.Graph: connect, disconnect, input, outputs

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kwargs)

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Initalized base class
Overrides: object.__init__

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

copyFrom(self, other)

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Only mode is required
Overrides: interface.iDuplicatable.copyFrom

makeTarget(self, target)

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  • target - target to make - can be class or instance
result when producing the target

makeTargets(self, targetList, errstream=None, donestream=None)

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batch module compatible method allowing to make mutliple targets at once
  • targetList - iterable providing the targets to make
  • errstream - object with file interface allowing to log errors that occurred during operation
  • donestream - if list, targets successfully done will be appended to it, if it is a stream, the string representation will be wrtten to it

makeDirtyReport(self, target, mode='single')

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  • target - target you which to check for it's dirty state
  • mode -
    • single - only the process assigned to evaluate target will be checked

    • multi - as single, but the whole callgraph will be checked, starting

      at the first node, stepping down the callgraph. This gives a per node dirty report.

    • deep - try to evaluate target, but fail if one process in the target's

      call history is dirty

list of tuple( shell, DirtyReport|None ) If a process ( shell.node ) is dirty, a dirty report will be given explaining why the process is dirty and needs an update

_clearState(self, global_evaluation_mode)

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Clear the previous state and re-initialize this instance getting ready for a new instance
  • global_evaluation_mode - evaluation mode to be used

_setupProcess(self, target, globalmode)

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Setup the workflow's dg such that the returned output shell can be queried to evaluate target
  • globalmode - mode with which all other processes will be handling their input calls

_evaluate(self, target, processmode, globalmode)

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Make or update the target using a process in our workflow
  • processmode - the mode with which to call the initial process
tuple( shell, result ) - plugshell queried to get the result

createReportInstance(self, reportType)

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Create a report instance that describes how the previous target was made
  • reportType - Report to populate with information - it must be a Plan based class that can be instantiated and populated with call information. A report analyses the call dependency graph generated during dg evaluation and presents it.
report instance whose makeReport method can be called to retrieve it


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list of all supported target type

Note: this method is for informational purposes only

targetRating(self, target)

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int range(0,255) indicating how well a target can be made 0 means not at all, 255 means perfect.

Return value is tuple ( rate, PlugShell ), containing the process and plug with the highest rating or None if rate is 0

Walk the dependency graph such that leaf nodes have higher ratings than non-leaf nodes

Note: you can use the process.ProcessBase enumeration for comparison


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current callgraph instance

Note: its strictly read-only and may not be changed


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True if the current computation is a dry run

_trackOutputQueryStart(self, process, plug, mode)

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Called by process base to indicate the start of a call of curProcess to targetProcess This method tracks the actual call path taken through the graph ( which is dependent on the dirty state of the prcoesses, allowing to walk it depth first to resolve the calls. This also allows to create precise reports telling how to achieve a certain goal

_populateFromGraph(self, graph)

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Parse the networkx graph and populate ourselves with the respective process instances as described by the graph
  • graph - networkx graph whose nodes are process names to be found in the processes module