Package mrv :: Package automation :: Module qa :: Class QAWorkflow
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Class QAWorkflow

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                  object --+                
networkx.classes.graph.Graph --+            
networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph --+        
                  object --+       |        
                           |       |        
         interface.Interface --+   |        
                               |   |        
         interface.iDuplicatable --+        
                           dge.Graph --+    
                       workflow.Workflow --+
                              object --+   |
                                       |   |
                        util.EventSender --+

Represents a workflow of QAProcessBase instances and allows to query them more conveniently
Nested Classes [hide private]
    Utility Classes

Inherited from workflow.Workflow: CallGraph, ProcessData

Instance Methods [hide private]
listQAProcessBasees(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x3242938>)
Returns: list( Process, ...
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filterChecks(self, processes, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x3242f50>)
As listChecks, but allows you do define the processes to use
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listChecks(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x3242ed8>)
List all checks as supported by QAProcessBase es in this QA Workflow
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runChecks(self, checks, mode=query, clear_result=True)
Run the given checks in the given mode and return their results
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Inherited from workflow.Workflow: __str__

Inherited from workflow.Workflow (private): _populateFromGraph

Inherited from networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph: add_edge, add_edges_from, add_node, add_nodes_from, clear, degree_iter, edges_iter, has_predecessor, has_successor, in_degree, in_degree_iter, in_edges, in_edges_iter, is_directed, is_multigraph, neighbors, neighbors_iter, out_degree, out_degree_iter, out_edges, out_edges_iter, predecessors, predecessors_iter, remove_edge, remove_edges_from, remove_node, remove_nodes_from, reverse, subgraph, successors, successors_iter, to_directed, to_undirected

Inherited from networkx.classes.graph.Graph: __contains__, __getitem__, __iter__, __len__, add_cycle, add_path, add_star, add_weighted_edges_from, adjacency_iter, adjacency_list, copy, degree, edges, get_edge_data, has_edge, has_node, nbunch_iter, nodes_iter, nodes_with_selfloops, number_of_edges, number_of_nodes, number_of_selfloops, order, selfloop_edges, size

Inherited from interface.iDuplicatable: copyTo, copyToOther, duplicate

Inherited from interface.Interface: supports

Inherited from util.EventSender: clearAllEvents, sender

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

    Main Interface

Inherited from workflow.Workflow: createReportInstance, makeDirtyReport, makeTarget, makeTargets


Inherited from workflow.Workflow: callgraph, targetRating, targetSupportList

Inherited from dge.Graph: hasNode, iterConnectedNodes, iterNodes, nodeByID, nodes, numNodes

    Internal Process Interface
    Overridden Object Methods
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize our instance
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Inherited from dge.Graph: __del__, __getattr__


Inherited from dge.Graph: writeDot

    iDuplicatable Interface

Inherited from workflow.Workflow: copyFrom

Inherited from dge.Graph: createInstance

    Node Handling

Inherited from dge.Graph: addNode, clearCache, removeNode


Inherited from dge.Graph: connect, disconnect, input, outputs

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from util.EventSender: listEventNames

Static Methods [hide private]
fIsQAProcessBase(n) source code
fIsQAPlug(p) source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  sender_as_argument = False
  abort_on_error = False
  info_to_stdout = True

Inherited from util.EventSender: reraise_on_error

  e_preCheck = Event()
  e_checkError = Event()
  e_postCheck = Event()
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

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Initialize our instance
Overrides: object.__init__

listQAProcessBasees(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x3242938>)

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  • predicate - include process p in result if func( p ) returns True
list( Process, ... ) list of QA Processes known to this QA Workflow

filterChecks(self, processes, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x3242f50>)

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As listChecks, but allows you do define the processes to use
  • predicate - func( p ) for plug p returns True for it to be included in the result

listChecks(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x3242ed8>)

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List all checks as supported by QAProcessBase es in this QA Workflow
  • predicate - include check c in result if func( c ) returns True

runChecks(self, checks, mode=query, clear_result=True)

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Run the given checks in the given mode and return their results
  • checks - list( QACheckShell, ... ) as retrieved by listChecks
  • mode - QAProcessBase.eMode
  • clear_result - if True, the plug's cache will be removed forcing a computation if False, you might get a cached value depending on the plug's setup
list( tuple( QACheckShell, QACheckResult ), ... ) list of pairs of QACheckShells and the check's result. The test result will be empty if the test did not run or failed with an exception

Note: Sends the following events: e_preCheck , e_postCheck, e_checkError e_checkError may set the abort_on_error variable to True to cause the operation not to proceed with other checks