Source code for jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.textedit

from PySide import QtCore
from PySide import QtGui

[docs]class JB_PlainTextEdit(QtGui.QPlainTextEdit): """A plain text edit that supports placeholder text """ def __init__(self, text="", parent=None): """Consturct a new text edit with the given text and parent :param text: the inital text to display :type text: str :param parent: the parent widget :type parent: QtGui.QWidget :raises: None """ super(JB_PlainTextEdit, self).__init__(text, parent) self._placeholder = ""
[docs] def placeholder(self): """Return the placeholder text :returns: placeholder :rtype: str :raises: None """ return self._placeholder
[docs] def set_placeholder(self, text): """Set the placeholder text that will be displayed when the text is empty and the widget is out of focus :param text: The text for the placeholder :type text: str :raises: None """ if self._placeholder != text: self._placeholder = text if not self.hasFocus(): self.update()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): """Paint the widget :param event: :type event: :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ if not self.toPlainText() and not self.hasFocus() and self._placeholder: p = QtGui.QPainter(self.viewport()) p.setClipping(False) col = self.palette().text().color() col.setAlpha(128) oldpen = p.pen() p.setPen(col) p.drawText(self.viewport().geometry(), QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignTop, self._placeholder) p.setPen(oldpen) else: return super(JB_PlainTextEdit, self).paintEvent(event)
[docs] def focusInEvent(self, e): """Repaint the entire viewport :param e: the focus event :type e: QFocusEvent :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ return super(JB_PlainTextEdit, self).focusOutEvent(e)
[docs] def focusOutEvent(self, e): """Repaint the entire viewport :param e: the focus event :type e: QFocusEvent :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ return super(JB_PlainTextEdit, self).focusOutEvent(e)