Source code for pyny3d.shadows

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pyny3d.geoms as pyny

[docs]class ShadowsManager(object): """ Class in charge of the management for the shadows simulations. It can be initialize as standalone object or associated to a ``pyny.Space`` through the ``.shadow`` method. The only argument needed for the simulator to run is ``t`` or ``dt`` and the ``latitude``. If the ShadowsManager is initialized from ``pyny.Space.shadows`` it is possible to run the execution in *auto* mode without inputing anything. Some explanaions about how it works: The shadows are computed discretely using a set of distributed **sensible points** through the model. These points can be set with the ``.get_height(attach=True)`` or the ``.mesh()`` methods. At the same time, the sun positions are also discretized. The simulator needs a finite number of positions, given by their azimuth and zenit. Anyway, it is more convenient to give it a time vector and the latitude and let the program calculate the sun positions for you. For convenience, the time is managed in "absolute minutes" within the range of a year in the computations, that is, the first possible interval [0] is the Jan 1 00:00 and the last [525599] is Dec 31 23:59. February 29 is not taken into account. It is possible to automatically create an equally spaced t vector by giving a fixed interval, althought the inputed vectors an be irregular. In view of the fact that there are, potentially, more than 8000 sunnys half-hour intervals in an year, the program precomputes a discretization for the Solar Horizont (azimuth, zenit pairs) and classify the *t* and *data* vectors. The goal is to approximate these 8000 interval simulations to a less than 340 with an maximum error of 3 deg (0.05rads). This discretization is manually\* adjustable to be able to fastly compute large datasets at low resolution before the serious computations start. For now, the Solar Horizont discretization can only be automatically computed by a mesh. In the future more complex and convenient discretizations will be available. Anyway, it is possible to input a custom discretization by manually introducing the atributtes described in :func:`Voronoi_SH`. Finally, the atributes which can be safely manipulated to tune up the simulator before the computations are all which start with *arg_* (= default values): * .arg_data * .arg_t * .arg_dt * .arg_latitude = None * .arg_run_true_time = False * .arg_longitude = None (only for ``true_time``) * .arg_UTC = None (only for ``true_time``) * .arg_zenitmin = 0.1 (minimum zenit, avoid irrelevant errors from trigonometric approximations) * .arg_vor_size = 0.15 (mesh_size of the Voronoi diagram) :param space: 3D model to run the simulation. :type space: ``pyny.Space`` :param data: Data timeseries to project on the 3D model (radiation, for example). :type data: ndarray (shape=N), None :param t: Time vector in absolute minutes or datetime objects :type t: ndarray or list, None :param dt: Interval time to generate t vector. :type dt: int, None :param latitude: Local latitude. :type latitude: float (radians) :returns: None .. note:: \* In the future, the discretizations will be automated based on error adjustment. .. warning:: The shadows computation do not take care of the holes\*, instead, they can be emulated by a collection of polygons. """ def __init__(self, space, data=None, t=None, dt=None, latitude=None): from pyny3d.shadows import Viz self.viz = Viz(self) = space # Arguments self.arg_data = data self.arg_t = t self.arg_dt = dt self.arg_latitude = latitude self.arg_run_true_time = False self.arg_longitude = None self.arg_UTC = None self.arg_zenitmin = 0.05 self.arg_vor_size = 0.15 # Processed information ## Precalculations self.diff_t = None self.integral = None ## Voronoi self.t2vor_map = None self.vor_freq = None self.vor_surf = None self.vor_centers = None ## get_sunpos self.azimuth_zenit = None self.true_time = None ## compute_shadows self.light_vor = None ## project_data self.proj_vor = None self.proj_points = None
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the shadowing computation with the values stored in ``self.arg_``. Precomputed information is stored in: * **.diff_t** (*ndarray*): ``np.diff(t)`` * **.integral** (*ndarray*): Trapezoidal data integration over time. The steps are: * :func:`get_sunpos` * :func:`Vonoroi_SH` * :func:`compute_shadows` * :func:`project_data` :retruns: None """ # Adapt series ## time if self.integral is None: if self.arg_t is not None: import datetime if type(self.arg_t[0]) == datetime.datetime: self.arg_t = self.to_minutes(time_obj=self.arg_t) else: self.arg_t = np.round(self.arg_t) elif self.arg_dt is not None: self.arg_dt = np.round(self.arg_dt) self.arg_t = self.to_minutes(dt=self.arg_dt) else: raise ValueError('At least one time parameter is needed.') self.diff_t = np.diff(self.arg_t) ## data if self.arg_data is None: self.arg_data = np.ones(self.arg_t.shape[0]) dt = self.diff_t/60 # hs rect = self.arg_data[:-1]/1000*dt # kilounits triang_side = np.diff(self.arg_data) triang = 0.5*triang_side*dt self.integral = rect + triang self.integral = np.hstack((0, self.integral)) # Computation if self.azimuth_zenit is None: self.get_sunpos(self.arg_t, self.arg_run_true_time) if self.vor_centers is None: self.Vonoroi_SH(self.arg_vor_size) self.compute_shadows() self.project_data()
[docs] def Vonoroi_SH(self, mesh_size=0.1): """ Generates a equally spaced mesh on the Solar Horizont (SH). Computes the Voronoi diagram from a set of points given by pairs of (azimuth, zenit) values. This discretization completely covers all the Sun positions. The smaller mesh size, the better resolution obtained. It is important to note that this heavily affects the performance. The generated information is stored in: * **.t2vor_map** (*ndarray*): Mapping between time vector and the Voronoi diagram. * **.vor_freq** (*ndarray*): Number of times a Sun position is inside each polygon in the Voronoi diagram. * **.vor_surf** (*``pyny.Surface``*): Voronoi diagram. * **.vor_centers** (*ndarray`*): Mass center of the ``pyny.Polygons`` that form the Voronoi diagram. :param mesh_size: Mesh size for the square discretization of the Solar Horizont. :type mesh_size: float (in radians) :param plot: If True, generates a visualization of the Voronoi diagram. :type plot: bool :returns: None .. note:: In future versions this discretization will be improved substantially. For now, it is quite rigid and only admits square discretization. """ from scipy.spatial import Voronoi from pyny3d.utils import sort_numpy state = pyny.Polygon.verify pyny.Polygon.verify = False # Sort and remove NaNs xy_sorted, order_back = sort_numpy(self.azimuth_zenit, col=1, order_back=True) # New grid x1 = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, mesh_size) y1 = np.arange(-mesh_size*2, np.pi/2+mesh_size*2, mesh_size) x1, y1 = np.meshgrid(x1, y1) centers = np.array([x1.ravel(), y1.ravel()]).T # Voronoi vor = Voronoi(centers) # Setting the SH polygons pyny_polygons = [pyny.Polygon(vor.vertices[v], False) for v in vor.regions[1:] if len(v) > 3] raw_surf = pyny.Surface(pyny_polygons) # Classify data into the polygons discretization map_ = raw_surf.classify(xy_sorted, edge=True, col=1, already_sorted=True) map_ = map_[order_back] # Selecting polygons with points inside vor = [] count = [] for i, poly_i in enumerate(np.unique(map_)[1:]): vor.append(raw_surf[poly_i]) bool_0 = map_==poly_i count.append(bool_0.sum()) map_[bool_0] = i # Storing the information self.t2vor_map = map_ self.vor_freq = np.array(count) self.vor_surf = pyny.Surface(vor) self.vor_centers = np.array([poly.get_centroid()[:2] for poly in self.vor_surf]) pyny.Polygon.verify = state
[docs] def get_sunpos(self, t, true_time=False): """ Computes the Sun positions for the *t* time vector. *t* have to be in absolute minutes (0 at 00:00 01 Jan). The and in Sun positions calculated are in solar time, that is, maximun solar zenit exactly at midday. The generated information is stored in: * **.azimuth_zenit** (*ndarray*) * **.true_time** (*datetime*): local time :param t: Absolute minutes vector. :type t: ndarray (dtype=int) :param true_time: If True, a datetime vector with the true local time will be stored at ``.true_time`` :type true_time: bool :returns: Equivalent times in absolute minutes in year. :rtype: ndarray (dtype=int) :returns: None .. seealso:: :func:`to_minutes` to easily genetare valid input t. """ import numpy as np lat = self.arg_latitude long = self.arg_longitude alphamin = self.arg_zenitmin # Solar calculations day = np.modf(t/1440)[0] fractional_year = 2*np.pi/(365*24*60)*(-24*60+t) declination = 0.006918 - \ 0.399912*np.cos(fractional_year) + \ 0.070257*np.sin(fractional_year) - \ 0.006758*np.cos(2*fractional_year) + \ 0.000907*np.sin(2*fractional_year) - \ 0.002697*np.cos(3*fractional_year) + \ 0.00148*np.sin(3*fractional_year) hour_angle = np.tile(np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, 2*np.pi/(24*60), dtype='float'), 365)[t] solar_zenit = np.arcsin(np.sin(lat)*np.sin(declination) + \ np.cos(lat)*np.cos(declination)*np.cos(hour_angle)) solar_zenit[solar_zenit<=0+alphamin] = np.nan #### Avoiding numpy warning aux = (np.sin(solar_zenit)*np.sin(lat) - np.sin(declination))/ \ (np.cos(solar_zenit)*np.cos(lat)) not_nan = np.logical_not(np.isnan(aux)) aux_1 = aux[not_nan] aux_1[aux_1>=1] = np.nan aux[not_nan] = aux_1 #### solar_azimuth = np.arccos(aux) solar_azimuth[day==0.5] = 0 solar_azimuth[day<0.5] *= -1 self.azimuth_zenit = np.vstack((solar_azimuth, solar_zenit)).T # True time if true_time: import datetime as dt long = np.rad2deg(long) instant_0 = dt.datetime(1,1,1,0,0,0) # Simulator time # Real time equation_time = 229.18*(0.000075+0.001868*np.cos(fractional_year) - \ 0.032077*np.sin(fractional_year) - \ 0.014615*np.cos(2*fractional_year) - \ 0.040849*np.sin(2*fractional_year)) time_offset = equation_time + 4*long + 60*self.arg_UTC true_solar_time = t + time_offset delta_true_date_objs = np.array([dt.timedelta(minutes=i) for i in true_solar_time]) self.true_time = instant_0 + delta_true_date_objs
[docs] def compute_shadows(self): """ Computes the shadoing for the ``pyny.Space`` stored in ``.space`` for the time intervals and Sun positions stored in ``.arg_t`` and ``.sun_pos``, respectively. The generated information is stored in: * **.light_vor** (*ndarray (dtype=bool)*): Array with the points in ``pyny.Space`` as columns and the discretized Sun positions as rows. Indicates whether the points are illuminated in each Sun position. * **.light** (*ndarray (dtype=bool)*): The same as ``.light_vor`` but with the time intervals in ``.arg_t`` as rows instead of the Sun positions. :returns: None """ from pyny3d.utils import sort_numpy, bool2index, index2bool state = pyny.Polygon.verify pyny.Polygon.verify = False model = light = [] for sun in self.vor_centers: # Rotation of the whole ``pyny.Space`` polygons_photo, _, points_to_eval =, False) # Auxiliar pyny.Surface to fast management of pip Photo_surface = pyny.Surface(polygons_photo) Photo_surface.lock() # Sort/unsort points n_points = points_to_eval.shape[0] points_index_0 = np.arange(n_points) # _N indicates the depth level points_to_eval, order_back = sort_numpy(points_to_eval, col=0, order_back=True) # Loop over the sorted (areas) Polygons for i in model.sorted_areas: p = points_to_eval[points_index_0][:, :2] polygon_photo = Photo_surface[i] index_1 = bool2index(polygon_photo.pip(p, sorted_col=0)) points_1 = points_to_eval[points_index_0[index_1]] if points_1.shape[0] != 0: # Rotation algebra a, b, c = polygon_photo[:3, :] R = np.array([b-a, c-a, np.cross(b-a, c-a)]).T R_inv = np.linalg.inv(R) Tr = a # Translation # Reference point (between the Sun and the polygon) reference_point = np.mean((a, b, c), axis=0) reference_point[2] = reference_point[2] - 1 points_1 = np.vstack((points_1, reference_point)) points_over_polygon =, (points_1-Tr).T).T # Logical stuff shadow_bool_2 = np.sign(points_over_polygon[:-1, 2]) != \ np.sign(points_over_polygon[-1, 2]) shadow_index_2 = bool2index(shadow_bool_2) if shadow_index_2.shape[0] != 0: points_to_remove = index_1[shadow_index_2] points_index_0 = np.delete(points_index_0, points_to_remove) lighted_bool_0 = index2bool(points_index_0, length=points_to_eval.shape[0]) # Updating the solution light.append(lighted_bool_0[order_back]) # Storing the solution self.light_vor = np.vstack(light) self.light = self.light_vor[self.t2vor_map] pyny.Polygon.verify = state
[docs] def project_data(self): ''' Assign the sum of ``.integral``\* to each sensible point in the ``pyny.Space`` for the intervals that the points are visible to the Sun. The generated information is stored in: * **.proj_vor** (*ndarray*): ``.integral`` projected to the Voronoi diagram. * **.proj_points** (*ndarray*): ``.integral`` projected to the sensible points in the ``pyny.Space``. :returns: None .. note:: \* Trapezoidal data (``.arg_data``) integration over time (``.arg_t``). ''' from pyny3d.utils import sort_numpy proj = self.light_vor.astype(float) map_ = np.vstack((self.t2vor_map, self.integral)).T map_sorted = sort_numpy(map_) n_points = map_sorted.shape[0] for i in range(proj.shape[0]): a, b = np.searchsorted(map_sorted[:, 0], (i, i+1)) if b == n_points: b = -1 proj[i, :] *= np.sum(map_sorted[a:b, 1]) self.proj_vor = np.sum(proj, axis=1) self.proj_points = np.sum(proj, axis=0)
[docs] def to_minutes(time_obj = None, dt = None): ''' Converts ``datetime`` objects lists into absolute minutes vectors. It also can be used to generate absolute minutes vector from a time interval (in minutes). :param time_obj: ``datetime`` objects to convert into absolute minutes. :type time_obj: list of ``datetime`` objects :param dt: Constant interval time to generate a time vector for a whole year. :type dt: int :returns: Equivalent times in absolute minutes in year. :rtype: ndarray (dtype=int) .. note:: If the time_obj has times higher than 23:59 31 Dec, they will be removed. .. note:: If a leap-year is introduced, the method will remove the last year (31 Dec) in order to keep the series continuous. ''' import datetime if dt is not None and time_obj is None: return np.arange(0, 365*24*60, dt, dtype = int) elif dt is None and time_obj is not None: if type(time_obj) == datetime.datetime: time_obj = [time_obj] year = time_obj[0].year time = [] for obj in time_obj: tt = obj.timetuple() if year == tt.tm_year: time.append((tt.tm_yday-1)*24*60 + tt.tm_hour*60 + tt.tm_min) return np.array(time, dtype=int) else: raise ValueError('Input error')
[docs]class Viz(object): ''' This class stores the visualization methods. It is linked with the ShadowsManager class by its attribute ``.viz``. :param ShadowsMaganer: ShadowsMaganer instance to compute the visualizations. :returns: None ''' def __init__(self, ShadowsMaganer): self.SM = ShadowsMaganer
[docs] def vor_plot(self, which='vor'): """ Voronoi diagram visualizations. There are three types: 1. **vor**: Voronoi diagram of the Solar Horizont. 2. **freq**: Frequency of Sun positions in t in the Voronoi diagram of the Solar Horizont. 3. **data**: Accumulated time integral of the data projected in the Voronoi diagram of the Solar Horizont. :param which: Type of visualization. :type which: str :returns: None """ import as cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sm = self.SM if sm.light_vor is None: raise ValueError('The computation has not been made yet') if which is 'vor': title = 'Voronoi diagram of the Solar Horizont' ax = sm.vor_surf.plot2d('b', alpha=0.15, ret=True, title=title) ax.scatter(sm.azimuth_zenit[:, 0],sm.azimuth_zenit[:, 1], c='k') ax.scatter(sm.vor_centers[:, 0], sm.vor_centers[:,1], s = 30, c = 'red') ax.set_xlabel('Solar Azimuth') ax.set_ylabel('Solar Zenit') elif which is 'freq': cmap = cm.Blues title = 'Frequency of Sun positions in the Voronoi diagram '+\ 'of the Solar Horizont' ax = sm.vor_surf.plot2d(sm.vor_freq, cmap=cmap, alpha=0.85, colorbar=True, title=title, ret=True, cbar_label=' Freq') ax.set_xlabel('Solar Azimuth') ax.set_ylabel('Solar Zenit') elif which is 'data': cmap = cm.YlOrRd title = 'Data projected in the Voronoi diagram of the'+\ ' Solar Horizont' data = sm.proj_vor/sm.vor_freq proj_data = data*100/data.max() ax = sm.vor_surf.plot2d(proj_data, alpha=0.85, cmap=cmap, colorbar=True, title=title, ret=True, cbar_label='%') ax.set_xlabel('Solar Azimuth') ax.set_ylabel('Solar Zenit') plt.title('max = '+str(data.max())+' kilounits*hour') else: raise ValueError('Invalid plot '+which)
[docs] def exposure_plot(self, places=-1, c_poly='default', c_holes='default', s_sop=25, extra_height=0.1): """ Plots the exposure of the sensible points in a space to the data and the Sun positions. It is required to previously compute the shadowing. If the computation has been made with a data timeseries, the plot will have a colorbar. Units are accumulated kilounits*hour (for the series), that is, if the input data is in Watts (irradiation) for a whole year, the output will be kWh received in an entire year. If there is no data inputed, the plot will show only the number of times each point "has been seen by the Sun" along the series. :param places: Indexes of the places to plot. If -1, plots all. :type places: int or list :param c_poly: Polygons color. :type c_poly: matplotlib color, 'default' or 't' (transparent) :param c_holes: Holes color. :type c_holes: matplotlib color, 'default' or 't' (transparent) :param s_sop: Set of points size. :type s_sop: float or ndarray :param extra_height: Extra elevation for the points in the plot. :type extra_height: float :returns: None """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import matplotlib.colors as mcolors sm = self.SM if sm.light_vor is None: raise ValueError('The shadowing has not been computed yet') proj_data = sm.proj_points*100/sm.proj_points.max() if places == -1: places = range(len( elif type(places) == int: places = [places] places = np.array(places) places[places<0] = len( + places[places<0] places = np.unique(places) points = index = # Model plot sop = [] data = [] aux_space = pyny.Space() # Later centering of the plot ax=None for i in places: aux_space.add_places([i]) ax =[i].iplot(c_poly=c_poly, c_holes=c_holes, c_sop=False, ret=True, ax=ax) sop.append(points[index==i]) data.append(proj_data[index==i]) sop = np.vstack(sop) sop = np.vstack((sop, np.array([-1e+12, -1e+12, -1e+12]))) data = np.hstack(data) proj_data = np.hstack((data, 0)) # Sensible points plot ## Color cmap = cm.jet normalize = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=proj_data.min(), vmax=proj_data.max()) color_vector = cmap(normalize(proj_data)) ## Plot ax.scatter(sop[:, 0], sop[:, 1], sop[:, 2]+extra_height, c=color_vector, s=s_sop) ## Axis aux_space.center_plot(ax) ## Colorbar scalarmappaple = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=normalize, cmap=cmap) scalarmappaple.set_array(proj_data) cbar = plt.colorbar(scalarmappaple, shrink=0.8, aspect=10)'%', rotation=0) if not (sm.arg_data.max() == 1 and sm.arg_data.min() == 1): plt.title('Accumulated data Projection\nmax = ' + \ str(sm.proj_points.max()) + \ ' kilounits*hour') else: plt.title('Sun exposure')