Source code for jukeboxcore.gui.actionreport

"""This module provides a way to display the result of an :class:`jukeboxcore.action.ActionCollection` to the user."""
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui

from jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel import TreeModel, ItemData, ListItemData, TreeItem
from jukeboxcore.action import ActionStatus

[docs]class ActionItemData(ItemData): """A class that holds data of a :class:`jukeboxcore.action.ActionUnit` """ colormapping = {ActionStatus.SUCCESS: QtGui.QColor(, ActionStatus.FAILURE: QtGui.QColor(255, 153, 51), ActionStatus.ERROR: QtGui.QColor(, ActionStatus.SKIPPED: QtGui.QColor(QtCore.Qt.yellow)} def __init__(self, actionunit): """Create a new ActionItemData for the given actionunit :param actionunit: a action unit :type actionunit: :class:`jukeboxcore.action.ActionUnit` :raises: None """ super(ActionItemData, self).__init__() self._au = actionunit
[docs] def data(self, column, role): """Return the data for the specified column and role Column 0: The name of the action Column 1: The description of the action Column 2: The status value Column 3: The status message Column 4: The traceback :param column: the data column :type column: int :param role: the data role :type role: QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole :returns: data depending on the role, or None if the column is out of range :rtype: depending on the role or None :raises: None """ if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: if column == 0: return if column == 1: return self._au.description if column == 2: return self._au.status.value if column == 3: return self._au.status.message if column == 4: return self._au.status.traceback if role == QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole: if column == 2: return self.colormapping.get(self._au.status.value)
[docs] def column_count(self, ): """Return the number of columns, 5 :returns: 5 :rtype: int :raises: None """ return 5
[docs] def internal_data(self, ): """Return the action unit :returns: the action unit :rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.action.ActionUnit` :raises: None """ return self._au
[docs] def flags(self, column): """Return the item flags for the item Default is QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable Column 4 is also editable. :param column: the column to query :type column: int :returns: the item flags. :rtype: QtCore.Qt.ItemFlags :raises: None """ flags = super(ActionItemData, self).flags(column) if (column == 3 and self._au.status.message) or (column == 4 and self._au.status.traceback): flags = flags | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable return flags
[docs]def create_action_model(actioncollection): """Create and return a new model for the given actioncollection :param actioncollection: the action collection that should get a model :type actioncollection: :class:`jukeboxcore.action.ActionCollection` :returns: the created model :rtype: :class:`TreeModel` :raises: None """ rootdata = ListItemData(["Name", "Description", "Status", "Message", "Traceback"]) root = TreeItem(rootdata) for au in actioncollection.actions: adata = ActionItemData(au) TreeItem(adata, parent=root) return TreeModel(root)