It is assumed that pyofss has been imported using
>>> from pyofss import *
The start of any system in pyofss is the domain. Generate a domain using
>>> domain = Domain()
which will construct a default domain. Information on the domain may be viewed
>>> print domain
total_bits = 1
samples_per_bit = 512
bit_width = 100.0000 ps
centre_nu = 193.1000 THz
total_samples = 512
window_t = 100.0000 ps
centre_omega = 1213.2831 rad / ps
centre_lambda = 1552.5244 nm
dt = 0.1953 ps
window_nu = 5.1200 THz
dnu = 0.0100 THz
window_omega = 32.1699 rad / ps
domega = 0.0628 rad / ps
window_lambda = 41.1648 nm
dlambda = 0.0804 nm
channels = 1
The default domain uses a centre frequency of 193.1 THz, though often a centre wavelength of 1550 nm is used. There are helper functions to convert between frequency and wavelength. To find the frequency corresponding to the desired wavelength:
>>> nu_c = lambda_to_nu( 1550.0 )
>>> print nu_c
Now a domain may be constructed with this centre wavelength
>>> domain = Domain( centre_nu = nu_c )
>>> print domain
total_bits = 1
samples_per_bit = 512
bit_width = 100.0000 ps
centre_nu = 193.4145 THz
total_samples = 512
window_t = 100.0000 ps
centre_omega = 1215.2591 rad / ps
centre_lambda = 1550.0000 nm
dt = 0.1953 ps
window_nu = 5.1200 THz
dnu = 0.0100 THz
window_omega = 32.1699 rad / ps
domega = 0.0628 rad / ps
window_lambda = 41.0311 nm
dlambda = 0.0801 nm
channels = 1
The temporal and spectral arrays may be accessed using
>>> domain.t
>>> domain.Lambda