API: Class Photos

This class is used to interact with the Unsplash /photos REST API but also with lists of Photo objects as returned by certain unsplash REST APIs.

The constructor can be invoked through the main PyUnsplash class as PyUnsplash.photos(type, page, per_page, order_by).

The following class methods/properties in PyUnsplash also return a Photos class object:
  • User.likes(page, per_page, order_by)
  • User.photos(page, per_page, order_by)

Methods and properties

Methods and properties exposed by the Photos class.


Returns an iterator for the Photo objects contained in this Photos instance


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes


iterator each time an instance of class Photo


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')
this_user = pu.user('salvoventura', w=100, h=100)
photos = this_user.photos()    # photos is an instance of class Photos
for photo in photos.entries:
    print photo.id, photo.link_download