Client API library for the Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform (FGCP)

using XML-RPC API Version 2012-02-18

Using this library

If you already have access to the Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform (FGCP), have a look at the demo script:

Usage: [pem_file] [region]

If not, register on one of the Service Portals from the list below. Afterwards, you can access your resources via command-line scripts, web interfaces etc. as you prefer.

# Connect with your client certificate to region 'uk'
from fgcp.resource import FGCPVDataCenter
vdc = FGCPVDataCenter('client.pem', 'uk')

# Do typical actions on resources
vsystem = vdc.get_vsystem('Demo System')
#for vserver in vsystem.vservers:
#    result = vserver.backup(wait=True)
# See tests/ for more examples

Note: this client API library provides higher-level Client Methods, intermediate Resource Actions and lower-level API Commands.

Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform (FGCP)

Service Portal


This module uses gdata.tlslite.utils to create the key signature, see for download and installation

Note: to convert your .p12 or .pfx file to unencrypted PEM format, you can use the following 'openssl' command:

openssl pkcs12 -in UserCert.p12 -out client.pem -nodes

Content: index  ClientMethods.html  ResourceActions.html  APICommands.html  ClassDiagrams.html  TestServer.html  RelayServer.html  pydoc fgcp  pydoc tests