"""This module features classes and interfaces to track references and loaded data and manipulate it.
It is the main lib for the reference workflow of the pipeline.
It revoles around a :class:`Reftrack` object.
Each :class:`Reftrack` instance is responsible for one entity.
It holds information about the entity, can query the entity and manipulate the entity.
One entity might be a character asset, an alembic cache for the character, a camera or a lightrig.
The :class:`Reftrack` instance can reference, load, unload, import, replace or delete the entity.
Once an entity is loaded into your programm, the :class:`Reftrack` object holds a refobject.
A refobject can be anything, from a node that is in your programm, to a simple string.
Important is, that it can be used by the :class:`RefobjInterface` to identify the entity in your scene
and query information. E.g. in Maya, one would create a special Node for each loaded entity.
The node can be used to query the reference status, it can identify what entity is loaded etc.
So in this case the refobj would be either the node, or the name of the node. Whatever your :class:`RefobjInterface`
Again, the :class:`RefobjInterface` is used to identify the entity, query the parent, status, create new refobjects
and manipulate them. It is specific for each software you use. So there should be one implementation of the
:class:`RefobjInterface` for each software. The :class:`Reftrack` object will interact with the interface
to manipulate the scene.
Entity Types
Each entity has a certain type. For example one type might be ``"Asset"`` and another might be ``"Shader"``.
Depending on the type and of course the software you are in (or in this case simply the :class:`RefobjInterface`),
you want to perform different actions on loading or deleting the entity. E.g. when loading a shader, you might want
to apply the shaders to another entity etc. Or for each type you have special nodes in your software you want to use.
The :class:`Reftrack` object simply asks the :class:`RefobjInterface` to reference, load, delete or whatever the entity.
The :class:`RefobjInterface` will decide upon the type of the :class:`Reftrack` to use another interface.
This interface is called :class:`ReftypeInterface`.
The :class:`ReftypeInterface` should be implemented for each type of entities for each software. So if your software
supports assets, shaders and alembic caches as types then you need 3 implementations of the :class:`ReftypeInterface`
for this software. The interface actually manipulates the content of the entity. For example, in Maya it will
create a reference node and group the loaded data under a transform node for assets. For shaders it might also assing the
shaders to certain objects. Make sure that your :class:`ReftypeInterface` classes are registered at the appropriate
:class:`RefobjInterface`. Use the classmethod :meth:`RefobjInterface.register_type` on your refobj interface subclass
or but them directly in :data:`RefobjInterface.types` when defining the class.
Each :class:`Reftrack` object can have a parent. A parent is another :class:`Reftack` object and is responsible
for its children. If the parent is deleted, all other children should be deleted too. This might be the case for a shader.
Imagine assigning a shader to an asset. The asset would be the parent and the shader the child. If the asset gets deleted
the shader should be deleted to. The :class:`Reftrack` objects handle such cases by themselves.
There is also a :class:`ReftrackRoot` class. It is important to group all reftracks of your current scene under the same root.
The root object is mainly used to find parent :class:`Reftrack` objects. But it also provides a Qt model that you can use
for views. It holds all :class:`Reftrack` objects in a tree model.
Creating a Reftrack
You can create a :class:`Reftrack` objects on two ways.
First case would be, you have a scene with refobjs. This would mean, you want to wrap all refobjs in a :class:`Reftrack` object.
There is only a slight problem. If you want to wrap a refobj that defines a shader and has a parent refobj (e.g. an asset) you
cannot create set the parent on initialisation, beacause the parent refobj might not be wrapped in a :class:`Reftrack` object.
So you have to wrap all refobjs first, and in a second step find the parent :class:`Reftrack` and set it.
For convenience, there is a class method :meth:`Reftrack.wrap`. It wraps all refobjs and finds the parents afterwards.
This is also why the :class:`ReftrackRoot` is so important.
The second case would be, you want to add a new :class:`Reftrack` that is not in your scene. The user would see, that it is
not loaded and could choose to reference it or import it. In this case you initialize a :class:`Reftrack` with a type, element and parent.
The type is for example ``"Shader"``. The element would be either a Shot or Asset in your database. So you would choose the character asset.
The parent would be an already existing :class:`Reftrack` of the character asset with type ``"Asset"``. In other cases, you do not need a parent.
E.g. you create a new :class:`Reftrack` for the character asset. It would have no parent.
You can restrict certain actions on a :class:`Reftrack` instance. All methods that have the decorator :func:`restrictable` can be
restricted by using :meth:`Reftrack.set_restricted`. Usually this is automatically done. E.g. you cannot replace an entity if it is not
already in the scene. In this case a :class:`ReftrackIntegrityError` would be raised by the decorated method automatically.
See: :meth:`Reftrack.fetch_reference_restriction`, :meth:`Reftrack.fetch_load_restriction`, :meth:`Reftrack.fetch_unload_restriction`,
:meth:`Reftrack.fetch_import_ref_restriction`, :meth:`Reftrack.fetch_import_f_restriction`, :meth:`Reftrack.fetch_replace_restriction`.
The :class:`RefobjInterface` or :class:`ReftypeInterface` can customize the rules for restrictions.
For example you could create a rule, that nested references in Maya cannot be replaced.
If you have implementations for each interface, it should be fairly easy to use:
Create a new :class:`RefobjInterface` instance::
refobjinter = RefobjInterface() # use a subclass that implemented the abstract methods here.
Create a new :class:`ReftrackRoot` instance. It needs a root :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeItem` for the model and and
a :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.ItemData` subclass to create new items. The item data subclass should accept a :class:`Reftrack` object
for the initialisation and returns data for several attributes of the :class:`Reftrack` instance.
You do not have to specify a rootitem or itemdataclass necessarily. If you do not the root object will create standard ones.
Only if you need custom ones you can specify them::
from jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel import TreeItem, ListItemData
rootdata = ListItemData(["Name", "Status", "Version"]) # root data will be used for headers in views
rootitem = TreeItem(rootdata)
reftrackroot = ReftrackRoot(rootitem, myitemdataclass) # use your ItemData subclass here.
Now lets create new :class:`Reftrack` instances. First lets create a reftrack for every refobj in the current scene::
# get all refobjs in the scene
refobjs = refobjinter.get_all_refobjs()
# wrap them in reftrack instances
reftracks = Reftrack.wrap(reftrackroot, refobjinter, refobjs)
# alternatively if you only want to wrap the ones you haven't
# this would return all refobjects that are not in root
newrefobjs = Reftrack.get_unwrapped(reftrackroot, refobjinter)
newreftracks = Reftrack.wrap(reftrackroot, refobjinter, newrefobjs)
# convenience function to wrap unwrapped refobjects and also get suggestions:
newrefobjs = Reftrack.wrap_scene(reftrackroot, refobjinter)
Done. Now to display that in a view you can get the model of the root::
model = reftrackroot.get_model()
# set it on a view. we assume you already have a subclass of QtGui.QAbstractItemView
Now lets say the scene is incomplete. You want to add a new asset (e.g. a tree asset) to the scene.
First we need to create a :class:`Reftrack` object::
# get the tree asset from the database
tree = ...
reftrack = Reftrack(reftrackroot, refobjinter, typ="Asset", element=tree, parent=None)
The model will get updated automatically and the view should automatically update. Lets say you want to
reference the tree into your scene. An asset has different deparments or tasks and in each task there are
multiple releases. Each :class:`Reftrack` object can give you options from which to choose a file to load or replace.
The options are a :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel` with :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo` as leafes.
I explicitly say leafes because the options might be sorted in a tree like strucure. So the user could first select a task
and then the apropriate release.
You can take the model and display it to the user so he can select a file.::
# get the treemodel for the options
options = reftrack.get_options()
# put it in another view
# let the user select a option
# get the selected index (make sure it is a leaf)
sel = optionsview.selectedIndexes()
# sel might be a empty list if the user has not made an selection!
# but lets assume he has selected one index
index = sel[0]
# get the TaskFileInfo for this index.
taskfileinfo = index.internalPointer().internal_data()
You could also simply get a list of the avaliable :class:`TaskFileInfo` of the options
by using::
# get all options
options = reftrack.get_option_taskfileinfos()
# assert that there are any available options
if options:
# pick one
Get Started
So before you start, here is a list of things to do:
1. Implement a :class:`ReftypeInterface` for each type.
2. Implement :class:`RefobjInterface`. Make sure it has
all the types registered. See :meth:`RefobjInterface.register_type`.
3. Think about creating your custom :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.ItemData`
for :class:`Reftrack` objects.
4. Create a :class:`RefobjInterface` instance.
5. Create a :class:`ReftrackRoot` instance.
6. For refobjs in your scene use :meth:`Reftrack.wrap` or :meth:`Reftrack.wrap_scene`.
7. Add new reftracks.
import abc
import functools
from contextlib import contextmanager
from jukeboxcore.log import get_logger
log = get_logger(__name__)
from jukeboxcore.filesys import TaskFileInfo
from jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel import TreeModel, TreeItem, ListItemData
from jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata import ReftrackItemData
from jukeboxcore.errors import ReftrackIntegrityError
from jukeboxcore import djadapter
[docs]class ReftrackRoot(object):
"""Groups a collection of :class:`Reftrack` objects.
Enables the search for parents via the refobject.
Provides a :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel` that can be used
in views, to display all reftracks.
The model that is created and also updated uses the root item and itemdata class
you provided in the constructor. The root item is used for headers in your views.
So you could create a root item like this::
rootdata = ListItemData(["Name", "Status", "Version"]) # root data will be used for headers in views
rootitem = TreeItem(rootdata)
The itemdata class will be used to provide data for the model about :class:`Reftrack` object.
You can provide your own subclass or omit the rootitem and itemdataclass. Then a default
root item and itemdata class will be used.
def __init__(self, rootitem=None, itemdataclass=None):
"""Initialize a new Reftrack root with a given root tree item and
a :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.ItemData` class to wrap
the :class:`Reftrack` objects.
The ItemData class should accept a :class:`Reftrack` object as
first argument in the constructor.
:param rootitem: the root tree item for the treemodel.
The root tree item will be responsible for the headers in a view.
If no rootitem is provided, a default one is used.
:type rootitem: :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeItem` | None
:param itemdataclass: the itemdata subclass to be used for wrapping the :class:`Reftrack` objects
in the model. Not an instance! A class! The constructor should accept
a :class:`Reftrack` object as first argument.
If no class is provided, a default one is used. See: :class:`ReftrackItemData`
:type itemdataclass: :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.ItemData` | None
:raises: None
if rootitem is None:
rootdata = ListItemData(["Type",
"Referencing Restricted",
"Loading Restricted",
"Unloading Restricted",
"Import Reference Restricted",
"Import File Restricted",
"Replace Restricted",
"Reftrack Object"])
rootitem = TreeItem(rootdata)
if itemdataclass is None:
itemdataclass = ReftrackItemData
self._model = TreeModel(rootitem)
self._rootitem = rootitem
self._idataclass = itemdataclass
self._reftracks = set() # a list of all reftracks in belonging to the root
self._parentsearchdict = {}
"""Keys are the refobjs of the Reftrack and the values are the Reftrack objects.
So you can easily find the parent Reftrack for a parent refobj."""
[docs] def get_model(self, ):
"""Return the treemodel that contains all reftracks of this root
The model uses the provided :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treem.ItemData`.
The model is automatically updated.
:returns: The treemodel
:rtype: :class:`TreeModel`
:raises: None
return self._model
[docs] def get_rootitem(self, ):
"""Return the rootitem of the treemodel
The root item is responsible for the headers.
When adding new TreeItems to the root level use this
item as parent.
:returns: the rootitem
:rtype: :class:`TreeItem`
:raises: None
return self._rootitem
[docs] def add_reftrack(self, reftrack):
"""Add a reftrack object to the root.
This will not handle row insertion in the model!
It is automatically done when setting the parent of the :class:`Reftrack` object.
:param reftrack: the reftrack object to add
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
refobj = reftrack.get_refobj()
if refobj:
self._parentsearchdict[refobj] = reftrack
[docs] def remove_reftrack(self, reftrack):
"""Remove the reftrack from the root.
This will not handle row deletion in the model!
It is automatically done when calling :meth:`Reftrack.delete`.
:param reftrack: the reftrack object to remove
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
refobj = reftrack.get_refobj()
if refobj and refobj in self._parentsearchdict:
del self._parentsearchdict[refobj]
[docs] def update_refobj(self, old, new, reftrack):
"""Update the parent search dict so that the reftrack can be found
with the new refobj and delete the entry for the old refobj.
Old or new can also be None.
:param old: the old refobj of reftrack
:param new: the new refobj of reftrack
:param reftrack: The reftrack, which refobj was updated
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
if old:
del self._parentsearchdict[old]
if new:
self._parentsearchdict[new] = reftrack
[docs] def get_reftrack(self, refobj):
"""Return a the Reftrack instance that wraps around the given
:param refobj: a ref object. See :meth:`Reftrack.get_refobj`
:type refobj: refobj | None
:returns: The reftrack instance that wraps the given refobj.
If no instance is found in this root, a KeyError is raised.
If None was given, None is returned
:rtype: :class:`Reftrack` | None
:raises: :class:`KeyError`
if refobj is None:
return None
return self._parentsearchdict[refobj]
[docs] def create_itemdata(self, reftrack):
"""Return a itemdata for the given reftrack
:param reftrack: the reftrack to wrap in a itemdata
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: a Itemdata with the reftrack wrapped. The ItemData class depends on what was provided for
initialisation of the root.
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.ItemData`
:raises: None
return self._idataclass(reftrack)
[docs] def get_scene_suggestions(self, refobjinter):
"""Return a list of suggested Reftracks for the current scene, that are not already
in this root.
A suggestion is a combination of type and element.
:param refobjinter: a programm specific reftrack object interface
:type refobjinter: :class:`RefobjInterface`
:returns: A list of suggestions
:rtype: :class:`list`
:raises: None
sugs = []
cur = refobjinter.get_current_element()
if not cur:
return sugs
for typ in refobjinter.types:
inter = refobjinter.get_typ_interface(typ)
elements = inter.get_scene_suggestions(cur)
for e in elements:
for r in self._reftracks:
if not r.get_parent() and typ == r.get_typ() and e == r.get_element():
sugs.append((typ, e))
return sugs
[docs]def restrictable(m):
"""Decorator for :class:`Reftrack` methods.
A decorated method will check if its restriction with :meth:`Reftrack.is_restricted`
and raises a :class:`RestrictionError` if it is restricted.
:param m: The :class:`Reftrack` method to wrap
:type m: :class:`Reftrack` method
:returns: a wrapped method
:rtype: method
:raises: None
def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
self = args[0]
if wrapper in self._restricted:
msg = "Method: %s restricted on %s" % (m.__name__, self)
raise ReftrackIntegrityError(msg=msg, reftracks=[self])
return m(*args, **kwds)
return wrapper
[docs]class Reftrack(object):
"""Represents one entity of the reference workflow in a programm
Stores information like the status, options for replacing the entity etc.
Delegates actions to the appropriate interfaces.
So no matter what kind of programm you are in and what type your entity is, the :class:`Reftrack` object
can carry out all actions as long as you provide 2 interfaces.
A refobj interface will interact will query information about the entity and can create
a new refobj, which will store the information in the scene. E.g. in Maya it might be a node
which has a connection to the reference node, stores the type of the entity etc.
The refobj interface is responsible for creating, editing, deleting the refobj.
The refobj interface can query the reftrack object which element the entity represents (which Shot or Asset).
The typ interface is programm and type specific. It manipulates the actual content of the entity.
E.g. it will assign shaders upon loading, create references, connect nodes or group the referenced
The :class:`Reftrack` object only interacts with the :class:`RefobjInterface`. The interface will interact
with the appropriate :class:`ReftypeInterface`. So whatever type your :class:`Reftrack` object will be,
make sure, your :class:`RefobjInterface` supports it.
The reftrack has 3 different statuses:
:uptodate: If the current loaded version is the newest (does not consider other departments!)
:alien: If the reftrack does not belongs to the currently open scene and is not linked as such in the database.
:status: :data:`Reftrack.LOADED`, :data:`Reftrack.UNLOADED`, :data:`Reftrack.IMPORTED`, None (If there is no refobj in the scene)
LOADED = "Loaded"
"""Status for when the entity is referenced in the scene and the reference is loaded."""
UNLOADED = "Unloaded"
"""Status for when the entity is referenced but the reference is not loaded into the scene."""
IMPORTED = "Imported"
"""Status for when the entity is imported."""
def __init__(self, root, refobjinter, typ=None, element=None, parent=None, refobj=None):
"""Initialize a new container with a reftrack object interface and either a reftrack object
or typ, element, and an optional parent.
.. Warning:: If you initialize with typ, element and parent, never set the parent
later, because the parent cannot be changed. Only if the parent was None it is possible.
Only when you provide a refobj, you should call :meth:`Reftrack.set_parent`
after you created all :class:`Reftrack` objects for all refobjs in your scene.
In this case it is adviced to use :meth:`Reftrack.wrap`
:param root: the root that groups all reftracks and makes it possible to search for parents
:type root: :class:`ReftrackRoot`
:param refobjinter: a programm specific reftrack object interface
:type refobjinter: :class:`RefobjInterface`
:param refobj: a physical representation in your scene of the entity, if it already exists.
If you do not specify a reftrack object, then you have to provide at least a typ and element.
The refobj type does not matter as long as your reftrack object interface can handle it.
:param typ: the type of the entity (e.g. Asset, Alembic, Camera etc.). If no refobject is given, this is required
:type typ: str
:param element: the element the entity represents, e.g. an Asset or a Shot.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:param parent: the parent :class:`Reftrack` object. All children will be deleted automatically, when the parent gets deleted.
:type parent: :class:`Reftrack` | None
:raises: TypeError, ValueError
if not (refobj or (typ and element)):
raise TypeError("Please provide either a refobj or a typ and element.")
if refobj and (parent or typ or element):
raise TypeError("Refobject given. Providing a typ, element or parent is invalid. \
The Refobject provides the necessary info.")
self._root = root
self._refobjinter = refobjinter
self._refobj = refobj
self._taskfileinfo = None # the taskfileinfo that the refobj represents
self._typ = None
self._typicon = None
self._element = None
self._parent = None
self._children = []
self._options = None # tree model of possible files to load
self._taskfileinfo_options = [] # list of taskfileinfos that are in options
self._uptodate = None
self._alien = True
self._status = None
self._restricted = set([]) # restrict actions
self._id = -1 # ID is just for the user/interface to sort reftracks of the same element, type and parent
self._treeitem = self.create_treeitem() # a treeitem for the model of the root
"""A treeitem for the model of the root. Will get set when parents gets set!"""
# initialize reftrack
if not refobj:
root.update_refobj(None, refobj, self)
self._id = refobjinter.get_id(self._refobj)
[docs] def wrap(cls, root, refobjinter, refobjects):
"""Wrap the given refobjects in a :class:`Reftrack` instance
and set the right parents
This is the preferred method for creating refobjects. Because you cannot set
the parent of a :class:`Reftrack` before the parent has been wrapped itselfed.
:param root: the root that groups all reftracks and makes it possible to search for parents
:type root: :class:`ReftrackRoot`
:param refobjinter: a programm specific reftrack object interface
:type refobjinter: :class:`RefobjInterface`
:param refobjects: list of refobjects
:type refobjects: list
:returns: list with the wrapped :class:`Reftrack` instances
:rtype: list
:raises: None
tracks = []
for r in refobjects:
track = cls(root=root, refobjinter=refobjinter, refobj=r)
for t in tracks:
parentrefobj = refobjinter.get_parent(t._refobj)
if parentrefobj:
parentreftrack = root.get_reftrack(parentrefobj)
parentreftrack = None
return tracks
[docs] def wrap_scene(cls, root, refobjinter):
"""Wrap all refobjects in the scene in a :class:`Reftrack` instance
and set the right parents, also add suggestions for the current scene
When you want to quickly scan the scene and display the reftracks in a tool,
this is the easiest function.
It uses wrap on all refobjects in the scene, then adds suggestions for the
current scene.
:param root: the root that groups all reftracks and makes it possible to search for parents
:type root: :class:`ReftrackRoot`
:param refobjinter: a programm specific reftrack object interface
:type refobjinter: :class:`RefobjInterface`
:returns: list with the wrapped :class:`Reftrack` instances
:rtype: list
:raises: None
refobjects = cls.get_unwrapped(root, refobjinter)
tracks = cls.wrap(root, refobjinter, refobjects)
sugs = root.get_scene_suggestions(refobjinter)
for typ, element in sugs:
r = cls(root=root, refobjinter=refobjinter, typ=typ, element=element)
return tracks
[docs] def get_unwrapped(self, root, refobjinter):
"""Return a set with all refobjects in the scene that are not in already
wrapped in root.
:param root: the root that groups all reftracks and makes it possible to search for parents
:type root: :class:`ReftrackRoot`
:param refobjinter: a programm specific reftrack object interface
:type refobjinter: :class:`RefobjInterface`
:returns: a set with unwrapped refobjects
:rtype: set
:raises: None
all_refobjs = set(refobjinter.get_all_refobjs())
wrapped = set(root._parentsearchdict.keys())
return all_refobjs - wrapped
[docs] def get_root(self, ):
"""Return the ReftrackRoot this instance belongs to.
:returns: the root
:rtype: :class:`ReftrackRoot`
:raises: None
return self._root
[docs] def get_refobj(self, ):
"""Return the reftrack object, the physical representation of your :class:`Reftrack` object in the scene.
If the entity is not loaded, None is returned.
:returns: the reftrack object
:rtype: None | reftrack object
:raises: None
return self._refobj
[docs] def set_refobj(self, refobj, setParent=True):
"""Set the reftrack object.
The reftrack object interface will determine typ, element, taskfileinfo, status and parent and set these values.
If the reftrack object is None, the :class:`Reftrack` object will keep the initial typ,
element but will loose it\'s parent, status and taskfileinfo
:param refobj: a reftrack object or None
:type refobj: None | reftrack object
:param setParent: If True, set also the parent
:type setParent: :class:`bool`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
root = self.get_root()
old = self._refobj
self._refobj = refobj
refobjinter = self.get_refobjinter()
if self._refobj:
if setParent:
parentrefobj = refobjinter.get_parent(self._refobj)
parentreftrack = root.get_reftrack(parentrefobj)
if setParent:
root.update_refobj(old, refobj, self)
[docs] def get_typ(self, ):
"""Return the type of the entity
E.g. Asset, Alembic, Camera etc.
The type will also be a key in :data:`RefobjInterface.types`.
:returns: the type of the entity
:rtype: str
:raises: None
return self._typ
[docs] def set_typ(self, typ):
"""Set the type of the entity
Make sure the type is registered in the :class:`RefobjInterface`.
:param typ: the type of the entity
:type typ: str
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: ValueError
if typ not in self._refobjinter.types:
raise ValueError("The given typ is not supported by RefobjInterface. Given %s, supported: %s" %
(typ, self._refobjinter.types.keys()))
self._typ = typ
self._typicon = self.get_refobjinter().get_typ_icon(typ)
[docs] def get_typ_icon(self, ):
"""Return the icon for the type
:returns: the icon that should be used in UIs to identify the type
:rtype: :class:`QtGui.QIcon` | None
:raises: None
return self._typicon
[docs] def get_refobjinter(self, ):
"""Return the refobject interface
:returns: the refobject interface
:rtype: :class:`RefobjInterface`
:raises: None
return self._refobjinter
[docs] def get_taskfileinfo(self, ):
"""Return the :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo` that the refobject represents.
:returns: the taskfileinfo for the refobject or None if nothing is loaded.
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo` | None
:raises: None
return self._taskfileinfo
[docs] def set_taskfileinfo(self, tfi):
"""Set the :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo` that the refobject represents.
:param tfi: the taskfileinfo for the refobject or None if nothing is loaded.
:type tfi: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo` | None
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
self._taskfileinfo = tfi
if tfi:
[docs] def get_element(self, ):
"""Return the element the reftrack represents.
The element is either an Asset or a Shot.
Depending on the type only certain files are considered for loading
or referencing. See :meth:`Reftrack.get_options` and :meth:`Reftrack.fetch_options`.
The :class:`ReftypeInterface.fetch_options` is responsible for providing a treemodel
with :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TaskFileInfo` as leaves.
So if the element is be a character asset and the type is "Shader", only the shading handoff
files for this asset would be considered.
:returns: The element the reftrack represents
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:raises: None
return self._element
[docs] def set_element(self, element):
"""Set the element for the reftrack to represent.
The element is either an Asset or a Shot.
Depending on the type only certain files are considered for loading
or referencing. See :meth:`Reftrack.get_options` and :meth:`Reftrack.fetch_options`.
The :class:`ReftypeInterface.fetch_options` is responsible for providing a treemodel
with :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TaskFileInfo` as leaves.
So if the element is be a character asset and the type is "Shader", only the shading handoff
files for this asset would be considered.
This will also set the available options and set the alien status.
:param element: The element the reftrack represents.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
self._element = element
[docs] def get_parent(self, ):
"""Return the parent :class:`Reftrack` instance
:returns: None
:rtype: :class:`Reftrack` | None
:raises: None
return self._parent
[docs] def set_parent(self, parent):
"""Set the parent reftrack object
If a parent gets deleted, the children will be deleted too.
.. Note:: Once the parent is set, it cannot be set again!
:param parent: the parent reftrack object
:type parent: :class:`Reftrack` | None
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: AssertionError
assert self._parent is None or self._parent is parent,\
"Cannot change the parent. Can only set from None."
if parent and self._parent is parent:
self._parent = parent
if parent:
refobjinter = self.get_refobjinter()
refobj = self.get_refobj()
# set the parent of the refobj only if it is not already set
# and only if there is one! oO
if refobj and not refobjinter.get_parent(refobj):
refobjinter.set_parent(refobj, parent.get_refobj())
# add to parent
if not self.get_refobj():
pitem = self._parent._treeitem if self._parent else self.get_root().get_rootitem()
[docs] def get_id(self, ):
"""Return the id of the reftrack
An id is a integer number that will be unique between
all reftracks of the same parent, element and type, that have a
:returns: the id
:rtype: int
:raises: None
return self._id
[docs] def set_id(self, identifier):
"""Set the id of the given reftrack
This will set the id on the refobject
:param identifier: the identifier number
:type identifier: int
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
self._id = identifier
refobj = self.get_refobj()
if refobj:
self.get_refobjinter().set_id(refobj, identifier)
[docs] def fetch_new_id(self, ):
"""Return a new id for the given reftrack to be set on the refobject
The id can identify reftracks that share the same parent, type and element.
:returns: A new id
:rtype: int
:raises: None
parent = self.get_parent()
if parent:
others = parent._children
others = [r for r in self.get_root()._reftracks if r.get_parent() is None]
others = [r for r in others
if r != self
and r.get_typ() == self.get_typ()
and r.get_element() == self.get_element()]
highest = -1
for r in others:
identifier = r.get_id()
if identifier > highest:
highest = identifier
return highest + 1
[docs] def create_treeitem(self, ):
"""Create a new treeitem for this reftrack instance.
.. Note:: Parent should be set, Parent should already have a treeitem.
If there is no parent, the root tree item is used as parent for the treeitem.
:returns: a new treeitem that contains a itemdata with the reftrack instanec.
:rtype: :class:`TreeItem`
:raises: None
p = self.get_parent()
root = self.get_root()
if p:
pitem = p.get_treeitem()
pitem = root.get_rootitem()
idata = root.create_itemdata(self)
item = TreeItem(idata, parent=pitem)
return item
[docs] def get_treeitem(self, ):
"""Return the treeitem that wraps this instance.
There is only a treeitem if the parent has been set once.
If you use :meth:`Reftrack.wrap` or initialize a new Reftrack
object with type and element, it will have one.
Only if you initialize a new Reftrack with a given refobj,
:meth:`Reftrack.set_parent` will not be called automatically.
:returns: the treeitem for this instance
:rtype: :class:`TreeItem` | None
:raises: None
return self._treeitem
[docs] def add_child(self, reftrack):
"""Add the given reftrack object as child
.. Note:: Does not set the parent of the child!
Use :meth:`Reftrack.set_parent` instead.
:param reftrack: the child :class:`Reftrack` instance
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
[docs] def remove_child(self, reftrack):
"""Remove the given reftrack from children
.. Note:: Does not set the parent of the child to None!
Use :meth:`Reftrack.delete` instead.
:param reftrack: the child :class:`Reftrack` instance
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: ValueError
[docs] def get_options(self, ):
"""Return a :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel` with possible options
for the reftrack to load, replace, import etc.
The leafes of the :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel`
should be TreeItems with TaskFileInfo as internal data.
:returns: a treemodel with options
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel`
:raises: None
return self._options
[docs] def fetch_options(self, ):
"""Set and return the options for possible files to
load, replace etc. The stored element will determine the options.
The refobjinterface and typinterface are responsible for providing the options
:returns: the options
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel`
:raises: None
self._options, self._taskfileinfo_options = self.get_refobjinter().fetch_options(self.get_typ(), self.get_element())
return self._options
[docs] def get_option_taskfileinfos(self, ):
"""Return a list of all :class:`TaskFileInfo` that are available as options for
referencing, importing, replacing etc.
:returns: list of TaskFileInfos
:rtype: :class:`TaskFileInfo`
:raises: None
return self._taskfileinfo_options
[docs] def get_option_labels(self,):
"""Return labels for each level of the option model.
The options returned by :meth:`Reftrack.fetch_options` is a treemodel
with ``n`` levels. Each level should get a label to describe what is displays.
E.g. if you organize your options, so that the first level shows the tasks, the second
level shows the descriptors and the third one shows the versions, then
your labels should be: ``["Task", "Descriptor", "Version"]``.
:returns: label strings for all levels
:rtype: list
:raises: None
return self.get_refobjinter().get_option_labels(self.get_typ(), self.get_element())
[docs] def get_option_columns(self):
"""Return the column of the model to show for each level
Because each level might be displayed in a combobox. So you might want to provide the column
to show.
:returns: a list of columns
:rtype: list
:raises: None
return self.get_refobjinter().get_option_columns(self.get_typ(), self.get_element())
[docs] def uptodate(self, ):
"""Return True, if the currently loaded entity is the newest version.
Return False, if there is a newer version.
Return None, if there is no current scene object.
:returns: whether the reftrack is uptodate
:rtype: bool | None
:raises: None
return self._uptodate
[docs] def fetch_uptodate(self, ):
"""Set and return whether the currently loaded entity is
the newest version in the department.
:returns: True, if newest version. False, if there is a newer version.
None, if there is nothing loaded yet.
:rtype: bool | None
:raises: None
tfi = self.get_taskfileinfo()
if tfi:
self._uptodate = tfi.is_latest()
self._uptodate = None
return self._uptodate
[docs] def alien(self, ):
"""Return True, if the reftrack element is not linked to the current scene
:returns: whether the element is linked to the current scene
:rtype: bool
:raises: None
return self._alien
[docs] def fetch_alien(self, ):
"""Set and return, if the reftrack element is linked to the current scene.
Askes the refobj interface for the current scene.
If there is no current scene then True is returned.
:returns: whether the element is linked to the current scene
:rtype: bool
:raises: None
parent = self.get_parent()
if parent:
parentelement = parent.get_element()
parentelement = self.get_refobjinter().get_current_element()
if not parentelement:
self._alien = True
return self._alien
element = self.get_element()
if element == parentelement:
self._alien = False
# test if it is the element is a global shot
# first test if we have a shot
# then test if it is in a global sequence. then the shot is global too.
# test if the parent element is a shot, if they share the sequence, and element is global
elif isinstance(element, djadapter.models.Shot)\
and (element.sequence.name == djadapter.GLOBAL_NAME\
or (isinstance(parentelement, djadapter.models.Shot)\
and parentelement.sequence == element.sequence and element.name == djadapter.GLOBAL_NAME)):
self._alien = False
assets = parentelement.assets.all()
self._alien = element not in assets
return self._alien
[docs] def status(self, ):
"""Return the status of the reftrack
The status indicates, whether the entity is loaded, unloaded etc.
None if there is no refobj in the scene.
See: :data:`Reftrack.LOADED`, :data:`Reftrack.UNLOADED`, :data:`Reftrack.IMPORTED`.
:returns: the status
:rtype: str | None
:raises: None
return self._status
[docs] def set_status(self, status):
"""Set the status of the reftrack
The status indicates, whether the entity is loaded, unloaded etc.
None if there is no refobj in the scene.
See: :data:`Reftrack.LOADED`, :data:`Reftrack.UNLOADED`, :data:`Reftrack.IMPORTED`.
:param status: the status
:type status: str | None
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
self._status = status
[docs] def create_refobject(self, ):
"""Create a refobject in the scene that represents the :class:`Reftrack` instance.
.. Note:: This will not set the reftrack object.
:returns: the created reftrack object
:rtype: scene object
:raises: None
parent = self.get_parent()
if parent:
prefobj = parent.get_refobj()
prefobj = None
refobj = self.get_refobjinter().create(self.get_typ(), self.get_id(), prefobj)
return refobj
[docs] def reference(self, taskfileinfo):
"""Reference the entity into the scene. Only possible if the current status is None.
This will create a new refobject, then call :meth:`RefobjInterface.reference` and
afterwards set the refobj on the :class:`Reftrack` instance.
:param taskfileinfo: the taskfileinfo to reference
:type taskfileinfo: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: :class:`ReftrackIntegrityError`
assert self.status() is None,\
"Can only reference, if the entity is not already referenced/imported. Use replace instead."
refobj = self.create_refobject()
with self.set_parent_on_new(refobj):
self.get_refobjinter().reference(taskfileinfo, refobj)
[docs] def load(self, ):
"""If the reference is in the scene but unloaded, load it.
.. Note:: Do not confuse this with reference or import. Load means that it is already referenced.
But the data from the reference was not read until now. Load loads the data from the reference.
This will call :meth:`RefobjInterface.load` and set the status to :data:`Reftrack.LOADED`.
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: :class:`ReftrackIntegrityError`
assert self.status() == self.UNLOADED,\
"Cannot load if there is no unloaded reference. Use reference instead."
[docs] def unload(self, ):
"""If the reference is loaded, unload it.
.. Note:: Do not confuse this with a delete. This means, that the reference stays in the
scene, but no data is read from the reference.
This will call :meth:`RefobjInterface.unload` and set the status to :data:`Reftrack.UNLOADED`.
It will also throw away all children :class:`Reftrack`. They will return after :meth:`Reftrack.load`.
The problem might be that children depend on their parent, but will not get unloaded.
E.g. you imported a child. It will stay in the scene after the unload and become an orphan.
In this case an error is raised. It is not possible to unload such an entity.
The orphan might get its parents back after you call load, but it will introduce bugs when
wrapping children of unloaded entities. So we simply disable the feature in that case and raise
an :class:`IntegrityError`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: :class:`ReftrackIntegrityError`
assert self.status() == self.LOADED,\
"Cannot unload if there is no loaded reference. \
Use delete if you want to get rid of a reference or import."
childrentodelete = self.get_children_to_delete()
if childrentodelete:
raise ReftrackIntegrityError("Cannot unload because children of the reference would become orphans.", childrentodelete)
[docs] def import_file(self, taskfileinfo):
"""Import the file for the given taskfileinfo
This will also update the status to :data:`Reftrack.IMPORTED`. This will also call
:meth:`fetch_new_children`. Because after the import, we might have new children.
:param taskfileinfo: the taskfileinfo to import. If None is given, try to import
the current reference
:type taskfileinfo: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo` | None
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: :class:`ReftrackIntegrityError`
assert self.status() is None,\
"Entity is already in scene. Use replace instead."
refobjinter = self.get_refobjinter()
refobj = self.create_refobject()
with self.set_parent_on_new(refobj):
refobjinter.import_taskfile(refobj, taskfileinfo)
[docs] def import_reference(self, ):
"""Import the currently loaded reference
This will also update the status to :data:`Reftrack.IMPORTED`.
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: :class:`ReftrackIntegrityError`
assert self.status() in (self.LOADED, self.UNLOADED),\
"There is no reference for this entity."
refobjinter = self.get_refobjinter()
for c in self.get_all_children():
[docs] def replace(self, taskfileinfo):
"""Replace the current reference or imported entity.
If the given refobj is not replaceable, e.g. it might be imported
or it is not possible to switch the data, then the entity will be deleted,
then referenced or imported again, depending on the current status.
A replaced entity might have other children. This introduces a problem:
A child might get deleted, e.g. an asset which itself has another child,
that will not get deleted, e.g. an imported shader. In this case the imported
shader will be left as an orphan.
This will check all children that will not be deleted (:meth:`Reftrack.get_children_to_delete`)
and checks if they are orphans after the replace. If they are, they will get deleted!
After the replace, all children will be reset. This will simply throw away all children reftracks
(the content will not be deleted) and wrap all new children again. See: :meth:`Reftrack.fetch_new_children`.
:param taskfileinfo: the taskfileinfo that will replace the old entity
:type taskfileinfo: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: ReftrackIntegrityError
assert self.status() is not None,\
"Can only replace entities that are already in the scene."
refobjinter = self.get_refobjinter()
refobj = self.get_refobj()
if self.status() in (self.LOADED, self.UNLOADED) and refobjinter.is_replaceable(refobj):
# possible orphans will not get replaced, by replace
# but their parent might dissapear in the process
possibleorphans = self.get_children_to_delete()
with self.set_parent_on_new(refobj):
refobjinter.replace(refobj, taskfileinfo)
for o in possibleorphans:
# find if orphans were created and delete them
# we get the refobj of the parent
# if it still exists, it is no orphan
parent = o.get_parent()
refobj = parent.get_refobj()
if not parent.get_refobjinter().exists(refobj):
# orphans will be deleted!
# this is politically incorrect, i know!
# the world of programming is a harsh place.
# reset the children
# throw them away at first
# gather them again
status = self.status()
if status == self.IMPORTED:
[docs] def delete(self, removealien=True):
"""Delete the current entity.
This will also call :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_children_to_delete` and
delete these children first by calling :meth:`Reftrack.delete`.
To delete the content it will call :meth:`RefobjInterface.delete`.
Then the refobject will be set to None. If the :class:`Reftrack` object is an alien to
the current scene, because it is not linked in the database, it will also remove itself
from the root and from the treemodel.
If it is not an alien, it will just empty all of tis children and update its status.
:param removealien: If True, remove this reftrack, if it is an alien
:type removealien: :class:`bool`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
if self.status() is None:
parent = self.get_parent()
if parent:
todelete = self.get_children_to_delete()
allchildren = self.get_all_children()
for c in reversed(todelete):
for c in allchildren:
if self.alien() and removealien:
def _delete(self, ):
"""Internal implementation for deleting a reftrack.
This will just delete the reftrack, set the children to None,
update the status, and the rootobject. If the object is an alien,
it will also set the parent to None, so it dissapears from the model.
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
refobjinter = self.get_refobjinter()
self.set_refobj(None, setParent=False)
if self.alien():
# it should not be in the scene
# so also remove it from the model
# so we cannot load it again
parent = self.get_parent()
if parent:
# only remove all children from the model and set their parent to None
for c in self.get_all_children():
c._parent = None
# this should not have any children anymore
self._children = []
[docs] def duplicate(self, ):
"""Return a new :class:`Reftrack` instance that has the same
typ, element and parent. The new reference will be not referenced or imported!
:returns: a new reftrack instance with same typ, element and parent
:rtype: :class:`Reftrack`
:raises: None
return self.__class__(root=self.get_root(),
[docs] def get_all_children(self):
"""Get all children including children of children
:returns: all children including children of children
:rtype: list of :class:`Reftrack`
:raises: None
children = self._children[:]
oldlen = 0
newlen = len(children)
while oldlen != newlen:
start = oldlen
oldlen = len(children)
for i in range(start, len(children)):
newlen = len(children)
return children
[docs] def get_children_to_delete(self):
"""Return all children that are not referenced
:returns: list or :class:`Reftrack`
:rtype: list
:raises: None
refobjinter = self.get_refobjinter()
children = self.get_all_children()
todelete = []
for c in children:
if c.status() is None:
# if child is not in scene we do not have to delete it
rby = refobjinter.referenced_by(c.get_refobj())
if rby is None:
# child is not part of another reference.
# we have to delete it for sure
# check if child is referenced by any parent up to self
# if it is not referenced by any refrence of a parent, then we
# can assume it is referenced by a parent of a greater scope,
# e.g. the parent of self. because we do not delete anything above self
# we would have to delete the child manually
parent = c.get_parent()
while parent != self.get_parent():
if refobjinter.get_reference(parent.get_refobj()) == rby:
# is referenced by a parent so it will get delted when the parent is deleted.
parent = parent.get_parent()
return todelete
[docs] def get_suggestions(self, ):
"""Return a list with possible children for this reftrack
Each Reftrack may want different children. E.g. a Asset wants
to suggest a shader for itself and all assets that are linked in
to it in the database. Suggestions only apply for enities with status
other than None.
A suggestion is a tuple of typ and element. It will be used to create a newlen
:class:`Reftrack`. The parent will be this instance, root and interface will
of course be the same.
This will call :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_suggestions` which will delegate the call to the
appropriate :class:`ReftypeInterface`. So suggestions may vary for every typ and might depend on the
status of the reftrack.
:returns: list of suggestions, tuples of type and element.
:rtype: list
:raises: None
return self.get_refobjinter().get_suggestions(self)
[docs] def fetch_new_children(self, ):
"""Collect all new children and add the suggestions to the children as well
When an entity is loaded, referenced, imported etc there might be new children.
Also it might want to suggest children itself, like a Shader for an asset.
First we wrap all unwrapped children. See: :meth:`Reftrack.get_unwrapped`, :meth:`Reftrack.wrap`.
Then we get the suggestions. See: :meth:`Reftrack.get_suggestions`. All suggestions that are not
already a child of this Reftrack instance, will be used to create a new Reftrack with the type
and element of the suggestion and the this instance as parent.
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
root = self.get_root()
refobjinter = self.get_refobjinter()
unwrapped = self.get_unwrapped(root, refobjinter)
self.wrap(self.get_root(), self.get_refobjinter(), unwrapped)
suggestions = self.get_suggestions()
for typ, element in suggestions:
for c in self._children:
if typ == c.get_typ() and element == c.get_element():
Reftrack(root=root, refobjinter=refobjinter, typ=typ, element=element, parent=self)
[docs] def throw_children_away(self, ):
"""Get rid of the children :class:`Reftrack` by deleting them from root,
and unparenting them. The content of the children will stay in the scene.
You can wrap them again. It is a simple way to reset all children, e.g. after
a replace. Because they might have changed completly.
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
for c in self._children:
c._parent = None
for c in self.get_all_children():
self._children = []
[docs] def set_parent_on_new(self, parentrefobj):
"""Contextmanager that on close will get all new
unwrapped refobjects, and for every refobject with no parent
sets is to the given one.
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
refobjinter = self.get_refobjinter()
# to make sure we only get the new one
# we get all current unwrapped first
old = self.get_unwrapped(self.get_root(), refobjinter)
new = self.get_unwrapped(self.get_root(), refobjinter) - old
for refobj in new:
if refobjinter.get_parent(refobj) is None:
refobjinter.set_parent(refobj, parentrefobj)
[docs] def is_restricted(self, obj):
"""Returns True if the given object is listed under :data:`Reftrack.restricted`.
This is mainly used to restrict functions in certain situations.
:param obj: a hashable object
:returns: True, if the given obj is restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
return obj in self._restricted
[docs] def set_restricted(self, obj, restricted):
"""Set the restriction on the given object.
You can use this to signal that a certain function is restricted.
Then you can query the restriction later with :meth:`Reftrack.is_restricted`.
:param obj: a hashable object
:param restricted: True, if you want to restrict the object.
:type restricted: :class:`bool`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
if restricted:
elif obj in self._restricted:
[docs] def update_restrictions(self, ):
"""Update all restrictions for the common :class:`Reftrack` actions.
Update restrictions for:
* :meth:`Reftrack.reference`
* :meth:`Reftrack.load`
* :meth:`Reftrack.unload`
* :meth:`Reftrack.import_reference`
* :meth:`Reftrack.import_file`
* :meth:`Reftrack.replace`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
self.set_restricted(self.reference, self.fetch_reference_restriction())
self.set_restricted(self.load, self.fetch_load_restriction())
self.set_restricted(self.unload, self.fetch_unload_restriction())
self.set_restricted(self.import_reference, self.fetch_import_ref_restriction())
self.set_restricted(self.import_file, self.fetch_import_f_restriction())
self.set_restricted(self.replace, self.fetch_replace_restriction())
self.set_restricted(self.delete, self.fetch_delete_restriction())
[docs] def fetch_reference_restriction(self, ):
"""Fetch whether referencing is restricted
:returns: True, if referencing is restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
inter = self.get_refobjinter()
restricted = self.status() is not None
return restricted or inter.fetch_action_restriction(self, 'reference')
[docs] def fetch_load_restriction(self, ):
"""Fetch whether loading is restricted
:returns: True, if loading is restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
inter = self.get_refobjinter()
restricted = self.status() != self.UNLOADED
return restricted or inter.fetch_action_restriction(self, 'load')
[docs] def fetch_unload_restriction(self, ):
"""Fetch whether unloading is restricted
:returns: True, if unloading is restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
inter = self.get_refobjinter()
restricted = self.status() != self.LOADED or self.get_children_to_delete()
return restricted or inter.fetch_action_restriction(self, 'unload')
[docs] def fetch_import_ref_restriction(self,):
"""Fetch whether importing the reference is restricted
:returns: True, if importing the reference is restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
inter = self.get_refobjinter()
restricted = self.status() not in (self.LOADED, self.UNLOADED)
return restricted or inter.fetch_action_restriction(self, 'import_reference')
[docs] def fetch_import_f_restriction(self,):
"""Fetch whether importing a file is restricted
:returns: True, if import is restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
inter = self.get_refobjinter()
restricted = self.status() is not None
return restricted or inter.fetch_action_restriction(self, 'import_taskfile')
[docs] def fetch_replace_restriction(self, ):
"""Fetch whether unloading is restricted
:returns: True, if unloading is restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
inter = self.get_refobjinter()
restricted = self.status() is None
return restricted or inter.fetch_action_restriction(self, 'replace')
[docs] def fetch_delete_restriction(self, ):
"""Fetch whether deletion is restricted
:returns: True, if deletion is restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
inter = self.get_refobjinter()
return inter.fetch_action_restriction(self, 'delete')
[docs] def emit_data_changed(self):
"""Emit the data changed signal on the model of the treeitem
if the treeitem has a model.
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
item = self.get_treeitem()
m = item.get_model()
if m:
start = m.index_of_item(item)
parent = start.parent()
end = m.index(start.row(), item.column_count()-1, parent)
m.dataChanged.emit(start, end)
[docs] def get_additional_actions(self,):
"""Return a list of additional actions you want to provide for the menu
of the reftrack.
E.e. you want to have a menu entry, that will select the entity in your programm.
This will call :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_additional_actions`.
The base implementation returns an empty list.
:returns: A list of :class:`ReftrackAction`
:rtype: list
:raises: None
if self.get_typ():
inter = self.get_refobjinter()
return inter.get_additional_actions(self)
return []
[docs]class RefobjInterface(object):
"""Interface to interact with a refernece object that is in your scene.
This interface is abstract. You should implement it for every software where you need
a reference workflow.
To interact with the content of each entity, there is a special reftyp interface that
is not only software specific but also handles only a certain type of entity.
You can register additional type interfaces, so plugins can introduce their own entity types.
See :data:`RefobjInterface.types`. When subclassing you could replace it in your class with a
dictionary of :class:`ReftypeInterface`. Or you can call :meth:`RefobjInterface.register_type` at runtime.
A type could be "Asset", "Alembic", "Camera" etc.
Methods to implement:
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.exists`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_parent`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.set_parent`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_children`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_typ`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.set_typ`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_id`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.set_id`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.create_refobj`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.referenced_by`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.delete_refobj`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_all_refobjs`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_current_element`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.set_reference`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_reference`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_status`
* :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_taskfile`
You might also want to reimplement :meth:`fetch_action_restriction`
types = {}
"""A dictionary that maps types of entities (strings) to the reftypinterface class"""
def __init__(self, ):
"""Initialize a new refobjinterface.
:raises: None
[docs] def register_type(cls, typ, interface):
"""Register a new type with the given interface class
:param typ: the entity typ that you want to register
:type typ: str
:param interface: the interface class
:type interface: :class:`ReftypeInterface`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
cls.types[typ] = interface
[docs] def get_typ_interface(self, typ):
"""Return an appropriate interface for the given entity type
:param typ: the entity type
:type typ: str
:returns: a interface instance
:rtype: :class:`ReftypeInterface`
:raises: KeyError
return self.types[typ](self)
[docs] def exists(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Check if the given refobj is still in the scene
or if it has been deleted/dissapeared
:param refobj: a reference object to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: True, if it still exists
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_parent(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Return the refobj of the parent of the given refobj
:param refobj: a reference object to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: the parent refobj
:rtype: refobj | None
:raises: None
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_parent(self, child, parent): #pragma: no cover
"""Set the parent of the child refobj
E.g. in Maya you would connect the two refobj nodes
so you can later query the connection when calling
:param child: the child refobject
:type child: refobj
:param parent: the parent refobject
:type parent: refobj
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_children(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Get the children refobjects of the given refobject
It is the reverse query of :meth:`RefobjInterface.get_parent`
:param refobj: the parent refobj
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: a list with children refobjects
:rtype: list
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_typ(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Return the entity type of the given refobject
See: :data:`RefobjInterface.types`.
:param refobj: the refobj to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: the entity type
:rtype: str
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_typ(self, refobj, typ): #pragma: no cover
"""Set the type of the given refobj
:param refobj: the refobj to edit
:type refobj: refobj
:param typ: the entity type
:type typ: str
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_id(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Return the identifier of the given refobject
:param refobj: the refobj to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: the refobj id. Used to identify refobjects of the same parent, element and type in the UI
:rtype: int
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_id(self, refobj, identifier): #pragma: no cover
"""Set the identifier on the given refobj
:param refobj: the refobj to edit
:type refobj: refobj
:param identifier: the refobj id. Used to identify refobjects of the same parent, element and type in the UI
:type identifier: int
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def create_refobj(self, ): #pragma: no cover
"""Create and return a new refobj
E.g. in Maya one would create a custom node that can store all
the necessary information in the scene.
The type and parent will be set automatically, because one would normally call
:returns: the new refobj
:rtype: refobj
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def referenced_by(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Return the reference that holds the given refobj.
Returns None if it is imported/in the current scene.
:param refobj: the refobj to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: the reference that holds the given refobj
:rtype: reference | None
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def create(self, typ, identifier, parent=None):
"""Create a new refobj with the given typ and parent
:param typ: the entity type
:type typ: str
:param identifier: the refobj id. Used to identify refobjects of the same parent, element and type in the UI
:type identifier: int
:param parent: the parent refobject
:type parent: refobj
:returns: The created refobj
:rtype: refobj
:raises: None
refobj = self.create_refobj()
self.set_typ(refobj, typ)
self.set_id(refobj, identifier)
if parent:
self.set_parent(refobj, parent)
return refobj
[docs] def delete_refobj(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Delete the given refobj
:param refobj: the refobj to delete
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete(self, refobj):
"""Delete the given refobj and the contents of the entity
:param refobj: the refobj to delete
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
i = self.get_typ_interface(self.get_typ(refobj))
[docs] def get_all_refobjs(self, ): #pragma: no coverg
"""Return all refobjs in the scene
:returns: all refobjs in the scene
:rtype: list
:raises: None
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_current_element(self, ): #pragma: no cover
"""Return the currently open Shot or Asset
:returns: the currently open element
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot` | None
:raises: None
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_reference(self, refobj, reference): #pragma: no cover
"""Set the reference of the given refobj to reference
This will be called by the typinterface after the reference
has been made. The typinterface should deliver an appropriate
object as reference that can be used to track the reference
in the scene.
:param refobj: the refobj to update
:type refobj: refobj
:param reference: the value for the refobj
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_reference(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Return the reference that the refobj represents or None if it is imported.
E.g. in Maya this would return the linked reference node.
:param refobj: the refobj to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: the reference object in the scene | None
:raises: None
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reference(self, taskfileinfo, refobj):
"""Reference the given taskfile info and
set the created reference on the refobj
This will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.reference`, then :meth:`ReftypeInterface.set_reference`.
:param taskfileinfo: The taskfileinfo that holds the information for what to reference
:type taskfileinfo: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo`
:param refobj: the refobj that should represent the new reference
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(self.get_typ(refobj))
ref = inter.reference(refobj, taskfileinfo)
self.set_reference(refobj, ref)
[docs] def load(self, refobj):
"""Load the given refobject
Load in this case means, that a reference is already in the scene
but it is not in a loaded state.
Loading the reference means, that the actual data will be read.
This will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.load`.
:param refobj: the refobject
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(self.get_typ(refobj))
ref = self.get_reference(refobj)
inter.load(refobj, ref)
[docs] def unload(self, refobj):
"""Load the given refobject
Unload in this case means, that a reference is stays in the scene
but it is not in a loaded state.
So there is a reference, but data is not read from it.
This will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.unload`.
:param refobj: the refobject
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(self.get_typ(refobj))
ref = self.get_reference(refobj)
inter.unload(refobj, ref)
[docs] def replace(self, refobj, taskfileinfo):
"""Replace the given refobjs reference with the taskfileinfo
This will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.replace`.
:param refobj: the refobject
:type refobj: refobj
:param taskfileinfo: the taskfileinfo that will replace the old entity
:type taskfileinfo: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(self.get_typ(refobj))
ref = self.get_reference(refobj)
inter.replace(refobj, ref, taskfileinfo)
[docs] def is_replaceable(self, refobj):
"""Return whether the given reference of the refobject is replaceable or
if it should just get deleted and loaded again.
This will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.is_replaceable`.
:param refobj: the refobject to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: True, if replaceable
:rtype: bool
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(self.get_typ(refobj))
return inter.is_replaceable(refobj)
[docs] def import_reference(self, refobj):
"""Import the reference of the given refobj
Here we assume, that the reference is already in the scene and
we break the encapsulation and pull the data from the reference into
the current scene.
This will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.import_reference` and set the
reference on the refobj to None.
:param refobj: the refobj with a reference
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(self.get_typ(refobj))
ref = self.get_reference(refobj)
inter.import_reference(refobj, ref)
self.set_reference(refobj, None)
[docs] def import_taskfile(self, refobj, taskfileinfo):
"""Import the given taskfileinfo and update the refobj
This will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.import_taskfile`.
:param refobj: the refobject
:type refobj: refobject
:param taskfileinfo: the taskfileinfo to reference
:type taskfileinfo: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(self.get_typ(refobj))
inter.import_taskfile(refobj, taskfileinfo)
[docs] def get_status(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Return the status of the given refobj
See: :data:`Reftrack.LOADED`, :data:`Reftrack.UNLOADED`, :data:`Reftrack.IMPORTED`.
:param refobj: the refobj to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: the status of the given refobj
:rtype: str
:raises: None
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_taskfile(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Return the taskfile that is loaded and represented by the refobj
:param refobj: the refobj to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: The taskfile that is loaded in the scene
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.TaskFile`
:raises: None
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_taskfileinfo(self, refobj):
"""Return the :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo` that is loaded
by the refobj
:param refobj: the refobject to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: the taskfileinfo that is loaded in the scene
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo`
:raises: None
tf = self.get_taskfile(refobj)
return TaskFileInfo.create_from_taskfile(tf)
[docs] def get_element(self, refobj):
"""Return the element the refobj represents.
The element is either an Asset or a Shot.
:param refobj: the refobject to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: The element the reftrack represents
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:raises: None
tf = self.get_taskfile(refobj)
return tf.task.element
[docs] def fetch_options(self, typ, element):
"""Fetch the options for possible files to
load replace etc for the given element.
This will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.fetch_options`.
:param typ: the typ of options. E.g. Asset, Alembic, Camera etc
:type typ: str
:param element: The element for which the options should be fetched.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: the option model and a list with all TaskFileInfos
:rtype: ( :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel`, list of :class:`TaskFileInfo` )
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(typ)
return inter.fetch_options(element)
[docs] def fetch_option_taskfileinfos(self, typ, element):
"""Fetch the options for possible files to load, replace etc for the given element.
Thiss will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.fetch_option_taskfileinfos`.
:param typ: the typ of options. E.g. Asset, Alembic, Camera etc
:type typ: str
:param element: The element for which the options should be fetched.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: The options
:rtype: list of :class:`TaskFileInfo`
inter = self.get_typ_interface(typ)
return inter.fetch_option_taskfileinfos(element)
[docs] def get_option_labels(self, typ, element):
"""Return labels for each level of the option model.
The options returned by :meth:`RefobjInterface.fetch_options` is a treemodel
with ``n`` levels. Each level should get a label to describe what is displays.
E.g. if you organize your options, so that the first level shows the tasks, the second
level shows the descriptors and the third one shows the versions, then
your labels should be: ``["Task", "Descriptor", "Version"]``.
:param typ: the typ of options. E.g. Asset, Alembic, Camera etc
:type typ: str
:param element: The element for which the options should be fetched.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: label strings for all levels
:rtype: list
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(typ)
return inter.get_option_labels(element)
[docs] def get_option_columns(self, typ, element):
"""Return the column of the model to show for each level
Because each level might be displayed in a combobox. So you might want to provide the column
to show.
:param typ: the typ of options. E.g. Asset, Alembic, Camera etc
:type typ: str
:param element: The element for wich the options should be fetched.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: a list of columns
:rtype: list
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(typ)
return inter.get_option_columns(element)
[docs] def get_suggestions(self, reftrack):
"""Return a list with possible children for this reftrack
Each Reftrack may want different children. E.g. a Asset wants
to suggest a shader for itself and all assets that are linked in
to it in the database. Suggestions only apply for enities with status
other than None.
A suggestion is a tuple of typ and element. It will be used to create a newlen
:class:`Reftrack`. The parent will be this instance, root and interface will
of course be the same.
This will delegate the call to the appropriate :class:`ReftypeInterface`.
So suggestions may vary for every typ and might depend on the
status of the reftrack.
:param reftrack: the reftrack which needs suggestions
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: list of suggestions, tuples of type and element.
:rtype: list
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(reftrack.get_typ())
return inter.get_suggestions(reftrack)
[docs] def get_typ_icon(self, typ):
"""Get the icon that should be used to identify the type in an UI
:param typ: the typ. E.g. Asset, Alembic, Camera etc
:type typ: str
:returns: a icon for this type
:rtype: :class:`QtGui.QIcon` | None
:raises: NotImplementedError
inter = self.get_typ_interface(typ)
return inter.get_typ_icon()
[docs] def fetch_action_restriction(self, reftrack, action):
"""Return wheter the given action is restricted for the given reftrack
available actions are:
``reference``, ``load``, ``unload``, ``replace``, ``import_reference``, ``import_taskfile``, ``delete``
If action is not available, True is returned.
:param reftrack: the reftrack to query
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:param action: the action to check.
:type action: str
:returns: True, if the action is restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(reftrack.get_typ())
d = {'reference': inter.is_reference_restricted, 'load': inter.is_load_restricted,
'unload': inter.is_unload_restricted, 'replace': inter.is_replace_restricted,
'import_reference': inter.is_import_ref_restricted, 'import_taskfile': inter.is_import_f_restricted,
'delete': inter.is_delete_restricted,}
f = d.get(action, None)
if not f:
return True
return f(reftrack)
[docs] def get_additional_actions(self, reftrack):
"""Return a list of additional actions you want to provide for the menu
of the reftrack.
E.e. you want to have a menu entry, that will select the entity in your programm.
This will call :meth:`ReftypeInterface.get_additional_actions`.
The base implementation returns an empty list.
:param reftrack: the reftrack to return the actions for
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: A list of :class:`ReftrackAction`
:rtype: list
:raises: None
inter = self.get_typ_interface(reftrack.get_typ())
return inter.get_additional_actions(reftrack)
[docs] def get_available_types_for_scene(self, element):
"""Return a list of types that can be used in combination with the given element
to add new reftracks to the scene.
This allows for example the user, to add new reftracks (aliens) to the scene.
So e.g. for a shader, it wouldn't make sense to make it available to be added to the scene, because
one would use them only as children of let's say an asset or cache.
Some types might only be available for shots or assets etc.
:param element: the element that could be used in conjuction with the returned types to create new reftracks.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: a list of types
:rtype: :class:`list`
:raises: None
available = []
for typ, inter in self.types.items():
if inter(self).is_available_for_scene(element):
return available
[docs]class ReftrackAction(object):
"""A little container for additional actions for
reftracks. A action can call an arbitrary function, has a name and
optional an Icon.
def __init__(self, name, action, icon=None, checkable=False, checked=False, enabled=True):
"""Initialize a new action with the given name, actionfunction and optional an icon
:param name: the name of the action. Will be shown in GUIs
:type name: str
:param action: the function that should be called when the action is triggered.
:type action: callable
:param icon: Optional Icon for GUIs
:type icon: :class:`QtGui.QIcon`
:param checkable: If true, the action will be checkable in the UI
:type checkable: :class:`bool`
:param checked: If True, the action wil be checked by default
:type checked: :class:`bool`
:param eneabled: Whether the action should be enabled
:type eneabled: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
self.name = name
self.action = action
self.icon = icon
self.checkable = checkable
self.checked = checked
self.enabled = enabled
[docs]class ReftypeInterface(object):
"""Interface for manipulating the content of an entity in the scene
This interface is abstract. You should implement it for every software and
type where you need a reference workflow.
The ReftypeInterface is responsible for the main reference workflow actions
like loading, referencing and importing.
Depending on the type of your entity, additional actions may be appropriate.
E.g. if the type is a shader, then you might want to assign the shader
to the parent of the shader refobject.
Methods to implement:
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.reference`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.load`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.unload`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.replace`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.delete`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.import_reference`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.import_taskfile`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.is_replaceable`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.fetch_option_taskfileinfos`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.create_options_model`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.get_suggestions`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.get_option_labels`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.get_option_columns`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.is_available_for_scene`
You might also want to reimplement:
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.get_typ_icon`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.get_scene_suggestions`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.is_reference_restricted`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.is_load_restricted`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.is_unload_restricted`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.is_import_ref_restricted`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.is_import_f_restricted`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.is_replace_restricted`
* :meth:`ReftypeInterface.get_additional_actions`
def __init__(self, refobjinter):
"""Initialize a new ReftypeInterface
:param refobjinter: the refobject interface
:type refobjinter: :class:`RefobjInterface`
:raises: None
self._refobjinter = refobjinter
[docs] def get_refobjinter(self, ):
"""Return the :class:`RefobjInterface` that initialized the interface
:returns: the refobj interface that initialized the interface
:rtype: :class:`RefobjInterface`
:raises: None
return self._refobjinter
[docs] def reference(self, refobj, taskfileinfo): #pragma: no cover
"""Reference the given taskfileinfo into the scene and return the created reference object
The created reference object will be used on :meth:`RefobjInterface.set_reference` to
set the reference on a refobj. E.g. in Maya, one would return the reference node
so the RefobjInterface can link the refobj with the refernce object.
Do not call :meth:`RefobjInterface.set_reference` yourself.
:param refobj: the refobj that will be linked to the reference
:param taskfileinfo: The taskfileinfo that holds the information for what to reference
:type taskfileinfo: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo`
:returns: the reference that was created and should set on the appropriate refobj
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def load(self, refobj, reference): #pragma: no cover
"""Load the given reference
Load in this case means, that a reference is already in the scene
but it is not in a loaded state.
Loading the reference means, that the actual data will be read.
:param refobj: the refobj that is linked to the reference
:param reference: the reference object. E.g. in Maya a reference node
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def unload(self, refobj, reference): #pragma: no cover
"""Unload the given reference
Unload in this case means, that a reference is stays in the scene
but it is not in a loaded state.
So there is a reference, but data is not read from it.
:param refobj: the refobj that is linked to the reference
:param reference: the reference object. E.g. in Maya a reference node
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def replace(self, refobj, reference, taskfileinfo): #pragma: no cover
"""Replace the given reference with the given taskfileinfo
:param refobj: the refobj that is linked to the reference
:param reference: the reference object. E.g. in Maya a reference node
:param taskfileinfo: the taskfileinfo that will replace the old entity
:type taskfileinfo: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Delete the content of the given refobj
:param refobj: the refobj that represents the content that should be deleted
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def import_reference(self, refobj, reference): #pragma: no cover
"""Import the given reference
The reference of the refobj will be set to None automatically afterwards with
:param refobj: the refobj that is linked to the reference
:param reference: the reference object. E.g. in Maya a reference node
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def import_taskfile(self, refobj, taskfileinfo): #pragma: no cover
"""Import the given taskfileinfo and update the refobj
:param refobj: the refobject
:type refobj: refobject
:param taskfileinfo: the taskfileinfo to reference
:type taskfileinfo: :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo`
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_replaceable(self, refobj): #pragma: no cover
"""Return whether the given reference of the refobject is replaceable or
if it should just get deleted and loaded again.
:param refobj: the refobject to query
:type refobj: refobj
:returns: True, if replaceable
:rtype: bool
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fetch_options(self, element):
"""Fetch the options for possible files to
load replace etc for the given element.
Options from which to choose a file to load or replace.
The options are a :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel`
with :class:`jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo` as leafes internal data.
I explicitly say leafes because the options might be sorted in a tree like strucure.
So the user could first select a task and then the apropriate release.
You can take the model and display it to the user so he can select a file.
:param element: The element for which the options should be fetched.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: the option model and a list with all TaskFileInfos
:rtype: ( :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel`, list of :class:`TaskFileInfo` )
:raises: None
tfis = self.fetch_option_taskfileinfos(element)
return self.create_options_model(tfis), tfis
[docs] def fetch_option_taskfileinfos(self, element): #pragma: no cover
"""Fetch the options for possible files to load, replace etc for the given element.
Options from which to choose a file to load or replace.
:param element: The element for which the options should be fetched.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: The options
:rtype: list of :class:`TaskFileInfo`
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def create_options_model(self, taskfileinfos): #pragma: no cover
"""Create a new treemodel that has the taskfileinfos as internal_data of the leaves.
I recommend using :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.filesysitemdata.TaskFileInfoItemData` for the leaves.
So a valid root item would be something like::
rootdata = jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.ListItemData(["Asset/Shot", "Task", "Descriptor", "Version", "Releasetype"])
rootitem = jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeItem(rootdata)
:returns: the option model with :class:`TaskFileInfo` as internal_data of the leaves.
:rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeModel`
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_option_labels(self, element): #pragma: no cover
"""Return labels for each level of the option model.
The options returned by :meth:`RefobjInterface.fetch_options` is a treemodel
with ``n`` levels. Each level should get a label to describe what is displays.
E.g. if you organize your options, so that the first level shows the tasks, the second
level shows the descriptors and the third one shows the versions, then
your labels should be: ``["Task", "Descriptor", "Version"]``.
:param element: The element for which the options should be fetched.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: label strings for all levels
:rtype: list
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_option_columns(self, element): #pragma: no cover
"""Return the column of the model to show for each level
Because each level might be displayed in a combobox. So you might want to provide the column
to show.
:param element: The element for wich the options should be fetched.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: a list of columns
:rtype: list
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_suggestions(self, reftrack): #pragma: no cover
"""Return a list with possible children for this reftrack
Each Reftrack may want different children. E.g. a Asset wants
to suggest a shader for itself and all assets that are linked in
to it in the database. Suggestions only apply for enities with status
other than None.
A suggestion is a tuple of typ and element. It will be used to create a newlen
:class:`Reftrack`. The parent will be this instance, root and interface will
of course be the same.
:param reftrack: the reftrack which needs suggestions
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: list of suggestions, tuples of type and element.
:rtype: list
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_available_for_scene(self, element):
"""Return True, if it should be possible to add a new reftrack with the given
element and the type of the interface to the scene.
Some types might only make sense for a shot or asset. Others should never be available, because
you would only use them as children of other reftracks (e.g. a shader).
:param element: the element that could be used in conjuction with the returned types to create new reftracks.
:type element: :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Asset` | :class:`jukeboxcore.djadapter.models.Shot`
:returns: True, if available
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_typ_icon(self, ):
"""Return a icon that should be used to identify the type in an UI
:returns: a icon for this type
:rtype: :class:`QtGui.QIcon` | None
:raises: NotImplementedError
return None
[docs] def get_scene_suggestions(self, current):
"""Return a list with elements for reftracks for the current scene with this type.
For every element returned, the reftrack system will create a :class:`Reftrack` with the type
of this interface, if it is not already in the scene.
E.g. if you have a type that references whole scenes, you might suggest all
linked assets for shots, and all liked assets plus the current element itself for assets.
If you have a type like shader, that usually need a parent, you would return an empty list.
Cameras might only make sense for shots and not for assets etc.
Do not confuse this with :meth:`ReftypeInterface.get_suggestions`. It will gather suggestions
for children of a :class:`Reftrack`.
The standard implementation only returns an empty list!
:param reftrack: the reftrack which needs suggestions
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: list of suggestions, tuples of type and element.
:rtype: list
:raises: None
return []
[docs] def is_reference_restricted(self, reftrack):
"""Return whether referencing for the given reftrack should be restricted
This implementation returns always False
:param reftrack: the reftrack to query
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: True, if restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
return False
[docs] def is_load_restricted(self, reftrack):
"""Return whether loading for the given reftrack should be restricted
This implementation returns always False
:param reftrack: the reftrack to query
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: True, if restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
return False
[docs] def is_unload_restricted(self, reftrack):
"""Return whether unloading for the given reftrack should be restricted
This implementation returns always False
:param reftrack: the reftrack to query
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: True, if restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
return False
[docs] def is_import_ref_restricted(self, reftrack):
"""Return whether importing the reference for the given reftrack should be restricted
This implementation returns always False
:param reftrack: the reftrack to query
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: True, if restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
return False
[docs] def is_import_f_restricted(self, reftrack):
"""Return whether importing a file for the given reftrack should be restricted
This implementation returns always False
:param reftrack: the reftrack to query
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: True, if restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
return False
[docs] def is_replace_restricted(self, reftrack):
"""Return whether replacing for the given reftrack should be restricted
This implementation returns always False
:param reftrack: the reftrack to query
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: True, if restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
return False
[docs] def is_delete_restricted(self, reftrack):
"""Return whether deleting for the given reftrack should be restricted
This implementation returns always False
:param reftrack: the reftrack to query
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: True, if restricted
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:raises: None
return False
[docs] def get_additional_actions(self, reftrack):
"""Return a list of additional actions you want to provide for the menu
of the reftrack.
E.e. you want to have a menu entry, that will select the entity in your programm.
The base implementation returns an empty list.
:param reftrack: the reftrack to return the actions for
:type reftrack: :class:`Reftrack`
:returns: A list of :class:`ReftrackAction`
:rtype: list
:raises: None
return []