| |
- fgcp.FGCPError(exceptions.Exception)
- FGCPClientError
- fgcp.command.FGCPCommand(fgcp.connection.FGCPProxyServer)
- FGCPMonitor
- FGCPOperator
- FGCPDesigner
- FGCPClient
class FGCPClient(FGCPDesigner) |
FGCP Client Methods
# Connect with your client certificate in region 'uk'
from fgcp.client import FGCPClient
client = FGCPClient('client.pem', 'uk')
# Backup all VServers in some VSystem
vsys = client.GetSystemInventory('Python API Demo System')
for vserver in vsys.vservers:
client.BackupVServerAndRestart(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
# Note: you can also use all API commands from FGCPCommand()
vsystems = client.ListVSYS()
for vsys in vsystems:
vsysconfig = client.GetVSYSConfiguration(vsys.vsysId)
... |
- Method resolution order:
- FGCPClient
- FGCPDesigner
- FGCPOperator
- FGCPMonitor
- fgcp.command.FGCPCommand
- fgcp.connection.FGCPProxyServer
- fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection
Methods inherited from FGCPDesigner:
- ConfigureSystem(self, vsysName, systemDesign, verbose=None)
- Configure VSystem based on some systemDesign - see LoadSystemDesign()
#design = vdc.get_vsystem_design()
- CreateSystem(self, vsysName, vsysdescriptorName, verbose=None)
- Create VSystem based on descriptor and wait until it's deployed
vsysId = vdc.create_vsystem(vsysName, vsysdescriptorName, wait=True)
- DestroySystem(self, vsysName, verbose=None)
- Destroy VSystem after stopping all VServers and EFMs
vdc.destroy_vsystem(vsysName, wait=True)
- FindDiskImageByName(self, diskimageName)
- Find DiskImage by diskimageName
diskimage = vdc.get_diskimage(diskimageName)
- FindServerTypeByName(self, name)
- Find ServerType by name
servertype = vdc.get_servertype(name)
- FindVSYSDescriptorByName(self, vsysdescriptorName)
- Find VSYSDescriptor by vsysdescriptorName
vsysdescriptor = vdc.get_vsysdescriptor(vsysdescriptorName)
- LoadSystemDesign(self, filePath, verbose=None)
- Load VSystem design from file, for use e.g. in ConfigureSystem()
design = vdc.get_vsystem_design()
- SaveSystemDesign(self, vsysName, filePath, verbose=None)
- Save (fixed parts of) VSystem design to file
design = vdc.get_vsystem_design()
Methods inherited from FGCPOperator:
- AttachPublicIPAndWait(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- Attach PublicIP and wait until it's attached
result = publicip.attach(wait=True)
- BackupVDiskAndWait(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Take Backup of VDisk and wait until it's finished (this might take a while)
result = vdisk.backup(wait=True)
- BackupVServerAndRestart(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Backup all VDisks of a VServer and restart the VServer (this might take a while)
result = vserver.backup(wait=True)
for vdisk in vserver.list_vdisks():
result = vdisk.backup(wait=True)
result = vserver.start(wait=True)
- CleanupBackups(self, vsysId, vdiskId=None)
- Clean up old VDisk backups e.g. to minimize disk space
result = vdisk.cleanup_backups(max_num=100, max_age=None)
- DetachPublicIPAndWait(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- Detach PublicIP and wait until it's detached
result = publicip.detach(wait=True)
- StartEFMAndWait(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Start EFM and wait until it's running
result = loadbalancer.start(wait=True)
- StartSystem(self, vsysName, verbose=None)
- Start VSystem and wait until all VServers and EFMs are started (TODO: define start sequence for vservers)
- StartVServerAndWait(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Start VServer and wait until it's running
result = vserver.start(wait=True)
- StopEFMAndWait(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Stop EFM and wait until it's stopped
result = loadbalancer.stop(wait=True)
- StopSystem(self, vsysName, verbose=None)
- Stop VSystem and wait until all VServers and EFMs are stopped (TODO: define stop sequence for vservers)
- StopVServerAndWait(self, vsysId, vserverId, force=None)
- Stop VServer and wait until it's stopped
result = vserver.stop(wait=True, force=None)
- check_status(self, done_status, pass_status, status_method, *args)
- Call status_method(*args) to see if we get done_status, or something other than pass_status
Obsolete - included in resource actions
- wait_for_status(self, done_status, wait_status, status_method, *args)
- Call status_method(*args) repeatedly until we get done_status (or something else than wait_status)
Obsolete - included in resource actions
Methods inherited from FGCPMonitor:
- FindSystemByName(self, vsysName)
- Find VSystem by vsysName
vsystem = vdc.get_vsystem(vsysName)
- GetSystemInventory(self, vsysName=None)
- Get VSystem inventory (by vsysName)
vsystems = vdc.list_vsystems()
inventory = vsystem.get_inventory()
- GetSystemStatus(self, vsysName=None, verbose=None)
- Get the overall system status (for a particular VSystem)
status = vsystem.get_status()
- ShowSystemStatus(self, vsysName=None, sep='\t')
- Show the overall system status (for a particular VSystem)
- getvdc(self)
Methods inherited from fgcp.command.FGCPCommand:
- AddAddressRange(self, pipFrom, pipTo)
- AllocatePublicIP(self, vsysId)
- AttachPublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- AttachVDisk(self, vsysId, vserverId, vdiskId)
- BackupEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- BackupVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- CreateAddressPool(self, pipFrom=None, pipTo=None)
- CreateEFM(self, vsysId, efmType, efmName, networkId)
- Usage: efmId = proxy.CreateEFM(self, vsys.vsysId, 'SLB', 'My LoadBalancer', vsys.vnets[0])
- CreateVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskName, size)
- Usage: vdiskId = proxy.CreateVDisk(self, vsys.vsysId, vdiskName, size)
- CreateVSYS(self, vsysDescriptorId, vsysName)
- Usage: vsysId = proxy.CreateVSYS(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId, 'My New System')
- CreateVServer(self, vsysId, vserverName, vserverType, diskImageId, networkId)
- Usage: vserverId = proxy.CreateVServer(self, vsys.vsysId, 'My New Server', servertype.name, diskimage.diskimageId, vsys.vnets[0])
- DeleteAddressRange(self, pipFrom, pipTo)
- DestroyEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- DestroyEFMBackup(self, vsysId, efmId, backupId)
- DestroyVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- DestroyVDiskBackup(self, vsysId, backupId)
- DestroyVSYS(self, vsysId)
- DestroyVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- DetachPublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- DetachVDisk(self, vsysId, vserverId, vdiskId)
- FreePublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- GetAddressRange(self)
- Usage: addressranges = proxy.GetAddressRange()
- GetDiskImageAttributes(self, diskImageId)
- Usage: diskimage = proxy.GetDiskImageAttributes(diskimage.diskimageId)
- GetEFMAttributes(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Usage: efmattr = proxy.GetEFMAttributes(vsys.vsysId, loadbalancer.efmId)
- GetEFMConfigHandler(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Handler for specific GetEFMConfiguration methods, see FGCPGetEFMConfigHandler for details
Usage: fw_policies = proxy.GetEFMConfigHandler(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId).fw_policy(from_zone, to_zone)
- GetEFMConfiguration(self, vsysId, efmId, configurationName, configurationXML=None)
- Generic method for all GetEFMConfiguration methods
- GetEFMStatus(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetEFMStatus(vsys.vsysId, loadbalancer.efmId)
- GetEventLog(self, all=None, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: logs = proxy.GetEventLog()
- GetInformation(self, all=None, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: infos = proxy.GetInformation()
- GetPerformanceInformation(self, vsysId, vserverId, interval='10minute', dataType=None)
- Usage: perfinfos = proxy.GetPerformanceInformation(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId, interval='hour')
- GetPublicIPAttributes(self, publicIp)
- Usage: publicipattr = proxy.GetPublicIPAttributes(publicip.address)
- GetPublicIPStatus(self, publicIp)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetPublicIPStatus(publicip.address)
- GetSystemUsage(self, vsysIds=None)
- NOTE: extra 'date' element on top-level compared to other API calls !
Usage: date, usage = proxy.GetSystemUsage()
- GetVDiskAttributes(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Usage: vdiskattr = proxy.GetVDiskAttributes(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- GetVDiskStatus(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVDiskStatus(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- GetVSYSAttributes(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vsysattr = proxy.GetVSYSAttributes(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVSYSConfiguration(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vsysconfig = proxy.GetVSYSConfiguration(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVSYSDescriptorAttributes(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- Usage: vsysdescriptorattr = proxy.GetVSYSDescriptorAttributes(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId)
- GetVSYSDescriptorConfiguration(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- Usage: vsysdescriptorconfig = proxy.GetVSYSDescriptorConfiguration(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId)
- GetVSYSStatus(self, vsysId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVSYSStatus(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVServerAttributes(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: vserverattr = proxy.GetVServerAttributes(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerConfiguration(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: vserverconfig = proxy.GetVServerConfiguration(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerInitialPassword(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: initialpwd = proxy.GetVServerInitialPassword(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerStatus(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVServerStatus(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- ListDiskImage(self, serverCategory=None, vsysDescriptorId=None)
- Usage: diskimages = proxy.ListDiskImage()
- ListEFM(self, vsysId, efmType)
- Usage:
firewalls = proxy.ListEFM(vsys.vsysId, "FW")
loadbalancers = proxy.ListEFM(vsys.vsysId, "SLB")
- ListEFMBackup(self, vsysId, efmId, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: backups = proxy.ListEFMBackup(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId)
- ListPublicIP(self, vsysId=None)
- Usage: publicips = proxy.ListPublicIP()
- ListServerType(self, diskImageId)
- Usage: servertypes = proxy.ListServerType(diskimage.diskimageId)
- ListVDisk(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vdisks = proxy.ListVDisk(vsys.vsysId)
- ListVDiskBackup(self, vsysId, vdiskId, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: backups = proxy.ListVDiskBackup(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- ListVSYS(self)
- Usage: vsystems = proxy.ListVSYS()
- ListVSYSDescriptor(self)
- Usage: vsysdescriptors = proxy.ListVSYSDescriptor()
- ListVServer(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vservers = proxy.ListVServer(vsys.vsysId)
- RegisterPrivateDiskImage(self, vserverId, name, description)
- RegisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysId, name, description, keyword, vservers)
- Usage:
vsys = proxy.GetSystemInventory('My Existing VSYS')
proxy.RegisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(vsys.vsysId, 'My New Template', 'This is a new template based on my existing VSYS', 'some key words', vsys.vservers)
- RestoreEFM(self, vsysId, efmId, backupId)
- RestoreVDisk(self, vsysId, backupId)
- StandByConsole(self, vsysId, networkId)
- Usage: url = proxy.StandByConsole(vsys.vsysId, vsys.vnets[0])
- StartEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- StartVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- StopEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- StopVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId, force=None)
- UnregisterDiskImage(self, diskImageId)
- UnregisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- UnregisterVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- UpdateDiskImageAttribute(self, diskImageId, updateLcId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateEFMAttribute(self, vsysId, efmId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateEFMConfigHandler(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Handler for specific UpdateEFMConfiguration methods, see FGCPUpdateEFMConfigHandler for details
Usage: proxy.UpdateEFMConfigHandler(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId).fw_dns('AUTO')
- UpdateEFMConfiguration(self, vsysId, efmId, configurationName, configurationXML=None, filePath=None)
- Generic method for all UpdateEFMConfiguration methods
- UpdateVDiskAttribute(self, vsysId, vdiskId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVSYSAttribute(self, vsysId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVSYSConfiguration(self, vsysId, configurationName, configurationValue)
- UpdateVSYSDescriptorAttribute(self, vsysDescriptorId, updateLcId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVServerAttribute(self, vsysId, vserverId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- set_verbose(self, verbose=None)
- Show output (1), status checks (2) or nothing (0)
- show_output(self, text='')
- show_status(self, text='')
Methods inherited from fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection:
- __init__(self, key_file='client.pem', region='de', verbose=0, debug=0, conn=None)
- Use the same PEM file for SSL client certificate and RSA key signature
Note: to convert your .p12 or .pfx file to unencrypted PEM format, you can use
the following 'openssl' command:
openssl pkcs12 -in UserCert.p12 -out client.pem -nodes
- __repr__(self)
- add_param(self, key=None, value=None, depth=0)
- close(self)
- connect(self)
- do_action(self, action, params=None, attachments=None)
- Send the XML-RPC request and get the response
- get_accesskeyid(self)
- # see com.fujitsu.oviss.pub.OViSSSignature
- get_body(self, action, params=None, attachments=None)
- get_headers(self, attachments=None)
- get_signature(self, acc=None)
- # see com.fujitsu.oviss.pub.OViSSSignature
- receive(self)
- send(self, method, uri, body, headers)
- set_conn(self, conn)
- set_key(self, key_string)
- set_region(self, region)
Data and other attributes inherited from fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection:
- api_version = '2012-02-18'
- debug = 0
- key_file = 'client.pem'
- locale = 'en'
- region = 'de'
- timezone = 'Central European Time'
- uri = '/ovissapi/endpoint'
- user_agent = 'OViSS-API-CLIENT'
- verbose = 0
class FGCPDesigner(FGCPOperator) |
FGCP Designer Methods |
- Method resolution order:
- FGCPDesigner
- FGCPOperator
- FGCPMonitor
- fgcp.command.FGCPCommand
- fgcp.connection.FGCPProxyServer
- fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection
Methods defined here:
- ConfigureSystem(self, vsysName, systemDesign, verbose=None)
- Configure VSystem based on some systemDesign - see LoadSystemDesign()
#design = vdc.get_vsystem_design()
- CreateSystem(self, vsysName, vsysdescriptorName, verbose=None)
- Create VSystem based on descriptor and wait until it's deployed
vsysId = vdc.create_vsystem(vsysName, vsysdescriptorName, wait=True)
- DestroySystem(self, vsysName, verbose=None)
- Destroy VSystem after stopping all VServers and EFMs
vdc.destroy_vsystem(vsysName, wait=True)
- FindDiskImageByName(self, diskimageName)
- Find DiskImage by diskimageName
diskimage = vdc.get_diskimage(diskimageName)
- FindServerTypeByName(self, name)
- Find ServerType by name
servertype = vdc.get_servertype(name)
- FindVSYSDescriptorByName(self, vsysdescriptorName)
- Find VSYSDescriptor by vsysdescriptorName
vsysdescriptor = vdc.get_vsysdescriptor(vsysdescriptorName)
- LoadSystemDesign(self, filePath, verbose=None)
- Load VSystem design from file, for use e.g. in ConfigureSystem()
design = vdc.get_vsystem_design()
- SaveSystemDesign(self, vsysName, filePath, verbose=None)
- Save (fixed parts of) VSystem design to file
design = vdc.get_vsystem_design()
Methods inherited from FGCPOperator:
- AttachPublicIPAndWait(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- Attach PublicIP and wait until it's attached
result = publicip.attach(wait=True)
- BackupVDiskAndWait(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Take Backup of VDisk and wait until it's finished (this might take a while)
result = vdisk.backup(wait=True)
- BackupVServerAndRestart(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Backup all VDisks of a VServer and restart the VServer (this might take a while)
result = vserver.backup(wait=True)
for vdisk in vserver.list_vdisks():
result = vdisk.backup(wait=True)
result = vserver.start(wait=True)
- CleanupBackups(self, vsysId, vdiskId=None)
- Clean up old VDisk backups e.g. to minimize disk space
result = vdisk.cleanup_backups(max_num=100, max_age=None)
- DetachPublicIPAndWait(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- Detach PublicIP and wait until it's detached
result = publicip.detach(wait=True)
- StartEFMAndWait(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Start EFM and wait until it's running
result = loadbalancer.start(wait=True)
- StartSystem(self, vsysName, verbose=None)
- Start VSystem and wait until all VServers and EFMs are started (TODO: define start sequence for vservers)
- StartVServerAndWait(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Start VServer and wait until it's running
result = vserver.start(wait=True)
- StopEFMAndWait(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Stop EFM and wait until it's stopped
result = loadbalancer.stop(wait=True)
- StopSystem(self, vsysName, verbose=None)
- Stop VSystem and wait until all VServers and EFMs are stopped (TODO: define stop sequence for vservers)
- StopVServerAndWait(self, vsysId, vserverId, force=None)
- Stop VServer and wait until it's stopped
result = vserver.stop(wait=True, force=None)
- check_status(self, done_status, pass_status, status_method, *args)
- Call status_method(*args) to see if we get done_status, or something other than pass_status
Obsolete - included in resource actions
- wait_for_status(self, done_status, wait_status, status_method, *args)
- Call status_method(*args) repeatedly until we get done_status (or something else than wait_status)
Obsolete - included in resource actions
Methods inherited from FGCPMonitor:
- FindSystemByName(self, vsysName)
- Find VSystem by vsysName
vsystem = vdc.get_vsystem(vsysName)
- GetSystemInventory(self, vsysName=None)
- Get VSystem inventory (by vsysName)
vsystems = vdc.list_vsystems()
inventory = vsystem.get_inventory()
- GetSystemStatus(self, vsysName=None, verbose=None)
- Get the overall system status (for a particular VSystem)
status = vsystem.get_status()
- ShowSystemStatus(self, vsysName=None, sep='\t')
- Show the overall system status (for a particular VSystem)
- getvdc(self)
Methods inherited from fgcp.command.FGCPCommand:
- AddAddressRange(self, pipFrom, pipTo)
- AllocatePublicIP(self, vsysId)
- AttachPublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- AttachVDisk(self, vsysId, vserverId, vdiskId)
- BackupEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- BackupVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- CreateAddressPool(self, pipFrom=None, pipTo=None)
- CreateEFM(self, vsysId, efmType, efmName, networkId)
- Usage: efmId = proxy.CreateEFM(self, vsys.vsysId, 'SLB', 'My LoadBalancer', vsys.vnets[0])
- CreateVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskName, size)
- Usage: vdiskId = proxy.CreateVDisk(self, vsys.vsysId, vdiskName, size)
- CreateVSYS(self, vsysDescriptorId, vsysName)
- Usage: vsysId = proxy.CreateVSYS(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId, 'My New System')
- CreateVServer(self, vsysId, vserverName, vserverType, diskImageId, networkId)
- Usage: vserverId = proxy.CreateVServer(self, vsys.vsysId, 'My New Server', servertype.name, diskimage.diskimageId, vsys.vnets[0])
- DeleteAddressRange(self, pipFrom, pipTo)
- DestroyEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- DestroyEFMBackup(self, vsysId, efmId, backupId)
- DestroyVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- DestroyVDiskBackup(self, vsysId, backupId)
- DestroyVSYS(self, vsysId)
- DestroyVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- DetachPublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- DetachVDisk(self, vsysId, vserverId, vdiskId)
- FreePublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- GetAddressRange(self)
- Usage: addressranges = proxy.GetAddressRange()
- GetDiskImageAttributes(self, diskImageId)
- Usage: diskimage = proxy.GetDiskImageAttributes(diskimage.diskimageId)
- GetEFMAttributes(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Usage: efmattr = proxy.GetEFMAttributes(vsys.vsysId, loadbalancer.efmId)
- GetEFMConfigHandler(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Handler for specific GetEFMConfiguration methods, see FGCPGetEFMConfigHandler for details
Usage: fw_policies = proxy.GetEFMConfigHandler(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId).fw_policy(from_zone, to_zone)
- GetEFMConfiguration(self, vsysId, efmId, configurationName, configurationXML=None)
- Generic method for all GetEFMConfiguration methods
- GetEFMStatus(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetEFMStatus(vsys.vsysId, loadbalancer.efmId)
- GetEventLog(self, all=None, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: logs = proxy.GetEventLog()
- GetInformation(self, all=None, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: infos = proxy.GetInformation()
- GetPerformanceInformation(self, vsysId, vserverId, interval='10minute', dataType=None)
- Usage: perfinfos = proxy.GetPerformanceInformation(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId, interval='hour')
- GetPublicIPAttributes(self, publicIp)
- Usage: publicipattr = proxy.GetPublicIPAttributes(publicip.address)
- GetPublicIPStatus(self, publicIp)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetPublicIPStatus(publicip.address)
- GetSystemUsage(self, vsysIds=None)
- NOTE: extra 'date' element on top-level compared to other API calls !
Usage: date, usage = proxy.GetSystemUsage()
- GetVDiskAttributes(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Usage: vdiskattr = proxy.GetVDiskAttributes(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- GetVDiskStatus(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVDiskStatus(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- GetVSYSAttributes(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vsysattr = proxy.GetVSYSAttributes(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVSYSConfiguration(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vsysconfig = proxy.GetVSYSConfiguration(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVSYSDescriptorAttributes(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- Usage: vsysdescriptorattr = proxy.GetVSYSDescriptorAttributes(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId)
- GetVSYSDescriptorConfiguration(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- Usage: vsysdescriptorconfig = proxy.GetVSYSDescriptorConfiguration(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId)
- GetVSYSStatus(self, vsysId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVSYSStatus(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVServerAttributes(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: vserverattr = proxy.GetVServerAttributes(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerConfiguration(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: vserverconfig = proxy.GetVServerConfiguration(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerInitialPassword(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: initialpwd = proxy.GetVServerInitialPassword(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerStatus(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVServerStatus(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- ListDiskImage(self, serverCategory=None, vsysDescriptorId=None)
- Usage: diskimages = proxy.ListDiskImage()
- ListEFM(self, vsysId, efmType)
- Usage:
firewalls = proxy.ListEFM(vsys.vsysId, "FW")
loadbalancers = proxy.ListEFM(vsys.vsysId, "SLB")
- ListEFMBackup(self, vsysId, efmId, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: backups = proxy.ListEFMBackup(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId)
- ListPublicIP(self, vsysId=None)
- Usage: publicips = proxy.ListPublicIP()
- ListServerType(self, diskImageId)
- Usage: servertypes = proxy.ListServerType(diskimage.diskimageId)
- ListVDisk(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vdisks = proxy.ListVDisk(vsys.vsysId)
- ListVDiskBackup(self, vsysId, vdiskId, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: backups = proxy.ListVDiskBackup(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- ListVSYS(self)
- Usage: vsystems = proxy.ListVSYS()
- ListVSYSDescriptor(self)
- Usage: vsysdescriptors = proxy.ListVSYSDescriptor()
- ListVServer(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vservers = proxy.ListVServer(vsys.vsysId)
- RegisterPrivateDiskImage(self, vserverId, name, description)
- RegisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysId, name, description, keyword, vservers)
- Usage:
vsys = proxy.GetSystemInventory('My Existing VSYS')
proxy.RegisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(vsys.vsysId, 'My New Template', 'This is a new template based on my existing VSYS', 'some key words', vsys.vservers)
- RestoreEFM(self, vsysId, efmId, backupId)
- RestoreVDisk(self, vsysId, backupId)
- StandByConsole(self, vsysId, networkId)
- Usage: url = proxy.StandByConsole(vsys.vsysId, vsys.vnets[0])
- StartEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- StartVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- StopEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- StopVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId, force=None)
- UnregisterDiskImage(self, diskImageId)
- UnregisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- UnregisterVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- UpdateDiskImageAttribute(self, diskImageId, updateLcId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateEFMAttribute(self, vsysId, efmId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateEFMConfigHandler(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Handler for specific UpdateEFMConfiguration methods, see FGCPUpdateEFMConfigHandler for details
Usage: proxy.UpdateEFMConfigHandler(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId).fw_dns('AUTO')
- UpdateEFMConfiguration(self, vsysId, efmId, configurationName, configurationXML=None, filePath=None)
- Generic method for all UpdateEFMConfiguration methods
- UpdateVDiskAttribute(self, vsysId, vdiskId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVSYSAttribute(self, vsysId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVSYSConfiguration(self, vsysId, configurationName, configurationValue)
- UpdateVSYSDescriptorAttribute(self, vsysDescriptorId, updateLcId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVServerAttribute(self, vsysId, vserverId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- set_verbose(self, verbose=None)
- Show output (1), status checks (2) or nothing (0)
- show_output(self, text='')
- show_status(self, text='')
Methods inherited from fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection:
- __init__(self, key_file='client.pem', region='de', verbose=0, debug=0, conn=None)
- Use the same PEM file for SSL client certificate and RSA key signature
Note: to convert your .p12 or .pfx file to unencrypted PEM format, you can use
the following 'openssl' command:
openssl pkcs12 -in UserCert.p12 -out client.pem -nodes
- __repr__(self)
- add_param(self, key=None, value=None, depth=0)
- close(self)
- connect(self)
- do_action(self, action, params=None, attachments=None)
- Send the XML-RPC request and get the response
- get_accesskeyid(self)
- # see com.fujitsu.oviss.pub.OViSSSignature
- get_body(self, action, params=None, attachments=None)
- get_headers(self, attachments=None)
- get_signature(self, acc=None)
- # see com.fujitsu.oviss.pub.OViSSSignature
- receive(self)
- send(self, method, uri, body, headers)
- set_conn(self, conn)
- set_key(self, key_string)
- set_region(self, region)
Data and other attributes inherited from fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection:
- api_version = '2012-02-18'
- debug = 0
- key_file = 'client.pem'
- locale = 'en'
- region = 'de'
- timezone = 'Central European Time'
- uri = '/ovissapi/endpoint'
- user_agent = 'OViSS-API-CLIENT'
- verbose = 0
class FGCPMonitor(fgcp.command.FGCPCommand) |
FGCP Monitoring Methods |
- Method resolution order:
- FGCPMonitor
- fgcp.command.FGCPCommand
- fgcp.connection.FGCPProxyServer
- fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection
Methods defined here:
- FindSystemByName(self, vsysName)
- Find VSystem by vsysName
vsystem = vdc.get_vsystem(vsysName)
- GetSystemInventory(self, vsysName=None)
- Get VSystem inventory (by vsysName)
vsystems = vdc.list_vsystems()
inventory = vsystem.get_inventory()
- GetSystemStatus(self, vsysName=None, verbose=None)
- Get the overall system status (for a particular VSystem)
status = vsystem.get_status()
- ShowSystemStatus(self, vsysName=None, sep='\t')
- Show the overall system status (for a particular VSystem)
- getvdc(self)
Methods inherited from fgcp.command.FGCPCommand:
- AddAddressRange(self, pipFrom, pipTo)
- AllocatePublicIP(self, vsysId)
- AttachPublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- AttachVDisk(self, vsysId, vserverId, vdiskId)
- BackupEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- BackupVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- CreateAddressPool(self, pipFrom=None, pipTo=None)
- CreateEFM(self, vsysId, efmType, efmName, networkId)
- Usage: efmId = proxy.CreateEFM(self, vsys.vsysId, 'SLB', 'My LoadBalancer', vsys.vnets[0])
- CreateVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskName, size)
- Usage: vdiskId = proxy.CreateVDisk(self, vsys.vsysId, vdiskName, size)
- CreateVSYS(self, vsysDescriptorId, vsysName)
- Usage: vsysId = proxy.CreateVSYS(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId, 'My New System')
- CreateVServer(self, vsysId, vserverName, vserverType, diskImageId, networkId)
- Usage: vserverId = proxy.CreateVServer(self, vsys.vsysId, 'My New Server', servertype.name, diskimage.diskimageId, vsys.vnets[0])
- DeleteAddressRange(self, pipFrom, pipTo)
- DestroyEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- DestroyEFMBackup(self, vsysId, efmId, backupId)
- DestroyVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- DestroyVDiskBackup(self, vsysId, backupId)
- DestroyVSYS(self, vsysId)
- DestroyVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- DetachPublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- DetachVDisk(self, vsysId, vserverId, vdiskId)
- FreePublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- GetAddressRange(self)
- Usage: addressranges = proxy.GetAddressRange()
- GetDiskImageAttributes(self, diskImageId)
- Usage: diskimage = proxy.GetDiskImageAttributes(diskimage.diskimageId)
- GetEFMAttributes(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Usage: efmattr = proxy.GetEFMAttributes(vsys.vsysId, loadbalancer.efmId)
- GetEFMConfigHandler(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Handler for specific GetEFMConfiguration methods, see FGCPGetEFMConfigHandler for details
Usage: fw_policies = proxy.GetEFMConfigHandler(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId).fw_policy(from_zone, to_zone)
- GetEFMConfiguration(self, vsysId, efmId, configurationName, configurationXML=None)
- Generic method for all GetEFMConfiguration methods
- GetEFMStatus(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetEFMStatus(vsys.vsysId, loadbalancer.efmId)
- GetEventLog(self, all=None, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: logs = proxy.GetEventLog()
- GetInformation(self, all=None, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: infos = proxy.GetInformation()
- GetPerformanceInformation(self, vsysId, vserverId, interval='10minute', dataType=None)
- Usage: perfinfos = proxy.GetPerformanceInformation(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId, interval='hour')
- GetPublicIPAttributes(self, publicIp)
- Usage: publicipattr = proxy.GetPublicIPAttributes(publicip.address)
- GetPublicIPStatus(self, publicIp)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetPublicIPStatus(publicip.address)
- GetSystemUsage(self, vsysIds=None)
- NOTE: extra 'date' element on top-level compared to other API calls !
Usage: date, usage = proxy.GetSystemUsage()
- GetVDiskAttributes(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Usage: vdiskattr = proxy.GetVDiskAttributes(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- GetVDiskStatus(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVDiskStatus(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- GetVSYSAttributes(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vsysattr = proxy.GetVSYSAttributes(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVSYSConfiguration(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vsysconfig = proxy.GetVSYSConfiguration(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVSYSDescriptorAttributes(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- Usage: vsysdescriptorattr = proxy.GetVSYSDescriptorAttributes(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId)
- GetVSYSDescriptorConfiguration(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- Usage: vsysdescriptorconfig = proxy.GetVSYSDescriptorConfiguration(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId)
- GetVSYSStatus(self, vsysId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVSYSStatus(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVServerAttributes(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: vserverattr = proxy.GetVServerAttributes(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerConfiguration(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: vserverconfig = proxy.GetVServerConfiguration(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerInitialPassword(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: initialpwd = proxy.GetVServerInitialPassword(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerStatus(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVServerStatus(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- ListDiskImage(self, serverCategory=None, vsysDescriptorId=None)
- Usage: diskimages = proxy.ListDiskImage()
- ListEFM(self, vsysId, efmType)
- Usage:
firewalls = proxy.ListEFM(vsys.vsysId, "FW")
loadbalancers = proxy.ListEFM(vsys.vsysId, "SLB")
- ListEFMBackup(self, vsysId, efmId, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: backups = proxy.ListEFMBackup(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId)
- ListPublicIP(self, vsysId=None)
- Usage: publicips = proxy.ListPublicIP()
- ListServerType(self, diskImageId)
- Usage: servertypes = proxy.ListServerType(diskimage.diskimageId)
- ListVDisk(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vdisks = proxy.ListVDisk(vsys.vsysId)
- ListVDiskBackup(self, vsysId, vdiskId, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: backups = proxy.ListVDiskBackup(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- ListVSYS(self)
- Usage: vsystems = proxy.ListVSYS()
- ListVSYSDescriptor(self)
- Usage: vsysdescriptors = proxy.ListVSYSDescriptor()
- ListVServer(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vservers = proxy.ListVServer(vsys.vsysId)
- RegisterPrivateDiskImage(self, vserverId, name, description)
- RegisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysId, name, description, keyword, vservers)
- Usage:
vsys = proxy.GetSystemInventory('My Existing VSYS')
proxy.RegisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(vsys.vsysId, 'My New Template', 'This is a new template based on my existing VSYS', 'some key words', vsys.vservers)
- RestoreEFM(self, vsysId, efmId, backupId)
- RestoreVDisk(self, vsysId, backupId)
- StandByConsole(self, vsysId, networkId)
- Usage: url = proxy.StandByConsole(vsys.vsysId, vsys.vnets[0])
- StartEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- StartVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- StopEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- StopVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId, force=None)
- UnregisterDiskImage(self, diskImageId)
- UnregisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- UnregisterVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- UpdateDiskImageAttribute(self, diskImageId, updateLcId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateEFMAttribute(self, vsysId, efmId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateEFMConfigHandler(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Handler for specific UpdateEFMConfiguration methods, see FGCPUpdateEFMConfigHandler for details
Usage: proxy.UpdateEFMConfigHandler(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId).fw_dns('AUTO')
- UpdateEFMConfiguration(self, vsysId, efmId, configurationName, configurationXML=None, filePath=None)
- Generic method for all UpdateEFMConfiguration methods
- UpdateVDiskAttribute(self, vsysId, vdiskId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVSYSAttribute(self, vsysId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVSYSConfiguration(self, vsysId, configurationName, configurationValue)
- UpdateVSYSDescriptorAttribute(self, vsysDescriptorId, updateLcId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVServerAttribute(self, vsysId, vserverId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- set_verbose(self, verbose=None)
- Show output (1), status checks (2) or nothing (0)
- show_output(self, text='')
- show_status(self, text='')
Methods inherited from fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection:
- __init__(self, key_file='client.pem', region='de', verbose=0, debug=0, conn=None)
- Use the same PEM file for SSL client certificate and RSA key signature
Note: to convert your .p12 or .pfx file to unencrypted PEM format, you can use
the following 'openssl' command:
openssl pkcs12 -in UserCert.p12 -out client.pem -nodes
- __repr__(self)
- add_param(self, key=None, value=None, depth=0)
- close(self)
- connect(self)
- do_action(self, action, params=None, attachments=None)
- Send the XML-RPC request and get the response
- get_accesskeyid(self)
- # see com.fujitsu.oviss.pub.OViSSSignature
- get_body(self, action, params=None, attachments=None)
- get_headers(self, attachments=None)
- get_signature(self, acc=None)
- # see com.fujitsu.oviss.pub.OViSSSignature
- receive(self)
- send(self, method, uri, body, headers)
- set_conn(self, conn)
- set_key(self, key_string)
- set_region(self, region)
Data and other attributes inherited from fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection:
- api_version = '2012-02-18'
- debug = 0
- key_file = 'client.pem'
- locale = 'en'
- region = 'de'
- timezone = 'Central European Time'
- uri = '/ovissapi/endpoint'
- user_agent = 'OViSS-API-CLIENT'
- verbose = 0
class FGCPOperator(FGCPMonitor) |
FGCP Operator Methods |
- Method resolution order:
- FGCPOperator
- FGCPMonitor
- fgcp.command.FGCPCommand
- fgcp.connection.FGCPProxyServer
- fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection
Methods defined here:
- AttachPublicIPAndWait(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- Attach PublicIP and wait until it's attached
result = publicip.attach(wait=True)
- BackupVDiskAndWait(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Take Backup of VDisk and wait until it's finished (this might take a while)
result = vdisk.backup(wait=True)
- BackupVServerAndRestart(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Backup all VDisks of a VServer and restart the VServer (this might take a while)
result = vserver.backup(wait=True)
for vdisk in vserver.list_vdisks():
result = vdisk.backup(wait=True)
result = vserver.start(wait=True)
- CleanupBackups(self, vsysId, vdiskId=None)
- Clean up old VDisk backups e.g. to minimize disk space
result = vdisk.cleanup_backups(max_num=100, max_age=None)
- DetachPublicIPAndWait(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- Detach PublicIP and wait until it's detached
result = publicip.detach(wait=True)
- StartEFMAndWait(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Start EFM and wait until it's running
result = loadbalancer.start(wait=True)
- StartSystem(self, vsysName, verbose=None)
- Start VSystem and wait until all VServers and EFMs are started (TODO: define start sequence for vservers)
- StartVServerAndWait(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Start VServer and wait until it's running
result = vserver.start(wait=True)
- StopEFMAndWait(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Stop EFM and wait until it's stopped
result = loadbalancer.stop(wait=True)
- StopSystem(self, vsysName, verbose=None)
- Stop VSystem and wait until all VServers and EFMs are stopped (TODO: define stop sequence for vservers)
- StopVServerAndWait(self, vsysId, vserverId, force=None)
- Stop VServer and wait until it's stopped
result = vserver.stop(wait=True, force=None)
- check_status(self, done_status, pass_status, status_method, *args)
- Call status_method(*args) to see if we get done_status, or something other than pass_status
Obsolete - included in resource actions
- wait_for_status(self, done_status, wait_status, status_method, *args)
- Call status_method(*args) repeatedly until we get done_status (or something else than wait_status)
Obsolete - included in resource actions
Methods inherited from FGCPMonitor:
- FindSystemByName(self, vsysName)
- Find VSystem by vsysName
vsystem = vdc.get_vsystem(vsysName)
- GetSystemInventory(self, vsysName=None)
- Get VSystem inventory (by vsysName)
vsystems = vdc.list_vsystems()
inventory = vsystem.get_inventory()
- GetSystemStatus(self, vsysName=None, verbose=None)
- Get the overall system status (for a particular VSystem)
status = vsystem.get_status()
- ShowSystemStatus(self, vsysName=None, sep='\t')
- Show the overall system status (for a particular VSystem)
- getvdc(self)
Methods inherited from fgcp.command.FGCPCommand:
- AddAddressRange(self, pipFrom, pipTo)
- AllocatePublicIP(self, vsysId)
- AttachPublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- AttachVDisk(self, vsysId, vserverId, vdiskId)
- BackupEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- BackupVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- CreateAddressPool(self, pipFrom=None, pipTo=None)
- CreateEFM(self, vsysId, efmType, efmName, networkId)
- Usage: efmId = proxy.CreateEFM(self, vsys.vsysId, 'SLB', 'My LoadBalancer', vsys.vnets[0])
- CreateVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskName, size)
- Usage: vdiskId = proxy.CreateVDisk(self, vsys.vsysId, vdiskName, size)
- CreateVSYS(self, vsysDescriptorId, vsysName)
- Usage: vsysId = proxy.CreateVSYS(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId, 'My New System')
- CreateVServer(self, vsysId, vserverName, vserverType, diskImageId, networkId)
- Usage: vserverId = proxy.CreateVServer(self, vsys.vsysId, 'My New Server', servertype.name, diskimage.diskimageId, vsys.vnets[0])
- DeleteAddressRange(self, pipFrom, pipTo)
- DestroyEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- DestroyEFMBackup(self, vsysId, efmId, backupId)
- DestroyVDisk(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- DestroyVDiskBackup(self, vsysId, backupId)
- DestroyVSYS(self, vsysId)
- DestroyVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- DetachPublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- DetachVDisk(self, vsysId, vserverId, vdiskId)
- FreePublicIP(self, vsysId, publicIp)
- GetAddressRange(self)
- Usage: addressranges = proxy.GetAddressRange()
- GetDiskImageAttributes(self, diskImageId)
- Usage: diskimage = proxy.GetDiskImageAttributes(diskimage.diskimageId)
- GetEFMAttributes(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Usage: efmattr = proxy.GetEFMAttributes(vsys.vsysId, loadbalancer.efmId)
- GetEFMConfigHandler(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Handler for specific GetEFMConfiguration methods, see FGCPGetEFMConfigHandler for details
Usage: fw_policies = proxy.GetEFMConfigHandler(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId).fw_policy(from_zone, to_zone)
- GetEFMConfiguration(self, vsysId, efmId, configurationName, configurationXML=None)
- Generic method for all GetEFMConfiguration methods
- GetEFMStatus(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetEFMStatus(vsys.vsysId, loadbalancer.efmId)
- GetEventLog(self, all=None, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: logs = proxy.GetEventLog()
- GetInformation(self, all=None, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: infos = proxy.GetInformation()
- GetPerformanceInformation(self, vsysId, vserverId, interval='10minute', dataType=None)
- Usage: perfinfos = proxy.GetPerformanceInformation(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId, interval='hour')
- GetPublicIPAttributes(self, publicIp)
- Usage: publicipattr = proxy.GetPublicIPAttributes(publicip.address)
- GetPublicIPStatus(self, publicIp)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetPublicIPStatus(publicip.address)
- GetSystemUsage(self, vsysIds=None)
- NOTE: extra 'date' element on top-level compared to other API calls !
Usage: date, usage = proxy.GetSystemUsage()
- GetVDiskAttributes(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Usage: vdiskattr = proxy.GetVDiskAttributes(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- GetVDiskStatus(self, vsysId, vdiskId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVDiskStatus(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- GetVSYSAttributes(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vsysattr = proxy.GetVSYSAttributes(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVSYSConfiguration(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vsysconfig = proxy.GetVSYSConfiguration(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVSYSDescriptorAttributes(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- Usage: vsysdescriptorattr = proxy.GetVSYSDescriptorAttributes(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId)
- GetVSYSDescriptorConfiguration(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- Usage: vsysdescriptorconfig = proxy.GetVSYSDescriptorConfiguration(vsysdescriptor.vsysdescriptorId)
- GetVSYSStatus(self, vsysId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVSYSStatus(vsys.vsysId)
- GetVServerAttributes(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: vserverattr = proxy.GetVServerAttributes(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerConfiguration(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: vserverconfig = proxy.GetVServerConfiguration(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerInitialPassword(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: initialpwd = proxy.GetVServerInitialPassword(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- GetVServerStatus(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- Usage: status = proxy.GetVServerStatus(vsys.vsysId, vserver.vserverId)
- ListDiskImage(self, serverCategory=None, vsysDescriptorId=None)
- Usage: diskimages = proxy.ListDiskImage()
- ListEFM(self, vsysId, efmType)
- Usage:
firewalls = proxy.ListEFM(vsys.vsysId, "FW")
loadbalancers = proxy.ListEFM(vsys.vsysId, "SLB")
- ListEFMBackup(self, vsysId, efmId, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: backups = proxy.ListEFMBackup(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId)
- ListPublicIP(self, vsysId=None)
- Usage: publicips = proxy.ListPublicIP()
- ListServerType(self, diskImageId)
- Usage: servertypes = proxy.ListServerType(diskimage.diskimageId)
- ListVDisk(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vdisks = proxy.ListVDisk(vsys.vsysId)
- ListVDiskBackup(self, vsysId, vdiskId, timeZone=None, countryCode=None)
- Usage: backups = proxy.ListVDiskBackup(vsys.vsysId, vdisk.vdiskId)
- ListVSYS(self)
- Usage: vsystems = proxy.ListVSYS()
- ListVSYSDescriptor(self)
- Usage: vsysdescriptors = proxy.ListVSYSDescriptor()
- ListVServer(self, vsysId)
- Usage: vservers = proxy.ListVServer(vsys.vsysId)
- RegisterPrivateDiskImage(self, vserverId, name, description)
- RegisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysId, name, description, keyword, vservers)
- Usage:
vsys = proxy.GetSystemInventory('My Existing VSYS')
proxy.RegisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(vsys.vsysId, 'My New Template', 'This is a new template based on my existing VSYS', 'some key words', vsys.vservers)
- RestoreEFM(self, vsysId, efmId, backupId)
- RestoreVDisk(self, vsysId, backupId)
- StandByConsole(self, vsysId, networkId)
- Usage: url = proxy.StandByConsole(vsys.vsysId, vsys.vnets[0])
- StartEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- StartVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId)
- StopEFM(self, vsysId, efmId)
- StopVServer(self, vsysId, vserverId, force=None)
- UnregisterDiskImage(self, diskImageId)
- UnregisterPrivateVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- UnregisterVSYSDescriptor(self, vsysDescriptorId)
- UpdateDiskImageAttribute(self, diskImageId, updateLcId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateEFMAttribute(self, vsysId, efmId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateEFMConfigHandler(self, vsysId, efmId)
- Handler for specific UpdateEFMConfiguration methods, see FGCPUpdateEFMConfigHandler for details
Usage: proxy.UpdateEFMConfigHandler(vsys.vsysId, firewall.efmId).fw_dns('AUTO')
- UpdateEFMConfiguration(self, vsysId, efmId, configurationName, configurationXML=None, filePath=None)
- Generic method for all UpdateEFMConfiguration methods
- UpdateVDiskAttribute(self, vsysId, vdiskId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVSYSAttribute(self, vsysId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVSYSConfiguration(self, vsysId, configurationName, configurationValue)
- UpdateVSYSDescriptorAttribute(self, vsysDescriptorId, updateLcId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- UpdateVServerAttribute(self, vsysId, vserverId, attributeName, attributeValue)
- set_verbose(self, verbose=None)
- Show output (1), status checks (2) or nothing (0)
- show_output(self, text='')
- show_status(self, text='')
Methods inherited from fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection:
- __init__(self, key_file='client.pem', region='de', verbose=0, debug=0, conn=None)
- Use the same PEM file for SSL client certificate and RSA key signature
Note: to convert your .p12 or .pfx file to unencrypted PEM format, you can use
the following 'openssl' command:
openssl pkcs12 -in UserCert.p12 -out client.pem -nodes
- __repr__(self)
- add_param(self, key=None, value=None, depth=0)
- close(self)
- connect(self)
- do_action(self, action, params=None, attachments=None)
- Send the XML-RPC request and get the response
- get_accesskeyid(self)
- # see com.fujitsu.oviss.pub.OViSSSignature
- get_body(self, action, params=None, attachments=None)
- get_headers(self, attachments=None)
- get_signature(self, acc=None)
- # see com.fujitsu.oviss.pub.OViSSSignature
- receive(self)
- send(self, method, uri, body, headers)
- set_conn(self, conn)
- set_key(self, key_string)
- set_region(self, region)
Data and other attributes inherited from fgcp.connection.FGCPConnection:
- api_version = '2012-02-18'
- debug = 0
- key_file = 'client.pem'
- locale = 'en'
- region = 'de'
- timezone = 'Central European Time'
- uri = '/ovissapi/endpoint'
- user_agent = 'OViSS-API-CLIENT'
- verbose = 0
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