Source code for jukeboxcore.iniconf

"""The config module manages writing and loading of user preferences

We use `ConfigObj Module <>`_.
With its help, we can read and write **ini**-files.
We are also able to validate it against a specification ini, so there are
always correct values after loading.

Use the :mod:`jukeboxcore.iniconf` module for loading the core config file.
As a plugin developer, use :func:`jukeboxcore.plugins.JB_Plugin.get_config` to obtain the ConfigObj.
The ConfigObj behaves like a dictionary. It will have all keys, that you specified in your
spec file.

.. important:: Make sure that every value in your config specification has a valid default value!

For editing a configfile there is the Configer plugin.

import os

from configobj import ConfigObj, flatten_errors
from validate import Validator

from jukeboxcore.log import get_logger
log = get_logger(__name__)
from jukeboxcore.errors import ConfigError
from jukeboxcore.constants import CORE_CONFIG_PATH, CORE_CONFIG_SPEC_PATH

[docs]def get_section_path(section): """Return a list with keys to access the section from root :param section: A Section :type section: Section :returns: list of strings in the order to access the given section from root :raises: None """ keys = [] p = section for i in range(section.depth): keys.insert(0, p = p.parent return keys
[docs]def check_default_values(section, key, validator=None): """Raise an MissingDefaultError if a value in section does not have a default values :param section: the section of a configspec :type section: section :param key: a key of the section :type key: str :param validator: a Validator object to get the default values :type validator: Validator :returns: None :raises: MissingDefaultError Use this in conjunction with the walk method of a ConfigObj. The ConfigObj should be the configspec! When you want to use a custom validator, try:: configinstance.walk(check_default_values, validator=validatorinstance) """ if validator is None: validator = Validator() try: validator.get_default_value(section[key]) except KeyError: #dv = set(section.default_values.keys()) # set of all defined default values #scalars = set(section.scalars) # set of all keys #if dv != scalars: parents = get_section_path(section) msg = 'The Key %s in the section %s is missing a default: %s' % (key, parents, section[key]) log.debug(msg) raise ConfigError(msg)
[docs]def fix_errors(config, validation): """Replace errors with their default values :param config: a validated ConfigObj to fix :type config: ConfigObj :param validation: the resuts of the validation :type validation: ConfigObj :returns: The altered config (does alter it in place though) :raises: None """ for e in flatten_errors(config, validation): sections, key, err = e sec = config for section in sections: sec = sec[section] if key is not None: sec[key] = sec.default_values.get(key, sec[key]) else: sec.walk(set_to_default) return config
[docs]def set_to_default(section, key): """Set the value of the given seciton and key to default :param section: the section of a configspec :type section: section :param key: a key of the section :type key: str :returns: None :raises: None """ section[key] = section.default_values.get(key, section[key])
[docs]def clean_config(config): """Check if all values have defaults and replace errors with their default value :param config: the configobj to clean :type config: ConfigObj :returns: None :raises: ConfigError The object is validated, so we need a spec file. All failed values will be replaced by their default values. If default values are not specified in the spec, a MissingDefaultError will be raised. If the replaced values still fail validation, a ValueError is raised. This can occur if the default is of the wrong type. If the object does not have a config spec, this function does nothing. You are on your own then. """ if config.configspec is None: return vld = Validator() validation = config.validate(vld, copy=True) config.configspec.walk(check_default_values, validator=vld) fix_errors(config, validation) validation = config.validate(vld, copy=True) if not (validation == True): # NOQA seems unpythonic but this validation evaluates that way only msg = 'The config could not be fixed. Make sure that all default values have the right type!' log.debug(msg) raise ConfigError(msg)
[docs]def load_config(f, spec): """Return the ConfigObj for the specified file :param f: the config file path :type f: str :param spec: the path to the configspec :type spec: str :returns: the loaded ConfigObj :rtype: ConfigObj :raises: ConfigError """ dirname = os.path.dirname(f) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) c = ConfigObj(infile=f, configspec=spec, interpolation=False, create_empty=True) try: clean_config(c) except ConfigError, e: msg = "Config %s could not be loaded. Reason: %s" % (c.filename, e) log.debug(msg) raise ConfigError(msg) return c
[docs]def get_core_config(): """Return the ConfigObj of the main jukebox config file :returns: the loaded ConfigObj :rtype: ConfigObj :raises: None """ f = CORE_CONFIG_PATH spec = CORE_CONFIG_SPEC_PATH return load_config(f, spec)