Source code for msaf.eval

Evaluates the estimated results of the Segmentation dataset against the
ground truth (human annotated data).

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/

import jams
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import logging
import mir_eval
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import six

# Local stuff
import msaf
from msaf.exceptions import NoReferencesError
import msaf.input_output as io
from msaf import utils

def print_results(results):
    """Print all the results.

    results: pd.DataFrame
        Dataframe with all the results
    if len(results) == 0:
        logging.warning("No results to print!")
    res = results.mean()"Results:\n%s" % res)

def compute_results(ann_inter, est_inter, ann_labels, est_labels, bins,
                    est_file, weight=0.58):
    """Compute the results using all the available evaluations.

    ann_inter : np.array
        Annotated intervals in seconds.
    est_inter : np.array
        Estimated intervals in seconds.
    ann_labels : np.array
        Annotated labels.
    est_labels : np.array
        Estimated labels
    bins : int
        Number of bins for the information gain.
    est_file : str
        Path to the output file to store results.
    weight: float
        Weight the Precision and Recall values of the hit rate boundaries
        differently (<1 will weight Precision higher, >1 will weight Recall
        The default parameter (0.58) is the one proposed in (Nieto et al. 2014)

    results : dict
        Contains the results of all the evaluations for the given file.
        Keys are the following:
            track_id: Name of the track
            HitRate_3F: F-measure of hit rate at 3 seconds
            HitRate_3P: Precision of hit rate at 3 seconds
            HitRate_3R: Recall of hit rate at 3 seconds
            HitRate_0.5F: F-measure of hit rate at 0.5 seconds
            HitRate_0.5P: Precision of hit rate at 0.5 seconds
            HitRate_0.5R: Recall of hit rate at 0.5 seconds
            HitRate_w3F: F-measure of hit rate at 3 seconds weighted
            HitRate_w0.5F: F-measure of hit rate at 0.5 seconds weighted
            HitRate_wt3F: F-measure of hit rate at 3 seconds weighted and
            HitRate_wt0.5F: F-measure of hit rate at 0.5 seconds weighted
                            and trimmed
            HitRate_t3F: F-measure of hit rate at 3 seconds (trimmed)
            HitRate_t3P: Precision of hit rate at 3 seconds (trimmed)
            HitRate_t3F: Recall of hit rate at 3 seconds (trimmed)
            HitRate_t0.5F: F-measure of hit rate at 0.5 seconds (trimmed)
            HitRate_t0.5P: Precision of hit rate at 0.5 seconds (trimmed)
            HitRate_t0.5R: Recall of hit rate at 0.5 seconds (trimmed)
            DevA2E: Median deviation of annotation to estimation
            DevE2A: Median deviation of estimation to annotation
            D: Information gain
            PWF: F-measure of pair-wise frame clustering
            PWP: Precision of pair-wise frame clustering
            PWR: Recall of pair-wise frame clustering
            Sf: F-measure normalized entropy score
            So: Oversegmentation normalized entropy score
            Su: Undersegmentation normalized entropy score
    res = {}

    # --Boundaries-- #
    # Hit Rate standard
    res["HitRate_3P"], res["HitRate_3R"], res["HitRate_3F"] = \
        mir_eval.segment.detection(ann_inter, est_inter, window=3, trim=False)
    res["HitRate_0.5P"], res["HitRate_0.5R"], res["HitRate_0.5F"] = \
        mir_eval.segment.detection(ann_inter, est_inter, window=.5, trim=False)

    # Hit rate trimmed
    res["HitRate_t3P"], res["HitRate_t3R"], res["HitRate_t3F"] = \
        mir_eval.segment.detection(ann_inter, est_inter, window=3, trim=True)
    res["HitRate_t0.5P"], res["HitRate_t0.5R"], res["HitRate_t0.5F"] = \
        mir_eval.segment.detection(ann_inter, est_inter, window=.5, trim=True)

    # Hit rate weighted
    _, _, res["HitRate_w3F"] = mir_eval.segment.detection(
        ann_inter, est_inter, window=3, trim=False, beta=weight)
    _, _, res["HitRate_w0.5F"] = mir_eval.segment.detection(
        ann_inter, est_inter, window=.5, trim=False, beta=weight)

    # Hit rate weighted and trimmed
    _, _, res["HitRate_wt3F"] = mir_eval.segment.detection(
        ann_inter, est_inter, window=3, trim=True, beta=weight)
    _, _, res["HitRate_wt0.5F"] = mir_eval.segment.detection(
        ann_inter, est_inter, window=.5, trim=True, beta=weight)

    # Information gain
    res["D"] = compute_information_gain(ann_inter, est_inter, est_file,

    # Median Deviations
    res["DevR2E"], res["DevE2R"] = mir_eval.segment.deviation(
        ann_inter, est_inter, trim=False)
    res["DevtR2E"], res["DevtE2R"] = mir_eval.segment.deviation(
        ann_inter, est_inter, trim=True)

    # --Labels-- #
    if est_labels is not None and ("-1" in est_labels or "@" in est_labels):
        est_labels = None
    if est_labels is not None and len(est_labels) != 0:
        # Align labels with intervals
        ann_labels = list(ann_labels)
        est_labels = list(est_labels)
        ann_inter, ann_labels = mir_eval.util.adjust_intervals(ann_inter,
        est_inter, est_labels = mir_eval.util.adjust_intervals(
            est_inter, est_labels, t_min=0.0, t_max=ann_inter.max())

        # Pair-wise frame clustering
        res["PWP"], res["PWR"], res["PWF"] = mir_eval.segment.pairwise(
            ann_inter, ann_labels, est_inter, est_labels)

        # Normalized Conditional Entropies
        res["So"], res["Su"], res["Sf"] = mir_eval.segment.nce(
            ann_inter, ann_labels, est_inter, est_labels)

    # Names
    base = os.path.basename(est_file)
    res["track_id"] = base[:-5]
    res["ds_name"] = base.split("_")[0]

    return res

def compute_gt_results(est_file, ref_file, boundaries_id, labels_id, config,
                       bins=251, annotator_id=0):
    """Computes the results by using the ground truth dataset identified by
    the annotator parameter.

    results : dict
        Dictionary of the results (see function compute_results).
    if config["hier"]:
        ref_times, ref_labels, ref_levels = \
                ref_file, annotation_id=annotator_id,
        jam = jams.load(ref_file, validate=False)
        ann ='segment_.*')[annotator_id]
        ref_inter, ref_labels =

    # Read estimations with correct configuration
    est_inter, est_labels = io.read_estimations(est_file, boundaries_id,
                                                labels_id, **config)

    # Compute the results and return"Evaluating %s" % os.path.basename(est_file))
    if config["hier"]:
        # Hierarchical
        assert len(est_inter) == len(est_labels), "Same number of levels " \
            "are required in the boundaries and labels for the hierarchical " \
        est_times = []
        est_labels = []

        # Sort based on how many segments per level
        est_inter = sorted(est_inter, key=lambda level: len(level))

        for inter in est_inter:
            # Add fake labels (hierarchical eval does not use labels --yet--)
            est_labels.append(np.ones(len(est_times[-1]) - 1) * -1)

        # Align the times
        utils.align_end_hierarchies(est_times, ref_times, thres=1)

        # To intervals
        est_hier = [utils.times_to_intervals(times) for times in est_times]
        ref_hier = [utils.times_to_intervals(times) for times in ref_times]

        # Compute evaluations
        res = {}
        res["t_recall10"], res["t_precision10"], res["t_measure10"] = \
            mir_eval.hierarchy.tmeasure(ref_hier, est_hier, window=10)
        res["t_recall15"], res["t_precision15"], res["t_measure15"] = \
            mir_eval.hierarchy.tmeasure(ref_hier, est_hier, window=15)

        res["track_id"] = os.path.basename(est_file)[:-5]
        return res
        # Flat
        return compute_results(ref_inter, est_inter, ref_labels, est_labels,
                               bins, est_file)

def compute_information_gain(ann_inter, est_inter, est_file, bins):
    """Computes the information gain of the est_file from the annotated
    intervals and the estimated intervals."""
    ann_times = utils.intervals_to_times(ann_inter)
    est_times = utils.intervals_to_times(est_inter)
    return mir_eval.beat.information_gain(ann_times, est_times, bins=bins)

def process_track(file_struct, boundaries_id, labels_id, config,
    """Processes a single track.

    file_struct : object (FileStruct) or str
        File struct or full path of the audio file to be evaluated.
    boundaries_id : str
        Identifier of the boundaries algorithm.
    labels_id : str
        Identifier of the labels algorithm.
    config : dict
        Configuration of the algorithms to be evaluated.
    annotator_id : int
        Number identifiying the annotator.

    one_res : dict
        Dictionary of the results (see function compute_results).
    # Convert to file_struct if string is passed
    if isinstance(file_struct, six.string_types):
        file_struct = io.FileStruct(file_struct)

    est_file = file_struct.est_file
    ref_file = file_struct.ref_file

    # Sanity check
    assert os.path.basename(est_file)[:-4] == \
        os.path.basename(ref_file)[:-4], "File names are different %s --- %s" \
        % (os.path.basename(est_file)[:-4], os.path.basename(ref_file)[:-4])

    if not os.path.isfile(ref_file):
        raise NoReferencesError("Reference file %s does not exis. You must "
                                "have annotated references to run "
                                "evaluations." % ref_file)

    one_res = compute_gt_results(est_file, ref_file, boundaries_id, labels_id,
                                 config, annotator_id=annotator_id)

    return one_res

def get_results_file_name(boundaries_id, labels_id, config,
    """Based on the config and the dataset, get the file name to store the
    file_name = os.path.join(msaf.config.results_dir, "results")
    file_name += "_boundsE%s_labelsE%s" % (boundaries_id, labels_id)
    file_name += "_annotatorE%d" % (annotator_id)
    sorted_keys = sorted(config.keys(), key=str.lower)
    for key in sorted_keys:
        file_name += "_%sE%s" % (key, str(config[key]).replace("/", "_"))

    # Check for max file length
    if len(file_name) > 255 - len(msaf.config.results_ext):
        file_name = file_name[:255 - len(msaf.config.results_ext)]

    return file_name + msaf.config.results_ext

[docs]def process(in_path, boundaries_id=msaf.config.default_bound_id, labels_id=msaf.config.default_label_id, annot_beats=False, framesync=False, feature="pcp", hier=False, save=False, out_file=None, n_jobs=4, annotator_id=0, config=None): """Main process to evaluate algorithms' results. Parameters ---------- in_path : str Path to the dataset root folder. boundaries_id : str Boundaries algorithm identifier (e.g. siplca, cnmf) labels_id : str Labels algorithm identifier (e.g. siplca, cnmf) ds_name : str Name of the dataset to be evaluated (e.g. SALAMI). * stands for all. annot_beats : boolean Whether to use the annotated beats or not. framesync: str Whether to use framesync features or not (default: False -> beatsync) feature: str String representing the feature to be used (e.g. pcp, mfcc, tonnetz) hier : bool Whether to compute a hierarchical or flat segmentation. save: boolean Whether to save the results into the `out_file` csv file. out_file: str Path to the csv file to save the results (if `None` and `save = True` it will save the results in the default file name obtained by calling `get_results_file_name`). n_jobs: int Number of processes to run in parallel. Only available in collection mode. annotator_id : int Number identifiying the annotator. config: dict Dictionary containing custom configuration parameters for the algorithms. If None, the default parameters are used. Return ------ results : pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing the evaluations for each file. """ # Set up configuration based on algorithms parameters if config is None: config = io.get_configuration(feature, annot_beats, framesync, boundaries_id, labels_id) # Hierarchical segmentation config["hier"] = hier # Remove actual features config.pop("features", None) # Get out file in case we want to save results if out_file is None: out_file = get_results_file_name(boundaries_id, labels_id, config, annotator_id) # If out_file already exists, read and return them if os.path.exists(out_file): logging.warning("Results already exists, reading from file %s" % out_file) results = pd.read_csv(out_file) print_results(results) return results # Perform actual evaluations if os.path.isfile(in_path): # Single File mode evals = [process_track(in_path, boundaries_id, labels_id, config, annotator_id=annotator_id)] else: # Collection mode # Get files file_structs = io.get_dataset_files(in_path) # Evaluate in parallel"Evaluating %d tracks..." % len(file_structs)) evals = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(process_track)( file_struct, boundaries_id, labels_id, config, annotator_id=annotator_id) for file_struct in file_structs[:]) # Aggregate evaluations in pandas format results = pd.DataFrame() for e in evals: if e != []: results = results.append(e, ignore_index=True)"%d tracks analyzed" % len(results)) # Print results print_results(results) # Save all results if save:"Writing results in %s" % out_file) results.to_csv(out_file) return results