import os
import subprocess
import pysideuic
import PySide
import jukeboxcore.gui.resources
[docs]def compile_ui(uifile):
"""Compile the given Qt designer file. The compiled file will be in the same directory but ends with
:param uifile: filepath to the uifile
:type uifile: str
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
print "Compileing: %s" % uifile
outputpath = uifile.rsplit(os.path.extsep, 1)[0] + ""
print "Outputfile: %s" % outputpath
outputfile = open(os.path.abspath(outputpath), "w")
pysideuic.compileUi(os.path.abspath(uifile), outputfile)
print "Done!"
[docs]def compile_rcc(rccfile):
"""Compile the given Qt resource file. The compiled file will be in the jukeboxcore.gui.resources package and ends with
:param rccfile: filepath to the rccfile
:type rccfile: str
:returns: None
:rtype: Nonen
:raises: None
print "Compileing: %s" % rccfile
rccfilename = os.path.basename(rccfile)
outname = rccfilename.rsplit(os.path.extsep, 1)[0] + ""
# put in resoures package
path = os.path.dirname(jukeboxcore.gui.resources.__file__)
outputpath = os.path.join(path, outname)
print "Outputfile: %s" % outputpath
# get pyside-rcc.exe. It is in the PySide dir.
pysidedir = os.path.dirname(PySide.__file__)
pysidercc = os.path.join(pysidedir, "pyside-rcc.exe")
args=[pysidercc, "-o", outputpath, rccfile]
rc =
print "Finished with returncode %s" % rc