Source code for jukeboxcore.main

"""Bundles common core functions.

There are different init functions to initialize jukebox.
:func:`jukeboxcore.main.init` should be called once before using the pipeline.
import os
import sys

from jukeboxcore.plugins import PluginManager

[docs]def init_environment(): """Set environment variables that are important for the pipeline. :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'jukeboxcore.djsettings'
[docs]def init(): """Initialize the pipeline so everything works Initiealizes environment variables and loads the plugins """ init_environment() # load plugins pmanager = PluginManager.get() pmanager.load_plugins()
[docs]def unload_modules(): """ Unload all modules of the jukebox package and all plugin modules Python provides the ``reload`` command for reloading modules. The major drawback is, that if this module is loaded in any other module the source code will not be resourced! If you want to reload the code because you changed the source file, you have to get rid of it completely first. :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ mods = set([]) for m in sys.modules: if m.startswith('jukebox'): mods.add(m) pm = PluginManager.get() for p in pm.get_all_plugins(): mods.add(p.__module__) for m in mods: del(sys.modules[m])