Package pySVG :: Module objecthelper
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Source Code for Module pySVG.objecthelper

  1  from pysvg import * 
2 -class ObjectHelper:
3 """ 4 Helper class that creates commonly used objects and shapes with predefined styles and 5 few but often used parameters. Used to avoid more complex coding for common tasks. 6 """
7 - def createCircle(self, cx, cy, r, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none'):
8 """ 9 Creates a circle 10 @type cx: string or int 11 @param cx: starting x-coordinate 12 @type cy: string or int 13 @param cy: starting y-coordinate 14 @type r: string or int 15 @param r: radius 16 @type strokewidth: string or int 17 @param strokewidth: width of the pen used to draw 18 @type stroke: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 19 @param stroke: color with which to draw the outer limits 20 @type fill: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 21 @param fill: color with which to fill the element (default: no filling) 22 @return: a circle object 23 """ 24 style_dict={'fill':fill,'stroke-width':strokewidth,'stroke':stroke} 25 return circle(cx,cy,r,style_dict)
27 - def createEllipse(self, cx, cy, rx, ry, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none'):
28 """ 29 Creates an ellipse 30 @type cx: string or int 31 @param cx: starting x-coordinate 32 @type cy: string or int 33 @param cy: starting y-coordinate 34 @type rx: string or int 35 @param rx: radius in x direction 36 @type ry: string or int 37 @param ry: radius in y direction 38 @type strokewidth: string or int 39 @param strokewidth: width of the pen used to draw 40 @type stroke: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 41 @param stroke: color with which to draw the outer limits 42 @type fill: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 43 @param fill: color with which to fill the element (default: no filling) 44 @return: an ellipse object 45 """ 46 style_dict={'fill':fill,'stroke-width':strokewidth,'stroke':stroke} 47 return ellipse(cx,cy,rx,ry,style_dict)
49 - def createRect(self, x, y, width, height, rx=None, ry=None, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none'):
50 """ 51 Creates a Rectangle 52 @type x: string or int 53 @param x: starting x-coordinate 54 @type y: string or int 55 @param y: starting y-coordinate 56 @type width: string or int 57 @param width: width of the rectangle 58 @type height: string or int 59 @param height: height of the rectangle 60 @type rx: string or int 61 @param rx: For rounded rectangles, the x-axis radius of the ellipse used to round off the corners of the rectangle. 62 @type ry: string or int 63 @param ry: For rounded rectangles, the y-axis radius of the ellipse used to round off the corners of the rectangle. 64 @type strokewidth: string or int 65 @param strokewidth: width of the pen used to draw 66 @type stroke: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 67 @param stroke: color with which to draw the outer limits 68 @type fill: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 69 @param fill: color with which to fill the element (default: no filling) 70 @return: a rect object 71 """ 72 style_dict={'fill':fill,'stroke-width':strokewidth,'stroke':stroke} 73 return rect(x,y,width,height,rx,ry,style_dict)
75 - def createPolygon(self, points, strokewidth=1, stroke='black', fill='none'):
76 """ 77 Creates a Polygon 78 @type points: string in the form "x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3" 79 @param points: all points relevant to the polygon 80 @type strokewidth: string or int 81 @param strokewidth: width of the pen used to draw 82 @type stroke: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 83 @param stroke: color with which to draw the outer limits 84 @type fill: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 85 @param fill: color with which to fill the element (default: no filling) 86 @return: a polygon object 87 """ 88 style_dict={'fill':fill,'stroke-width':strokewidth,'stroke':stroke} 89 return polygon(points=points,style_dict=style_dict)
91 - def createPolyline(self, points,strokewidth=1, stroke='black'):
92 """ 93 Creates a Polyline 94 @type points: string in the form "x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3" 95 @param points: all points relevant to the polygon 96 @type strokewidth: string or int 97 @param strokewidth: width of the pen used to draw 98 @type stroke: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 99 @param stroke: color with which to draw the outer limits 100 @return: a polyline object 101 """ 102 style_dict={'fill':'none','stroke-width':strokewidth,'stroke':stroke} 103 return polyline(points=points,style_dict=style_dict)
104 105
106 - def createLine(self,x1,y1,x2,y2,strokewidth=1,stroke="black"):
107 """ 108 Creates a line 109 @type x1: string or int 110 @param x1: starting x-coordinate 111 @type x1: string or int 112 @param y1: starting y-coordinate 113 @type y2: string or int 114 @param x2: ending x-coordinate 115 @type y2: string or int 116 @param y2: ending y-coordinate 117 @type strokewidth: string or int 118 @param strokewidth: width of the pen used to draw 119 @type stroke: string (either css constants like "black" or numerical values like "#FFFFFF") 120 @param stroke: color with which to draw the outer limits 121 @return: a line object 122 """ 123 style_dict={'stroke-width':strokewidth,'stroke':stroke} 124 return line(x1,y1,x2,y2,style_dict)
126 - def convertTupleArrayToPoints(self,arrayOfPointTuples):
127 """Method used to convert an array of tuples (x,y) into a string 128 suitable for createPolygon or createPolyline 129 @type arrayOfPointTuples: An array containing tuples eg.[(x1,y1),(x2,y2] 130 @param arrayOfPointTuples: All points needed to create the shape 131 @return a string in the form "x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3" 132 """ 133 points="" 134 for tuple in arrayOfPointTuples: 135 points+=tuple[0]+","+tuple[1]+" "