map_number = rlfl.create_map(width, height)
# Create the a basic path
# ..............................#
# .S**..........................#
# ....*****.....................#
# .........*****................#
# ..............****####........#
# ..................*###........#
# ..................####...T....#
# ..................####........#
path = rlfl.path(map_number, p1, p2)
# Create a A* path
# ..............................#
# .S**..........................#
# ....*****.....................#
# .........*************........#
# ..................####*.......#
# ..................####.*......#
# ..................####..*T....#
# ..................####........#
path = rlfl.path(map_number, p1, p2, rlfl.PATH_ASTAR)
A basic and cheap path between two points.
A much better and more expensive pathfinding.
Create and return a path between p1 and p2. Defaults to rlfl.PATH_BASIC. Returns a set of points ((x, y) tuples)
This function creates and deletes a path internally.
Create a path and return path_number.
Delete a path.
Returns the size of a path
Returns path as a set of points ((x, y) tuples)