lck.django 0.8.5 documentation

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The filters below are usable directly from pure Python code and obviously work as templatetags as well:

nbsp(obj) Converts spaces to nbsp entities.
numberify(obj[, default]) Converts any type to int or returns a fallback number for falsy values.
nullify(obj) Converts any falsy value to None.
slugify(text[, fallback]) A version of the builtin django.template.defaultfilters which doesn’t let empty strings as outcomes.
strike_empty(obj) Converts any falsy value to u"---".
thumbnail(image, size) For a given image constructs a thumbnail using the rule specified in the size param.
timediff(timestamp[, language]) Returns a string representing a fuzzy time difference between now() and the input timestamp.
title(text) Like built-in |title filter but leaves existing caps alone, eg.
transliterate(text, country_code[, text_lang]) If the country with the specified code is using Cyrillic alphabet,

To use these filters in your source code, simply import them from lck.django.filters. To use them as templatetags, add the lck.django.common app to INSTALLED_APPS within your and in the specific template use:

{%load LIB_NAME%}

where LIB_NAME is the templatetag library name for the specific filter (available in the filter description). For instance, for strike_empty or title it would be:

{%load strings%}

There are more filters whose implementation makes them useful only as templatetags. These include:

bbcode.bbcode(text) Simply encode the BBCode within the text.