Source code for jukeboxcore.djadapter

"""This module provides a adapter for django to use in your tools

On import django will be setup to work. This might take 1-5 seconds! From there on you have access to the database.
If we are testing, this means the env var ``JUKEBOX_TESTING`` is set, then the import will create a test database automatically!
Creating a test db will set the env var \'TEST_DB\' to the name of the test db, so we can destroy it later.

The djadapter has shotcuts to the manger objects for each model.
To make a query, use these managers. See the documentation of
`Managers <>`_,
`Retrieving objects <>`_ and
`QuerySets <>`_.
Just instead of ``<Model>.objects`` use a manager of djadapter as shortcut.

For example to query projects use::

  from jukeboxcore import djadapter
  djadapter.projects.all() # returns a QuerySet that can be used similar to a list
  djadapter.projects.get(name=\'Some Project\') # returns an instance of project if
                                              # there is one but only one project with this name
  djadapter.projects.filter(semester=\'SS14\') # returns only projects of the summer semester 2014

import os
import logging
import getpass

import django

from jukeboxcore.log import get_logger
log = get_logger(__name__)

if not os.environ.get("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"):
    import jukeboxcore.main


[docs]def setup_testdatabase(): """Create test database We have to do some setup manually. `` test`` does that usually. Writes the db in the env var ``TEST_DB``. This can be torn down afterwards. """ if os.environ.get("NO_TEST_DB", None): return # create a test db. django somehow logs a lot of debug stuff # because the log config does not say different # so we disable it for the moment from django.conf import settings logging.disable(logging.INFO) # autoclobber ignores if a test db with the same name already exists django.db.connection.creation.create_test_db(autoclobber=True) os.environ['TEST_DB'] = settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) # only setup a testdb if we are testing and if there isnt a test db already
if os.environ.get('JUKEBOX_TESTING', None): os.environ['TEST_DB'] = '' setup_testdatabase() # now we can import the models from jukedj import models #========== # Constants #========== GLOBAL_NAME = models.GLOBAL_NAME """Name for global shots and sequences""" RNDSEQ_NAME = models.RNDSEQ_NAME """Name for the rnd sequence""" DEFAULT_ASSETTYPES = [x[0] for x in models.DEFAULT_ASSETTYPES] """Tuples with name and description for the default assettypes that should always be available.""" DEFAULT_DEPARTMENTS = models.DEFAULT_DEPARTMENTS """Tuples with name, short, ordervalue and assetflag for the default departments. Asset flag indicates if it is a department for assets or for shots. Every project will get these departments by default. """ RELEASETYPES = { 'release': 'release', 'work': 'work', 'handoff': 'handoff', } """Releasetype values for the different releasetypes the values consist of tuples with the actual name and a description. """ FILETYPES = { 'mayamainscene': 'mayamainscene' } """A dict for file types that can be used in a TaskFile the values are the actual data that gets stored in the database. Explanations: :mayamainscene: probably the most common for maya scenes. these are the usual release and workfiles maybe even a handoff file, if it does not need a direct subfolder. Main scenes hold the main information, not just extracted parts. If you export shader or maybe some blendshapes in a scene, do not use this one. """ #========= # Managers #========= projects = models.Project.objects """The Project manager. Use it to query the database for projects.""" atypes = models.Atype.objects """The Atype manager. Use it to query the database for atypes.""" sequences = models.Sequence.objects """The Sequence manager. Use it to query the database for sequences.""" departments = models.Department.objects """The Department manager. Use it to query the database for departments.""" tasks = models.Task.objects """The Task manager. Use it to query the database for tasks.""" assets = models.Asset.objects """The Asset manager. Use it to query the database for assets.""" shots = models.Shot.objects """The Shot manager. Use it to query the database for shots.""" softwares = models.Software.objects """The Software manager. Use it to query the database for softwares.""" files = models.File.objects """The File manager. Use it to query the database for files.""" taskfiles = models.TaskFile.objects """The Taskfile manager. Use it to query the database for taskfiles.""" users = models.User.objects """The user manager. Use it to query the database for users.""" notes = models.Note.objects """The note manager. Use it to query the database for notes."""
[docs]def get_current_user(): """Return the User instance for the currently logged in user :returns: user instance :rtype: :class:`models.User` :raises: DoesNotExist """ name = getpass.getuser() return users.get(username=name)