I love the BrickPi. It’s a really powerful system, with the potential to do a lot.
This BrickPython package extends the BrickPi_python package to make it easier to program. It introduces two things: objects, and coroutines.
As a taster, here’s a coroutine function to detect presence via a sensor, open a door, wait and close it again; all while still permitting other things to happen:
def openDoorWhenSensorDetected(self):
motorA = self.motor('A')
sensor1 = self.sensor('1')
while True:
while sensor1.value() > 8:
for i in motorA.moveTo( -2*90 ):
for i in self.doWait( 4000 ):
for i in motorA.moveTo( 0 ):
The actual implementation - which also supports user input to change the behavior at any time - is DoorControlApp in ExamplePrograms/DoorControl.py
The Python module is at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/BrickPython
The source code is at https://github.com/charlesweir/BrickPython
Objects make programming easier. Objects can be intelligent (for example, the Motor object can know its speed); they can be easier to debug (Motor can print itself in a useful way); and they separate out concerns (you can deal with one Motor at a time).
Creating programs to control things is difficult. Several things can be happening at once, and the program needs to be able to deal with all of them.
So, for example, if you had a little bot with two wheels each controlled by a motor, and with two sensors to detect the direction, you’d want to continuously adjust the speed of each motor, look at both the sensors, and maybe also react to keyboard input from the user.
But this makes programming rather hard. One might want to have a nice simple function:
runMotorAtConstantSpeedForTime( aSpeed, aTime )
But with normal Python programming model the program can only be executing one thing at a time. So if it’s executing that function, all the other input (other motor, sensors, user) is being ignored.
There are two conventional approaches to this problem, both with disadvantages:
This framework uses a third option: Coroutines. With a coroutine, you can write ‘long running’ functions, which nevertheless allow other things to go on before they return. This relies on the Python ‘yield’ statement, which allows a function to go ‘on hold’ while other processing happens.
Strictly speaking, what this package supports aren’t true coroutines: a ‘true’ coroutine has its own stack. Python doesn’t support that, but we have ways around the problem.
Python 3.4 will have better support for coroutines - see http://docs.python.org/3.4/library/asyncio.html .
I’m grateful for David Beazley his tutorial on Python coroutines: http://dabeaz.com/coroutines/ .
To make our coroutines work, we need something that coordinates them and manages the interaction with the BrickPi. These are the classes Scheduler and its derived class BrickPiWrapper.
Scheduler handles coroutines, calling them regularly every ‘work call’ (some 20 times per second), and provides methods to manage them: starting and stopping them, combining them, and supporting features such as timeouts for a coroutine.
When the Scheduler stops a coroutine, the coroutine receives a StopCoroutineException; catching this allows the coroutine to tidy up properly.
The class BrickPiWrapper extends the Scheduler to manage the BrickPi interaction, managing the Motor and Sensor objects, calling the BrickPi twice for every work call (once before, and once after all the coroutines have run), taking data from and subsequently updating each Motor and Sensor.
So with the scheduler, here’s all that’s required to make a Motor move to a new position:
co = theBrickPiWrapper.motor('A').moveTo( newPositionIndegrees*2 )
theBrickPiWrapper.addActionCoroutine( co )
That will move to the new position - and while it’s doing it, everything else is still ‘live’ and being processed: user input, other coroutines, sensor input, you name it.
To make user input easy, this module provides and integration with the Tk graphical interface, using the Python Tkinter framework. The class that does this is TkApplication. By default it shows a small grey window which accepts keystrokes, and exits when the ‘q’ key is pressed, but this can be overridden.
Our example applications have a main class that derives from TkApplication, which itself derives from BrickPiWrapper.
Integrations with other frameworks, or none at all, are equally straightforward. The framework must call the method Scheduler.doWork() regularly, pausing for Scheduler.timeMillisToNextCall() after each call.
For example CommandLineApplication provides a scheduler for applications that don’t require user input.
The Motor class implements methods to record and calculate the current speed. It also implements the servo motor PID algorithm as the coroutine Motor.moveTo(), allowing the motor to position itself accurately to a couple of degrees. There’s also a ‘constant speed’ coroutine Motor.setSpeed().
The Sensor class provides a superclass and default implementation for all sensors. Its method Sensor.value() answers the current value (possible values depend on the sensor type). It provides two approaches to check for changes:
Current supported implementation are TouchSensor, UltrasonicSensor and LightSensor The physical configuration of sensors is set up as an initialization parameter to the Application class (TkApplication or CommandLineApplication):
TkApplication.__init__(self, {'1': LightSensor, '2': TouchSensor, '3': UltrasonicSensor })
To help with development, this package also runs on other environments. It’s been tested on Mac OS X, but should run on any Python environment. In non-RaspberryPi environments, it replaces the hardware connections with a ‘mock’ serial connection, which ignores motor settings and always returns default values (0) for sensors and motor positions.
In particular, all the unit tests will run on any environment.
The githup repository includes a script I find useful for when doing development from another Linux machine: runbp. This copies all the files in the directory tree below the location of the runbp script over the the same place (relative to home directory) on the BrickPi, and runs a command there. E.g.:
cd BrickPython/test
../runbp nosetests
runs nosetests in the test directory on the BrickPi, with all the relevant files copied over. You may well need to tweak and move the script to suit your own environment - and see also the comments at the start of the script.
Finally, there are unit tests for all of the code here. If you have nosetests installed, run:
from the top level directory, or invoke them through the package manager using:
python setup.py test