Package pySVG :: Module pysvg :: Class text
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Class text

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BaseElement --+

Class representing the text element of an svg doc.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, content, x, y, rotate=None, style_dict=None, editable=None, focusable=None)
initializes the object
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Return a XML representation of the current element.
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Inherited from BaseElement: getXMLFromStyle

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, content, x, y, rotate=None, style_dict=None, editable=None, focusable=None)

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initializes the object

  • content (string) - the text to display
  • x (int) - x-coordinate for the text
  • y (int) - y-coordinate for the text
  • rotate (int) - rotation in degrees (negative means counterclockwise)
Overrides: BaseElement.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Return a XML representation of the current element. This function can be used for debugging purposes. It is also used by getXML in SVG

the representation of the current element as an xml string
Overrides: BaseElement.getXML