
This page is designed to mirror the structure of the documentation at and describe the methods for working with athlete data in the Strava API.

Retrieve Current Athlete

This is the simplest request. It is provided by the stravalib.client.Client.get_athlete() when called with no parameters.:

athlete = client.get_athlete()
print("Hello, {}".format(athlete.firstname))

See the stravalib.model.Athlete class for details on what is returned. For this method, full detailed-level attribute set is returned.

Retrieve Another Athlete

A variation on the above request, this is provided by the stravalib.client.Client.get_athlete() when called with an athlete ID.:

athlete = client.get_athlete(227615)
print("Hello, {}".format(athlete.firstname))

See the stravalib.model.Athlete class for details. only summary-level subset of attributes is returned when fetching information about another athlete.

Friends and Followers

Strava allows fetching both an athlete’s friends and those that are following (have friended) the specified athlete.

List athlete friends

The stravalib.client.Client.get_athete_friends() method may be called with our without an athlete ID parameter, depending on whether the friends for another or the current athlete (respectively) are being requested.:

johns_friends = client.get_athlete_friends(227615)
for a in johns_friends:
   print("{} is john's friend.".format(a.firstname))

# Now do the same for the currently authenticated athlete
friends = client.get_athlete_friends()
for a in friends:
   print("{} is your friend.".format(a.firstname))

List athlete followers

Listing followers works basically the same as listing friends, and is effectively showing the inverse.:

johns_followers = client.get_athlete_followers(227615)
for a in johns_followers:
   print("{} is following john.".format(a.firstname))

# Now do the same for the currently authenticated athlete
friends = client.get_athlete_followers()
for a in followers:
   print("{} is following you.".format(a.firstname))

Update Current Athlete

(This is not yet implemented by stravalib.)