Package cjklib :: Package reading :: Module converter :: Class PinyinDialectConverter
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Class PinyinDialectConverter

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Provides a converter for different representations of the Chinese romanisation Hanyu Pinyin.


The following examples show how to convert between different representations of Pinyin.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, *args, **options)
Creates an instance of the PinyinDialectConverter.
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list of str
convertEntities(self, readingEntities, fromReading='Pinyin', toReading='Pinyin')
Converts a list of entities in the source reading to the given target reading.
source code
list of tuple/str
convertToSingleSyllableErhua(self, entityTuples)
Converts the various Erhua forms in a list of reading entities to a representation with one syllable, e.g.
source code
list of tuple/str
convertToTwoSyllablesErhua(self, entityTuples)
Converts the various Erhua forms in a list of reading entities to a representation with two syllable, e.g.
source code
list of tuple/str
_checkForErhua(self, entityTuples)
Checks the given entities for Erhua forms and raises a ConversionError.
source code

Inherited from ReadingConverter: convert, getOption

Inherited from ReadingConverter (private): _getFromOperator, _getToOperator

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Methods [hide private]
Returns the reading converter's default options.
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Class Variables [hide private]
  CONVERSION_DIRECTIONS = [('Pinyin', 'Pinyin')]
List of tuples for specifying supported conversion directions from reading A to reading B.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *args, **options)

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Creates an instance of the PinyinDialectConverter.

  • args - optional list of RomanisationOperators to use for handling source and target readings.
  • options - extra options
  • dbConnectInst - instance of a DatabaseConnector, if none is given, default settings will be assumed.
  • sourceOperators - list of ReadingOperators used for handling source readings.
  • targetOperators - list of ReadingOperators used for handling target readings.
  • keepPinyinApostrophes - if set to True apostrophes separating two syllables in Pinyin will be kept even if not necessary. Apostrophes missing according to the given rule will be added though.
  • breakUpErhua - if set to 'on' Erhua forms will be converted to single syllables with a full er syllable regardless of the Erhua form setting of the target reading, e.g. zher will be converted to zhe, er, if set to 'auto' Erhua forms are converted if the given target reading operator doesn't support Erhua forms, if set to 'off' Erhua forms will always be conserved.
Overrides: object.__init__

Class Method

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Returns the reading converter's default options.

The keyword 'dbConnectInst' is not regarded a configuration option of the converter and is thus not included in the dict returned.

Returns: dict
the reading converter's default options.
Overrides: ReadingConverter.getDefaultOptions
(inherited documentation)

convertEntities(self, readingEntities, fromReading='Pinyin', toReading='Pinyin')

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Converts a list of entities in the source reading to the given target reading.

  • readingEntities (list of str) - list of entities written in source reading
  • fromReading (str) - name of the source reading
  • toReading (str) - name of the target reading
Returns: list of str
list of entities written in target reading
Overrides: ReadingConverter.convertEntities

convertToSingleSyllableErhua(self, entityTuples)

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Converts the various Erhua forms in a list of reading entities to a representation with one syllable, e.g. ['tou2', 'r5'] to ['tour2'].

  • entityTuples (list of tuple/str) - list of tuples with plain syllable and tone
Returns: list of tuple/str
list of tuples with plain syllable and tone

convertToTwoSyllablesErhua(self, entityTuples)

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Converts the various Erhua forms in a list of reading entities to a representation with two syllable, e.g. ['tour2'] to ['tou2', 'r5'].

  • entityTuples (list of tuple/str) - list of tuples with plain syllable and tone
Returns: list of tuple/str
list of tuples with plain syllable and tone

_checkForErhua(self, entityTuples)

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Checks the given entities for Erhua forms and raises a ConversionError.

  • entityTuples (list of tuple/str) - list of tuples with plain syllable and tone
Returns: list of tuple/str
list of tuples with plain syllable and tone