Package tdl :: Module map :: Class Map
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Class Map

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object --+

Fast field-of-view and path-finding on stored data.

Set map conditions with the walkable and transparency attributes, this object can be iterated and checked for containment similar to consoles.

For example, you can set all tiles and transparent and walkable with the following code:

   map =, 60)
   for x,y in map:
       map.transparent[x,y] = true
       map.walkable[x,y] = true

Since: 1.5.0

Instance Methods
__init__(self, width, height)
Create a new Map with width and height.
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__del__(self) source code
iter((x, y), ...)
compute_fov(self, x, y, fov='PERMISSIVE', radius=None, light_walls=True, sphere=True, cumulative=False)
Compute the field-of-view of this Map and return an iterator of the points touched.
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[(x, y), ...]
compute_path(self, start_x, start_y, dest_x, dest_y, diagonal_cost=1.41421356237)
Get the shortest path between two points.
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__iter__(self) source code
__contains__(self, position) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables
Map tiles touched by a field-of-view computation, access this attribute with map.fov[x,y]
Map transparency, access this attribute with map.transparent[x,y]
Map accessibility, access this attribute with map.walkable[x,y]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, width, height)

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Create a new Map with width and height.

  • width (int) - Width of the new Map instance, in tiles.
  • width (int) - Height of the new Map instance, in tiles.
  • height (int)
Overrides: object.__init__

compute_fov(self, x, y, fov='PERMISSIVE', radius=None, light_walls=True, sphere=True, cumulative=False)

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Compute the field-of-view of this Map and return an iterator of the points touched.

  • x (int) - x center of the field-of-view
  • y (int) - y center of the field-of-view
  • fov (string) - The type of field-of-view to be used. Available types are:


  • radius (int) - Raduis of the field-of-view.
  • light_walls (boolean) - Include or exclude wall tiles in the field-of-view.
  • sphere (boolean) - True for a spherical field-of-view. False for a square one.
  • cumulative (boolean)
Returns: iter((x, y), ...)
An iterator of (x, y) points of tiles touched by the field-of-view.

Unexpected behaviour can happen if you modify the Map while using the iterator.

You can use the Map's fov attribute as an alternative to this iterator.

compute_path(self, start_x, start_y, dest_x, dest_y, diagonal_cost=1.41421356237)

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Get the shortest path between two points.

The start position is not included in the list.

  • diagnalCost (float) - Multiplier for diagonal movement.

    Can be set to zero to disable diagonal movement entirely.

Returns: [(x, y), ...]
Returns a the shortest list of points to get to the destination position from the starting position

Instance Variable Details


Map tiles touched by a field-of-view computation, access this attribute with map.fov[x,y]

Is True if a the tile is if view, otherwise False.

You can set to this attribute if you want, but you'll typically be using it to read the field-of-view of a compute_fov call.


Map transparency, access this attribute with map.transparent[x,y]

Set to True to allow field-of-view rays, False will block field-of-view.

Transparent tiles only affect field-of-view.


Map accessibility, access this attribute with map.walkable[x,y]

Set to True to allow path-finding through that tile, False will block passage to that tile.

Walkable tiles only affect path-finding.