"""This module provides a adapter for django to use in your tools
On import django will be setup to work. This might take 1-5 seconds! From there on you have access to the database.
If we are testing, this means the env var ``JUKEBOX_TESTING`` is set, then the import will create a test database automatically!
Creating a test db will set the env var \'TEST_DB\' to the name of the test db, so we can destroy it later.
The djadapter has shotcuts to the manger objects for each model.
To make a query, use these managers. See the documentation of
`Managers <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/topics/db/managers/#django.db.models.Manager>`_,
`Retrieving objects <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/topics/db/queries/#retrieving-objects>`_ and
`QuerySets <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/models/querysets/#django.db.models.query.QuerySet>`_.
Just instead of ``<Model>.objects`` use a manager of djadapter as shortcut.
For example to query projects use::
from jukeboxcore import djadapter
djadapter.projects.all() # returns a QuerySet that can be used similar to a list
djadapter.projects.get(name=\'Some Project\') # returns an instance of project if
# there is one but only one project with this name
djadapter.projects.filter(semester=\'SS14\') # returns only projects of the summer semester 2014
import os
import logging
import getpass
import django
from jukeboxcore.log import get_logger
log = get_logger(__name__)
if not os.environ.get("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"):
import jukeboxcore.main
[docs]def setup_testdatabase():
"""Create test database
We have to do some setup manually. ``manage.py test`` does that usually.
Writes the db in the env var ``TEST_DB``. This can be torn down afterwards.
if os.environ.get("NO_TEST_DB", None):
# create a test db. django somehow logs a lot of debug stuff
# because the log config does not say different
# so we disable it for the moment
from django.conf import settings
# autoclobber ignores if a test db with the same name already exists
os.environ['TEST_DB'] = settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']
# only setup a testdb if we are testing and if there isnt a test db already
if os.environ.get('JUKEBOX_TESTING', None):
os.environ['TEST_DB'] = ''
# now we can import the models
from jukedj import models
# Constants
"""Name for global shots and sequences"""
"""Name for the rnd sequence"""
"""Tuples with name and description for the default assettypes that should always be available."""
"""Tuples with name, short, ordervalue and assetflag for the default departments.
Asset flag indicates if it is a department for assets or for shots.
Every project will get these departments by default.
'release': 'release',
'work': 'work',
'handoff': 'handoff',
"""Releasetype values for the different releasetypes
the values consist of tuples with the actual name and a description.
'mayamainscene': 'mayamainscene'
"""A dict for file types that can be used in a TaskFile
the values are the actual data that gets stored in the database.
:mayamainscene: probably the most common for maya scenes. these are the usual release and workfiles
maybe even a handoff file, if it does not need a direct subfolder.
Main scenes hold the main information, not just extracted parts.
If you export shader or maybe some blendshapes in a scene, do not use this one.
# Managers
projects = models.Project.objects
"""The Project manager. Use it to query the database for projects."""
atypes = models.Atype.objects
"""The Atype manager. Use it to query the database for atypes."""
sequences = models.Sequence.objects
"""The Sequence manager. Use it to query the database for sequences."""
departments = models.Department.objects
"""The Department manager. Use it to query the database for departments."""
tasks = models.Task.objects
"""The Task manager. Use it to query the database for tasks."""
assets = models.Asset.objects
"""The Asset manager. Use it to query the database for assets."""
shots = models.Shot.objects
"""The Shot manager. Use it to query the database for shots."""
softwares = models.Software.objects
"""The Software manager. Use it to query the database for softwares."""
files = models.File.objects
"""The File manager. Use it to query the database for files."""
taskfiles = models.TaskFile.objects
"""The Taskfile manager. Use it to query the database for taskfiles."""
users = models.User.objects
"""The user manager. Use it to query the database for users."""
notes = models.Note.objects
"""The note manager. Use it to query the database for notes."""
[docs]def get_current_user():
"""Return the User instance for the currently logged in user
:returns: user instance
:rtype: :class:`models.User`
:raises: DoesNotExist
name = getpass.getuser()
return users.get(username=name)