
Multiple audio features are available in MSAF, mostly implemented using librosa. This framework is written such that they should only be computed once for each audio file. These features could potentially be used across all algorithms, so MSAF stores them in json files, one for each audio file, to improve computation efficiency.

Features JSON Files

The json files are stored either in the features directory (in collection mode) or in the .features_msaf_tmp.json temporary file (in single file mode).

The format of the json file is as follows:

    "globals": {
        "audio_file": "<path to audio file>",
        "dur": "<duration of audio>",
        "sample_rate": "<sample rate>",
        "hop_length": "<hop lenght>"
    "metadata": {
        "timestamp": "<YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss>",
        "versions": {
            "numpy": "<numpy version>",
            "msaf": "<msaf version>",
            "librosa": "<librosa version>"
    "<feature_id>": {
        "framesync": [
            [ 0.0, 0.0, "..." ],
        "est_beatsync": [
            [ 0.0, 0.0, "..." ],
        "ann_beatsync": [
            [ 0.0, 0.0, "..." ],
        "params": {
            "<param_name1>": "<param_value2>",
            "<param_name1>": "<param_value2>",
    "est_beatsync_times": [ 0.0, 1.0, "..." ],
    "ann_beatsync_times": [ 0.0, 1.0, "..." ],
    "est_beats": [ 0.0, 1.0, "..." ],
    "ann_beats": [ 0.0, 1.0, "..." ]

A brief description for the main keys of this json file follows:

  • globals: contains a set of global parameters used to compute the features.

  • metadata: contains a set of meta-parameters that might become useful for debugging purposes.

  • est_beats: contains the set of estimated beats, in seconds (using librosa).

  • ann_beats: contains the set of reference beats, in seconds (only exists if reference beats are available).

  • est_beatsync_times: contains the set times associated with each (estimated-)beat-synchronous feature (might differ with est_beats in the beginning or end).

  • ann_beatsync_times: contains the set times associated with each (annotated-)beat-synchronous feature (might differ with ann_beats in the beginning or end).

  • <feature_id> (e.g., pcp, mfcc): contains the actual features of the given audio file. Inside this key the following sub-keys can be found:

    • framesync: Actual frame-wise features.
    • est_beatsync: Features synchronized to the estimated beats.
    • ann_beatsync: Features synchronized to the reference beats (only exists if reference beats are available).
    • params: A set of parameters of the actual type of features.

Pre-computed features for the SPAM dataset can be found here.

Available Features

Each feature must inherit from the base class msaf.base.Features to be included in the whole framework.

Here is a list of all the available features:

CQT(file_struct, feat_type[, sr, ...]) This class contains the implementation of the Constant-Q Transform.
MFCC(file_struct, feat_type[, sr, ...]) This class contains the implementation of the MFCC Features.
PCP(file_struct, feat_type[, sr, ...]) This class contains the implementation of the Pitch Class Profiles.
Tonnetz(file_struct, feat_type[, sr, ...]) This class contains the implementation of the Tonal Centroids.
Tempogram(file_struct, feat_type[, sr, ...]) This class contains the implementation of the Tempogram feature.
Features(file_struct, sr, hop_length, feat_type) This is the base class for all the features in MSAF.

Adding New Features to MSAF

MSAF is written such that adding new features should be relatively painless. Follow these steps:

  1. Add a new class that inherits from Features in the file features.py.

  2. Implement the following methods: __init, get_id, and compute_features:

    • __init__: The constructor should accept the necessary parameters for the computation of the features, plus the file_struct (the audio file encapsulated in the FileStruct class), and feat_type (the type of features).
    • get_id: Class method that returns the identifier of the new type of features.
    • compute_features: The actual implementation of the features. Here the parameters of the constructor should be read.

In the features.py file the existing features of MSAF are found, which can be used as examples.