Gives access to dictyExpress databases.
- (None)
Selected experiments. Each annotated column contains results of a single experiment or, if the corresponding option is chosen, the average of multiple replicates.
dictyExpress is a widget for a direct access to dictyExpress database and it is very similar to the GenExpress and GEO Data Sets widgets as it allows you to dowload selected experiments.
- The widget will automatically save (cache) downloaded data, which makes them available also in the offline mode. To reset the widget click Clear cache.
- Exclude labels with constant values removes labels that are the same for all the selected experiments in the output.
- Click Commit to output the data.
- Publicly available data are accessible from the outset. Use Token to access password protected data.
- Available experiments can be filtered with the Search box at the top.
In the schema below we connected ditcyExpress to a Data Table to observe all of the selected experiments. Then we used Differential Expression widget to select the most relevant genes and output them to another Data Table.