
This example shows how the interaction with the paging functionality of the unsplash API is greatly abstracted and simplified. The code below will iterate through all collections, and retrieve each photo in there, and print their download link.

import logging
from pyunsplash import PyUnsplash
api_key = 'YOU_API_KEY'

# instantiate PyUnsplash object
py_un = PyUnsplash(api_key=api_key)

# initiate logging if desired: will automatically create logfile

# Start with the generic collection, maximize number of items
# note: this will run until all photos of all collections have
#       been visited, unless a connection error occurs.
#       Typically the API hourly limit gets hit during this
collections = py_un.collections(per_page=30)
while collections.has_next:
    for collection in collections.entries:
        photos = collection.photos
        for photo in photos.entries:
            print collection.title, photo.link_download

    # no need to specify per_page: will take from original object
    collections = collections.get_next_page()