Structure of a PyCK ProjectΒΆ

Here is the structure of a typical PyCK project (as though of till now) assuming a project named combined_apps and one pluggable application named blog

|-- CHANGES.txt
|-- README.txt
|-- combined_apps                         (The main project folder containing all the code)
|   |--                   (Project's init file containing initialization code and routes)
|   |-- apps                          (This folder contains any pluggable apps)
|   |   |--               (This file contains enabled apps list and some utility stuff)
|   |   `-- blog                      (A sample blog app that is pluggable)
|   |       |--          (Apps initialization code & the application_routes function)
|   |       |-- controllers          (The controllers folder containing all the controllers for the app)
|   |       |   |--
|   |       |-- models               (Application's models)
|   |       |   |--
|   |       |-- scripts              (Other scripts including the populate script containing the populate_app function)
|   |       |   |--
|   |       |   |--
|   |       |-- static               (Application specific static media like images, css, javascript, etc)
|   |       |-- templates            (Application's template - normally (but not compulsarily) in mako templating language)
|   |       `-- tests                (Application's Tests)
|   |           |--
|   |-- controllers                  (Main project's controllers)
|   |   |--
|   |-- models                       (Main project's models)
|   |   |--
|   |-- scripts                      (Main project's scripts including the populate script)
|   |   |--
|   |   |--
|   |-- static                       (Main proejct's static media)
|   |-- templates                    (Main project's templates)
|   `-- tests                        (Main project's tests)
|       |--
|-- combined_apps.db                 (Project's DB if using sqlite)
|-- combined_apps.egg-info           (Project's egg/setup related files)
|-- development.ini                  (Project's configuration for development setup)
|-- production.ini                   (Project's configuration for production deployment)
|-- setup.cfg                        (Configuration for the setup script)
`--                              (Project's setup script)