Package pySVG :: Module objecthelper :: Class ObjectHelper
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Class ObjectHelper

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Helper class that creates commonly used objects and shapes with predefined styles and few but often used parameters. Used to avoid more complex coding for common tasks.

Instance Methods [hide private]
createCircle(self, cx, cy, r, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none')
Creates a circle
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createEllipse(self, cx, cy, rx, ry, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none')
Creates an ellipse
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createRect(self, x, y, width, height, rx=None, ry=None, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none')
Creates a Rectangle
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createPolygon(self, points, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none')
Creates a Polygon
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createPolyline(self, points, strokewidth=1, stroke='black')
Creates a Polyline
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createLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, strokewidth=1, stroke="black")
Creates a line
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convertTupleArrayToPoints(self, arrayOfPointTuples)
Method used to convert an array of tuples (x,y) into a string suitable for createPolygon or createPolyline
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Method Details [hide private]

createCircle(self, cx, cy, r, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none')

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Creates a circle

  • cx (string or int) - starting x-coordinate
  • cy (string or int) - starting y-coordinate
  • r (string or int) - radius
  • strokewidth (string or int) - width of the pen used to draw
  • stroke (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to draw the outer limits
  • fill (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to fill the element (default: no filling)
a circle object

createEllipse(self, cx, cy, rx, ry, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none')

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Creates an ellipse

  • cx (string or int) - starting x-coordinate
  • cy (string or int) - starting y-coordinate
  • rx (string or int) - radius in x direction
  • ry (string or int) - radius in y direction
  • strokewidth (string or int) - width of the pen used to draw
  • stroke (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to draw the outer limits
  • fill (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to fill the element (default: no filling)
an ellipse object

createRect(self, x, y, width, height, rx=None, ry=None, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none')

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Creates a Rectangle

  • x (string or int) - starting x-coordinate
  • y (string or int) - starting y-coordinate
  • width (string or int) - width of the rectangle
  • height (string or int) - height of the rectangle
  • rx (string or int) - For rounded rectangles, the x-axis radius of the ellipse used to round off the corners of the rectangle.
  • ry (string or int) - For rounded rectangles, the y-axis radius of the ellipse used to round off the corners of the rectangle.
  • strokewidth (string or int) - width of the pen used to draw
  • stroke (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to draw the outer limits
  • fill (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to fill the element (default: no filling)
a rect object

createPolygon(self, points, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none')

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Creates a Polygon

  • points (string in the form "x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3") - all points relevant to the polygon
  • strokewidth (string or int) - width of the pen used to draw
  • stroke (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to draw the outer limits
  • fill (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to fill the element (default: no filling)
a polygon object

createPolyline(self, points, strokewidth=1, stroke='black')

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Creates a Polyline

  • points (string in the form "x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3") - all points relevant to the polygon
  • strokewidth (string or int) - width of the pen used to draw
  • stroke (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to draw the outer limits
a polyline object

createLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, strokewidth=1, stroke="black")

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Creates a line

  • x1 (string or int) - starting x-coordinate
  • y1 - starting y-coordinate
  • x2 - ending x-coordinate
  • y2 (string or int) - ending y-coordinate
  • strokewidth (string or int) - width of the pen used to draw
  • stroke (string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF")) - color with which to draw the outer limits
a line object

convertTupleArrayToPoints(self, arrayOfPointTuples)

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Method used to convert an array of tuples (x,y) into a string suitable for createPolygon or createPolyline

  • arrayOfPointTuples (An array containing tuples eg.[(x1,y1),(x2,y2]) - All points needed to create the shape @return a string in the form "x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3"