API: Class Users

This class is used to interact with lists of User objects as returned by certain unsplash REST APIs.

The following class methods/properties in PyUnsplash return a Users class object:
  • User.followers()
  • User.following()

Methods and properties

Methods and properties exposed by the Users class.


Returns an iterator for the User objects contained in this Users instance


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes


iterator each time an instance of class User


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')
this_user = pu.user('salvoventura', w=100, h=100)
followers = this_user.followers()    # followers is an instance of class Users
for user in followers.entries:
    print user.id, user.body.get('first_name'), user.body.get('last_name')