Path maps

Path maps are Dijkstra maps that can be created once from a single origin (player position), then used to make entitys move towards origin. rlfl.path_step_map() is called for the next step on the map. One map can then be used to move all enemys intelligently and fast.


# Define origin
origin = (3, 31)

# Create a path map from origin on existing RLFL map.
path_map_n = rlfl.path_fill_map(map_number, origin, 0.7)

# Bootstrap
p = (19, 23)

# Create a path at most 110 steps long towards origin
path = []
for i in range(110):
        p = rlfl.path_step_map(example.mapnum, path_map_n, p)

# Will produce (S is moving towards T):


Function list

rlfl.path_fill_map(map_number, origin[, diagonal_cost])

Create a map and return its ID.

rlfl.path_step_map(map_number, path_map_number, from_position)

Returns the next step from from_position towards the origin used to create the path map.

rlfl.path_clear_map(map_number, path_map_number)

Delete the path map.


Delete all path maps on this map.

Safety maps

Safety maps are used to move entitys away from the origin. Useful for fleeing monsters, or annoying enemys (such as summoners).


# Define origin
origin = (17, 34)

# Create a path map from origin on existing RLFL map.
safety_map_n = rlfl.path_fill_safety_map(map_number, origin, 0.7)

# Bootstrap
p = (19, 23)

# Create a path at most 110 steps long away from origin
path = []
for i in range(110):
        p = rlfl.path_step_map(example.mapnum, safety_map_n, p)

# Will produce (S is fleeing T):



rlfl.path_fill_safety_map(map_number, origin[, diagonal_cost])

Create a safety map and return its ID.

Autoexplore maps

Used to make entity (player) flow to all unexplored cells on the map.


# Use CELL_PASS for any LOS blocking features that the player
# wants to cross. Remember to clear the flag after the player
# has (for example) opened the door.
for x in map.width:
        for y in map.height:
                if map.cell(x, y).terrain == terrain_door:
                        rlfl.set_flag(map_number, (x, y), rlfl.CELL_PASS)

# Create a path map from origin on existing RLFL map.
explore_map_n = path_fill_autoexplore_map(map_number)

# Find the step to the next unexplored cell
p = rlfl.path_step_map(example.mapnum, explore_map_n, p)


path_fill_autoexplore_map(map_number[, flags, diagonal_cost])

Create a auto explore map and return its ID.

Custom pathmaps

Used to make a pathmap around any goals one may wish to use to create behaviour for monsters. (greedy monster seeking gold, possessors needing corpses, ect). The possibilitys here are endless.


# Use rlfl.CELL_GOAL to add goal points to the map
for x in map.width:
        for y in map.height:
                if map.cell(x, y).terrain == something_we_want_to_path_to:
                        rlfl.set_flag(map_number, (x, y), rlfl.CELL_GOAL)

# Create a path map from origin on existing RLFL map.
custom_map_n = path_fill_custom_map(map_number, rlfl.CELL_GOAL)

# Find the step to the next unexplored cell
p = rlfl.path_step_map(example.mapnum, custom_map_n, p)


path_fill_custom_map(map_number[, flags, diagonal_cost])

Create a custom path-map and return its ID.

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