# -*- python -*-
# This file is part of the cnolab package
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 - EBI - EMBL
# File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer (cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk)
# Distributed under the GPL License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# ModelData website: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~cokelaer/cnolab
# $Id: package.py 3 2013-01-25 17:01:27Z cokelaer $
"""Utilities for cnolab.wrapper
:author: Thomas Cokelaer <cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk>
:license: Copyright (c) 2012. GPL
__author__ = """\n""".join(['Thomas Cokelaer <cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk'])
__all__ = ['RPackage', 'biocLite', 'install_packages', "RPackageManager"]
import os
import rpy2
from rpy2 import robjects
from rpy2.robjects import rinterface
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from error import Rwarning, RRuntimeError
from easydev import Logging
from rtools.tools import rcode
import_error = """RTOOLS: could not import R package %s.
If you have the source file, you can try to type:
R CMD INSTALL package_name.tar.gz
in a R session. If it is a BioConductor package, type:
You can also install it from python::
from rtools import biocLite
[docs]def install_packages(query, dependencies=False, verbose=True,
"""Install a R package
:param str query: It can be a valid URL to a R package (tar ball), a CRAN
package, a path to a R package (tar ball), or simply the directory
containing a R package source.
:param bool dependencies:
:param repos: if provided, install_packages automatically select the
provided repositories otherwise a popup window will ask you to select a repo
>>> rtools.install_packages("path_to_a_valid_Rpackage.tar.gz")
>>> rtools.install_packages("http://URL_to_a_valid_Rpackage.tar.gz")
>>> rtools.install_packages("hash") # a CRAN package
>>> rtools.install_packages("path to a valid R package directory")
import tempfile
import urllib2
import os.path
filename = None
# Is it a local file?
if os.path.exists(query):
filename = query[:]
# is it a valid URL ? If so, it should be a kind of source package
data = urllib2.urlopen(query)
print("RTOOLS warning: URL provided does not seem to exist %s. Trying from CRAN" % query)
code = """install.packages("%s", dependencies=%s """ % \
(query, _BoolConvertor(dependencies))
if repos:
code += """ , repos="%s") """ % repos
code += ")"
# If valid URL, let us download the data in a temp file
# get new temp filename
handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
# and save the downloaded data into it before installation
ff = open(handle.name, "w")
filename = ff.name[:]
if verbose == True:
print("Installing %s from %s" % (query, filename))
code = """install.packages("%s", dependencies=%s """ % \
(filename, _BoolConvertor(dependencies))
if repos != None:
code += """ , repos="%s") """ % repos
code += """ , repos=NULL) """
print code
def _BoolConvertor(arg):
if arg == True:
return "TRUE"
elif arg == False:
return "FALSE"
raise ValueError
[docs]def biocLite(package=None, suppressUpdates=True):
"""Install a bioconductor package
This function does not work like the R function. Only a few options are
implmented so far. However, you can use rcode function directly if needed.
:param str package: name of the bioconductor package to install. If None, no
package is installed but installed packages are updated.
:param bool suppressUpdates: updates the dependencies if needed (default is
:return: True if update is required or the required package is installed and
could be imported. False otherwise.
>>> from rcode import biocLite
>>> biocLite("CellNOptR")
from tools import rcode
# without a package, biocLite performs an update of the installed packages
if package == None:
rcode("""biocLite(suppressUpdates=%s) """ % (
# if not found, no error is returned...
rcode("""biocLite("%s", suppressUpdates=%s) """ % (
# ...so we need to check if it is installed
except Exception, e:
return False
return True
[docs]class RPackage(object):
"""simple class to import a R package and get metainfo
from rtools.package import RPackage
r = RPackage("CellNOptR")
# no error returned but only info and error based on logging module.
def __init__(self, name, require="0.0", install=False, verbose=False):
""".. rubric:: Constructor
:param str name: name of a R package installed on your system
:param str require: the minimal version required. Use valid string
format such as "1.0.0" or "1.0"
The required package is loaded in the constructor. If not found in your
system, and if install is set to True, it will try to install it from
bioconductor web site. If not found, nothing happens but the
:attr:`package` is None. If you want to install a package from source,
use the install_packages function.
self.name = name
self.package = None
self.require = require
self.install = install
self.logging = Logging("INFO")
if verbose == True:
self.logging.level = "INFO"
self.logging.level = "ERROR"
[docs] def load(self):
"""Load the package.
First, try to load the package. If unsuccessful, return an error
RRuntimeError. If successful, check that the version required is large
enough. If not, return an error with the logging module. The reason for
not returning an error is that several packages may need to be imported, some of
them are optional. So, we do not want an error.
If the install attribute is True, then the missing packages are
installed using biocLite
The level of error/verbosity is also related to your logging setup.
package = importr(self.name)
if StrictVersion(self.version) >= StrictVersion(self.require):
self.package = package
self.logging.info("R package %s loaded." % self.name)
self.logging.info("Found %s (version %s) but version %s required." % (self.name, self.version, self.require))
self.logging.info(import_error % self.name)
if self.install == True:
self.logging.warning("installing %s " % self.name)
# installing from bioconductor
status = biocLite(self.name)
if status == False:
self.logging.error("Package %s could not be installed" % self.name)
self.logging.error("could not import %s" % self.name)
#raise ImportError("Found %s (version %s) but version %s required." % (self.name, self.version, self.require))
except RRuntimeError:
print("------could not import the package")
if self.install == True:
self.logging.warning("installing %s " % self.name)
if status == False:
self.logging.error("Package %s could not be installed" % self.name)
self.logging.error("could not import %s" % self.name)
self.logging.info(import_error % self.name)
#raise ImportError("Could not import R package (%s)." % self.name)
def _get_version(self):
v = robjects.r("""packageVersion("%s")""" % (self.name))[0]
v = [str(x) for x in v]
return ".".join(v)
version = property(_get_version)
def __str__(self):
txt = self.name + ": " + self.version
return txt
[docs]class RPackageManager(object):
"""Implements a R package manager from Python
So far you can install a package (from source, or CRAN, or biocLite)
pm = PackageManager()
[(x, pm.installed[x][2]) for x in pm.installed.keys()]
def __init__(self):
self.logging = Logging("INFO")
self.packages = [] # not yet used. List of RPackags instance ?
self.cran_repos = "http://cran.univ-lyon1.fr/"
def _get_installed(self):
# we do not buffer because packages may be removed manually or from R of
# using remove_packages method, ....
installed, _a = self.packageStatus(verbose=False)
return installed
installed = property(_get_installed, "returns list of packages installed (R object)")
def _get_available(self):
# we do not buffer because packages may be removed manually or from R of
# using remove_packages method, ....
_i, available = self.packageStatus(verbose=False)
return available
available = property(_get_available, "returns list of packages available (R object)")
[docs] def getOption(self, repos):
raise NotImplementedError
# works in R not in rpy2
def __getitem__(self, pkg):
packages = self.installed['Package']
if pkg in packages:
#index = packages.index(pkg)
p = RPackage(pkg)
return p
return None
[docs] def install_packages(self, packageName, dependencies=True, repos=None,
"""Installs one or more CRAN packages"""
if repos == None:
repos = self.cran_repos
# if this is a source file we want to reset the repo
if type == "source":
repos = None
if isinstance(packageName, str):
if packageName not in self.installed['Package']:
install_packages(packageName, dependencies=dependencies,
elif isinstance(packageName, list):
for pkg in packageName:
if pkg not in self.installed['Package']:
install_packages(pkg, dependencies=dependencies,
[docs] def biocLite(self, packageName=None,suppressUpdates=True):
"""Installs one or more biocLite packages
:param packageName: a package name (string) that will be installed from
BioConductor. Several package names can be provided as a list. If
packageName is set to None, all packages already installed will be
if isinstance(packageName, str):
if packageName not in self.installed['Package']:
biocLite(packageName, suppressUpdates)
elif isinstance(packageName, list):
for pkg in packageName:
if pkg not in self.installed['Package']:
biocLite(pkg, suppressUpdates)
elif packageName == None:
if packageName not in self.installed['Package']:
biocLite(None, suppressUpdates)
#def _get_packages(self):
# i, a = self.packageStatus()
# for x,y in zip(i['Package'], i['Version']):
# print("%20s %10s" %(x,y))
def _isLocal(self, pkg):
if os.path.exists(pkg):
return True
return False
[docs] def packageStatus(self,
"""Returns the output of packageStatus R function call
:param str repos: a character vector of URLs describing the
location of R package repositories on the Internet or on the
local machine.
:return: an R object res[0] and ares[1] gives exhaustive information
about the installed.packages
if repos:
code = """packageStatus(repositories="%s")""" % (repos)
code = """packageStatus(repositories="%s")""" %\
res = rcode("%s" % code)
if verbose:
inst = {}
for name in res[0].names:
inst[name] = res[0].rx2(name)
available = {}
for name in res[1].names:
available[name] = res[1].rx2(name)
return inst, available
[docs] def remove_packages(self, packageName):
code = """remove.packages("%s")"""
if isinstance(packageName, str):
if packageName in self.installed['Package']:
rcode(code % packageName)
self.logging.warning("Package not found. Nothing to remove")
elif isinstance(packageName, list):
for pkg in packageName:
if packageName in self.installed['Package']:
rcode(code % pkg)
self.logging.warning("Package not found. Nothing to remove")
[docs] def packageVersion(self, pkg):
v = rcode("""packageVersion("%s")""" % (pkg))[0]
v = [str(x) for x in v]
return ".".join(v)
[docs] def install(self, pkg, require=None):
"""install a package automatically scanning CRAN and biocLite repos
if self._isLocal(pkg):
# if a local file, we do not want to jump to biocLite or CRAN. Let
# us install it directly. We cannot check version yet so we will
# overwrite what is already installed
self.logging.warning("Installing from source")
self.install_packages(pkg, repos=None, type="source")
if pkg in self.installed['Package']:
currentVersion = self.packageVersion(pkg)
if require == None:
self.logging.info("%s already installed with version %s" % \
(pkg, currentVersion))
# nothing to do except the required version
if StrictVersion(currentVersion) >= StrictVersion(require):
self.logging.info("%s already installed with required version %s" \
% (pkg, currentVersion))
# Try updating
self.install_packages(pkg, repos=self.cran_repos)
if require == None:
currentVersion = self.packageVersion(pkg)
if StrictVersion(currentVersion) >= StrictVersion(require):
self.logging.warning("%s installed but current version (%s) does not fulfill your requirement" % \
(pkg, currentVersion))
elif pkg in self.available['Package']:
self.install_packages(pkg, repos=self.cran_repos)
# maybe a biocLite package:
# require is ignored. The latest will be installed
if require == None:
currentVersion = self.packageVersion(pkg)
if StrictVersion(currentVersion) >= StrictVersion(require):
self.logging.warning("%s installed but version is %s too small (even after update)" % \
(pkg, currentVersion, require))