It is assumed that pyofss has been imported using
>>> from pyofss import *
The Gaussian module allows a Gaussian shaped pulse to be generated.
A default Gaussian may be generated using:
>>> gaussian = Gaussian()
An example of a Gaussian with a peak power of 0.5 W and a width of 20 ps:
>>> gaussian = Gaussian( peak_power = 0.5, width = 20.0 )
The position parameter is relative to the temporal domain width (which may be found from sys.domain.window_t).
A simulation using a Gaussian pulse
from pyofss import *
sys = System()
sys.add( Gaussian(peak_power = 0.5, width = 20.0) )
single_plot( sys.domain.t, temporal_power(sys.field),
labels['t'], labels['P_t'] )
(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)