map_number = rlfl.create_map(width, height)
p = (10, 10)
rlfl.set_flag(map_number, p, rlfl.CELL_LIT)
Return the number allocated to a new map.
Delete map and free resources.
Delete all allocated maps.
Returns a (width, height) tuple.
Sets flags on all cells of the map.
Clears flags on all cells of the map. If flags is omitted clears all flags.
Returns True if flag(s) are set on cell.
Set flag(s) on cell.
Clear flag(s) on cell.
Returns all flag(s) set on cell.
rlfl.fill_map(map_number, rlfl.CELL_SEEN | rlfl.CELL_LIT)
rlfl.clear_map(map_number, rlfl.CELL_MEMO);
Special flag. used internally.
Cell is walkable and does not block LOS or FOV.
Special flag. used internally.
Cell is lit
Special flag. Cell is walkable. (Illusion walls)
Cell is memorized.
Cell is in FOV.
Cell is part of a room.
Cell is permalit. Has own light source.
Special flag. Cell is in a path.
Cell is occupied.
Cell permanent wall. Blocks everything. This flag is set at map creation on the outmost walls of the map.
Cell reflects some projections.
Used for autoexplore-maps to mark passible things (like doors).
Goal point for use on custom pathmaps.
Extra flag, use for whatever you like.
Cell mask. All flags.