.. _athletes: Athletes ******** This page is designed to mirror the structure of the documentation at http://strava.github.io/api/v3/athlete/ and describe the methods for working with athlete data in the Strava API. Retrieve Current Athlete ======================== This is the simplest request. It is provided by the :meth:`stravalib.client.Client.get_athlete` when called with no parameters.:: athlete = client.get_athlete() print("Hello, {}".format(athlete.firstname)) See the :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` class for details on what is returned. For this method, full detailed-level attribute set is returned. Retrieve Another Athlete ======================== A variation on the above request, this is provided by the :meth:`stravalib.client.Client.get_athlete` when called with an athlete ID.:: athlete = client.get_athlete(227615) print("Hello, {}".format(athlete.firstname)) See the :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` class for details. only summary-level subset of attributes is returned when fetching information about another athlete. Friends and Followers ===================== Strava allows fetching both an athlete's friends and those that are following (have friended) the specified athlete. List athlete friends -------------------- The :meth:`stravalib.client.Client.get_athete_friends` method may be called with our without an athlete ID parameter, depending on whether the friends for another or the current athlete (respectively) are being requested.:: johns_friends = client.get_athlete_friends(227615) for a in johns_friends: print("{} is john's friend.".format(a.firstname)) # Now do the same for the currently authenticated athlete friends = client.get_athlete_friends() for a in friends: print("{} is your friend.".format(a.firstname)) List athlete followers ---------------------- Listing followers works basically the same as listing friends, and is effectively showing the inverse.:: johns_followers = client.get_athlete_followers(227615) for a in johns_followers: print("{} is following john.".format(a.firstname)) # Now do the same for the currently authenticated athlete friends = client.get_athlete_followers() for a in followers: print("{} is following you.".format(a.firstname)) Update Current Athlete ====================== (This is not yet implemented by stravalib.)