Package pySVG :: Module pysvg :: Class BaseElement
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[frames] | no frames]

Class BaseElement

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This is the base class for all svg elements like elipses, texts, lines etc.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, startTag, style_dict=None, focusable=None, endTag="/>\n")
initializes the object
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This method converts the information in the style dictionary into svg syntax for the style attribute
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Return a XML representation of the current element.
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, startTag, style_dict=None, focusable=None, endTag="/>\n")

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initializes the object

  • startTag (string) - the tag for the svg element name (e.g. <text )
  • style_dict (dictionary) - the style to use for this element
  • focusable (??) - ??


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This method converts the information in the style dictionary into svg syntax for the style attribute

the representation of the current style as an xml string


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Return a XML representation of the current element. This function can be used for debugging purposes. It is also used by getXML in SVG

the representation of the current element as an xml string