Package mrv :: Module dge :: Class Graph
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Class Graph

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                  object --+        
networkx.classes.graph.Graph --+    
networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph --+
                  object --+       |
                           |       |
         interface.Interface --+   |
                               |   |
         interface.iDuplicatable --+
Known Subclasses:

Holds the nodes and their connections

Nodes are kept in a separate list whereas the plug connections are kept in the underlying DiGraph

Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph: add_edge, add_edges_from, add_node, add_nodes_from, clear, degree_iter, edges_iter, has_predecessor, has_successor, in_degree, in_degree_iter, in_edges, in_edges_iter, is_directed, is_multigraph, neighbors, neighbors_iter, out_degree, out_degree_iter, out_edges, out_edges_iter, predecessors, predecessors_iter, remove_edge, remove_edges_from, remove_node, remove_nodes_from, reverse, subgraph, successors, successors_iter, to_directed, to_undirected

Inherited from networkx.classes.graph.Graph: __contains__, __getitem__, __iter__, __len__, __str__, add_cycle, add_path, add_star, add_weighted_edges_from, adjacency_iter, adjacency_list, copy, degree, edges, get_edge_data, has_edge, has_node, nbunch_iter, nodes_iter, nodes_with_selfloops, number_of_edges, number_of_nodes, number_of_selfloops, order, selfloop_edges, size

Inherited from interface.iDuplicatable: copyTo, copyToOther, duplicate

Inherited from interface.Interface: supports

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

    Overridden Object Methods
__init__(self, **kwargs)
initialize the DiGraph and add some additional attributes
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Clear our graph
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__getattr__(self, attr)
Allows access to nodes by name just by accessing the graph directly
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writeDot(self, fileOrPath)
Write the connections in self to the given file object or path :todo: remove if no longer needed
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    iDuplicatable Interface
Create a copy of self and return it
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copyFrom(self, other)
Duplicate all data from other graph into this one, create a duplicate of the nodes as well
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    Node Handling
addNode(self, node)
Add a new node instance to the graph :note: node membership is exclusive, thus node instances can only be in one graph at a time :return: self, for chained calls
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removeNode(self, node)
Remove the given node from the graph ( if it exists in it )
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Clear the cache of all nodes in the graph - this forces the graph to reevaluate on the next request
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hasNode(self, node)
Returns: True if the node is in this graph, false otherwise
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iterNodes(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f590c8>)
Returns: generator returning all nodes in this graph
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iterConnectedNodes(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f591b8>)
Returns: generator returning all nodes that are connected in this graph, in no particular order.
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Returns: immutable copy of the nodes used in the graph
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Returns: number of nodes in the graph
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nodeByID(self, nodeID)
Returns: instance of a node according to the given node id
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connect(self, sourceshell, destinationshell, force=False)
Connect this plug to destinationshell such that destinationshell is an input plug for our output
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disconnect(self, sourceshell, destinationshell)
Remove the connection between sourceshell to destinationshell if they are connected :note: does not raise if no connection is present
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input(self, plugshell)
Returns: the connected input plug of plugshell or None if there is no such connection
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outputs(self, plugshell, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f59578>)
Returns: a list of plugs being the destination of the connection to plugshell
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Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kwargs)

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initialize the DiGraph and add some additional attributes
Overrides: object.__init__


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Create a copy of self and return it
new instance of self
Overrides: interface.iDuplicatable.createInstance

copyFrom(self, other)

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Duplicate all data from other graph into this one, create a duplicate of the nodes as well
Overrides: interface.iDuplicatable.copyFrom

hasNode(self, node)

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True if the node is in this graph, false otherwise

iterNodes(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f590c8>)

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  • predicate - if True for node, it will be returned
generator returning all nodes in this graph

Note: there is no particular order

iterConnectedNodes(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f591b8>)

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  • predicate - if True for node, it will be returned
generator returning all nodes that are connected in this graph, in no particular order. For an ordered itereration, use iterShells.


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immutable copy of the nodes used in the graph
Overrides: networkx.classes.graph.Graph.nodes


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number of nodes in the graph

nodeByID(self, nodeID)

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instance of a node according to the given node id
  • NameError - if no such node exists in graph

connect(self, sourceshell, destinationshell, force=False)

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Connect this plug to destinationshell such that destinationshell is an input plug for our output
  • sourceshell - PlugShell being source of the connection
  • destinationshell - PlugShell being destination of the connection
  • force - if False, existing connections to destinationshell will not be broken, but an exception is raised if True, existing connection may be broken
self on success, allows chained connections

input(self, plugshell)

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the connected input plug of plugshell or None if there is no such connection

Note: input plugs have on plug at most, output plugs can have more than one connected plug

outputs(self, plugshell, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f59578>)

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  • predicate - plug will only be returned if predicate is true for it - shells will be passed in
a list of plugs being the destination of the connection to plugshell